Put Your Hands Up And I'll Copy You

I'm In The Mood

It’s six fifteen, and there’s no sign of Paige. I feel like a loser. I actually got ready, this one time, and my ride isn’t here, probably because she’s somewhere making out with her boyfriend. Great.

Just as I’m thinking this, the car in front of my house beeps. I look closer, and I see someone’s hand waving at me through the window. I guess it’s Paige, because no one else around here wears ten hemp bracelets on one arm.

By the time I get out to the car, one of the neighbors has gotten annoyed and is walking out of his house, all because Paige is leaning on the car horn like her life depends on it. Which it may well, knowing the things that Paige gets into.

I slide into the car.

She takes one look at me, then starts driving. “Yeah, I know you’re mad at me, fifteen minutes is like an hour to you, but I borrowed my sister's car and she didn’t have any gas, so I had to get some. Where do you want to eat dinner? “

“Um, how about that little place that has good pizza? You know, the one with the scary Italian guy.”

“I love that place!” A voice says from the backseat.

I stifle a scream and turn around. Two guys are in the backseat. I don’t know how I didn’t notice when I got in, I must really be out of it today.

“Oh, right. Angelina, this is my friend Max.” Says Jon, who’s messing around with his phone, sitting next to the guy who apparently is Max.

“Hi Max. You just scared the shit out of me.” I glare at him. He laughs. Like I’m joking. Which I’m not.

“After we eat we’re going to his brother’s party. I’m glad your coming. We’re going to have fun.” Jon is really, really sincere. He’s too nice, almost. He doesn’t care that I’m just his girlfriend’s friend. He treats me like, I’m not sure, his little sister. Whatever it is, it’s a nice feeling.

“So, sweetie, I have Jon’s phone number, I have Paige’s, can I have yours?” Max leans forward and hands me his phone. I hand it back. “You know my name. I know your name. That’s all. I’m not giving you my number yet.” As soon as I say it, I regret it. Why did I add on that yet? It’s not like I’m playing hard to get or anything like that.

Max looks hurt for a second. I feel bad. Then he grins, whispers something to Jon, and sits back. Jerk.

I turn around and sit in silence for the rest of the ride. The only thing I have to look forward to is pizza. The rest of the night is going to suck.