Would You Come With Me or Just Leave Me?


The next day at school was pretty lame. Brendon didn’t show up and Spencer was on his man period. William kept following me around because I didn’t go with him to Jon’s house yesterday, so all my free time was spent hiding from him. That was until I found a note in my locker.

I picked it up and before I could read it someone snatched it from me.

“Oohh what’s this?” Hayley sang.

“Give it to me and I’ll tell you” I held my hand out.

“I wanna see!” she attempted to open it but I grabbed it.

“Let it go” I demanded.

“No you let it go or it’ll tear” she smiled.

“I guess it’ll tear then…” I shrugged.

“Fine with me, you’re the one who really wants to read it” she shrugged too.

She had a point “Fine” I let it go.

“Try and get it now” she stuffed it in her shirt.

“Wow Hayley very mature” I hissed.

“I know right,” she snickered.

“Take it out or I’ll go and get it.” I demanded.

“I wanna see you try,” she lowered her eyes, provoking me.

“Fine,” I reached my hand down the front of her shirt feeling for the note.

“AHH SEXUAL HARASSMENT!!” she yelled and everyone in the hall turned and looked at us.

That’s when I remembered why I always hated her.

Now from their perspectives I know this looks bad. My hand down my best friend's girlfriend's shirt groping for something and her screaming bloody murder.

Screw her.

Damn her.

“What the fuck?!”

“Oh shit, Spencer, this isn't what it looks like!” I dug further for the note.

“OHMYGOD Spencer, help!!!”

“What the hell, man?” Spencer yelled yanking me away from Hayley.

I looked down on the floor at the note that I assume Brendon wrote in my locker and reached for it. Hayley saw it to and went to step on it but I got there first.

“AHA!” I yelled and bolted down the hall before Spencer could pummel me, not that he would but none the less he could if he wanted to.

I continued running occasionally looking back to make sure that no one was after me or something. Actually I had no fucking clue why I kept looking back but I did and that’s why I ran into someone.

“A note? For me? You shouldn’t have!” William bent over and slipped note from between my fingers.

“I didn’t,” I breathed trying to stand up.

“I’ll take that,” the principal, Ms. Banks snatched the note from William.

“No!” I tried to stop her but I was too late.

She had opened it.

She had read it.

And she was obviously not pleased with it.

“Well then,” she tore the paper in half “If this is the paper that has been causing all of this commotion I’ll have to destroy this,” she looked as if she just smelled rotten milk or something as she continued ripping the paper to tiny bits “Mr. Beckett, Mr. Ross please head to your classes, the bell is going to ring soon” she threw what remained of the note in the trash can.

“I hate you!” I was finally able to stand up.

“I love it when people talk down to me,” he smirked.

“Freak!” I yelled before storming back to my locker to get my things for class.

I was late to Creative Writing but its not like I cared anyway. I was actually contemplating on not going to that class at all but I don’t want to risk them calling my dad saying I ‘cut class’, that’d be my ass.

“Ross, you’re late” Mr. Collins said when I trudged in, throwing my things down.
“Yeah, I know” I sat at my empty desk.

He lifted his eyebrows and nodded to the empty seat next to me. “Where’s Brendon?”

“I don’t know!” I snapped “Why? Am I supposed to know what the hell he’s doing twenty-four seven?!”

“I just thought you would know, Mr. Ross” he had a concerned look on his face “Seeing how you two seem to be close friends”

“Hey, isn’t that kid gay though?!” I turned around to see Gabe Saporta, a kid I actually used to talk to asking Mr. Collins.

“Yeah, he is.. Why?” I asked.

“I don’t know.. I just thought- OW!” his girlfriend Victoria slapped his arm.

Ryan’s not gay, I saw him feeling on Hayley earlier.” she practically yelled.

The class broke out in gossip

“WHAT?! No I wasn’t-”

“Dude isn’t that Spencer’s girl?” Gabe asked.

“Yeah but she told me to-”

“Damn Ryan I didn’t know you got it like that!” Travis McCoy came over and slapped me on the back.

“Class! Settle down!” Mr. Collins yelled “Ross, I need you to stay after class”

I nodded and turned around resting my head on the cool table.

“This day just keeps getting better and better”
♠ ♠ ♠
So I started my no My Chemical Romance for 30 days fast today.
I know, that's random and has nothing to do with the fact that I need to update this more
but I'm sad, and comments would really make me feel better [=
Why is Hayley in all of my stories youdidn't ask?
I have no clue, cause she's effing awesome I guess.