Hannah's Regrets

Ben was an optomistic kid stuck in a pessimistic situation. Keeping his head above water and out of the way was something he did well. Usually. After Ben's whole life gets flipped upside down, Ben finds himself wondering: is it fate? Did he have no other choice but to end up in this situation? Or did he bring this upon himslef by the choices he has made in the past?

Now Ben has to make more choices. What will happen to him? WIll he lose his optomism, and give up on life? Will he keep his head up? Or will something totally different happen....

Ok, so the description sucks. Whatever. Read the story. =] It's an original story, I own all of the characters, and... yada yada.

Please, if you read it, comment it!! I want to know how you like it. I don't care if you hate it, just tell me what you didn't like about it so i can improve my writing =D thanks everyone! bye.
  1. Thoughts
    The start of the story, setting things up.
  2. Perfection
    Ben gets screwed over
  3. Comfort
    I re-did this chapter. Not that huge of a difference, but I think it's a lot better.
  4. Turning Point
    Subway. Baseball. Friends?!
  5. Living Nightmare