Zack Baker

You're Supposed To Be Asleep.

Tegan slowly awoke, aware of Zack’s arm holding her tightly, even in his sleep. Her hair fanned across his bare chest, and his hand was spread across her back, his fingers pressed against her spine.

He’d made love to her twice before they fell asleep—and he’d said he liked numbers twenty-one and seventy-three equally.

She smiled. She liked them both, too.

Watery moonlight slid though the glass patio door, and the glow from the clock said it was still a couple hours until dawn.

Beneath her ear, the rhythm of his breathing changed.

“You’re supposed to be asleep,” he said.

“Don’t you miss anything?”

“Not when it comes to you.”

She was starting to believe it, starting to like it.

“Come here,” he said, moving them both until her head lay cradled in the crook of his arm.

She already knew he threatened her control, but right now, that didn’t seem to matter. Right now, tonight, she wanted his comfort. Tomorrow was soon enough to worry about him being overly possessive.

He curled an arm around her, his fingers toying with her hair.



“You said you had been drunk three times in your life.”

Would he answer?

“The third time was when my divorce was final and the judge denied me visitation rights to see Shanna.”

His pain, exposed and undiluted, ripped through her like the stab of an icicle.

“Until then, I didn’t believe I’d ever hold her again.”

Knowing him as she did now, Tegan ached.

With his honesty, the way he loved Shanna and cared for his ill mother, he’d started to work his way inside Tegan’s heart.

And she had no idea what to do about it…

“Sleep,” he eventually told her.

After placing a kiss on his warm skin, she finally did, wondering how she’d keep from falling in love with him.

Leaving Aaron had been difficult, but he’d never affected her as deeply, as surely, as Zack did.