Zack Baker

You Scared The Hell Out Of Me

He tried not to squeeze her hands too tightly as he waited for her answer. To Zack, nothing had ever been more important than this moment.

If se forced the issue, he'd see her in court, just as he'd promised. But he didn't want that for his child; he wanted a two-parent family.

And he wanted Tegan as his wife.

The horror that had fushed through him when she'd pitched forward had paralyzed him. His movements had seemed to be in slow motion as icy fingers scraped his spine. He couldn't move fast enough, wouldn't be able to catch her, wouldn't be able to save her, wouldn't be able to save his child...

He'd lost one child. He'd crumble if he lost another. That meant he needed to take care of Tegan.

Earlier, he'd seen that strength she projected hid an air of vulnerability. Whether she realized it or not, Tegan needed someone to look out for her. She needed someone by her side to slay her dragons.

She needed him...just as surely as he wanted her.

In his years, he had never met a more stubborn, aggravating female. The fact that she appealed to everyone of his senses only made her effect on him all the more irritating. He was all to aware of her, femininity and desirability in an intriguing package that his fingered itched to open.

Damn it all.

"Say yes, Tegan," he urged, patience evaporating.


He waited.

She worked on her lower lip, causing it to swell and making him ache to caress it and soothe away every one of her hurts.

Fact was, he wanted to do that with every aspect of her life, had since he'd first taken her in his arms and held her against his chest at the wedding reception.

She'd resisted at first, pulling away when his palm found her bare back, then jumping when he rested his fingers in that curve at the base f her spine. He'd leaned down, whispering in her ear, swearing he wouldn't do anything she didn't want him to do.

It hadn't been until their second dance that she'd relaxed at all.

He'd been attracted to her, even when her eyes had spoken of hurt. But by the time they'd stoped for punch and carried their glasses outside to the patio, something inside him had shifted.

When he'd talked, she'd tilt her head to one side, actually listening to what he said. Instead of planning what she'd say next or trying to be witty, she'd given him her full attention. There'd be no pretenses.

He noticed the way her lips parted invitingly when she smiled. He'd seen her as an attractive woman, no doubt, but she stirred something more, something deeper inside him.

During their third dance, when she'd laughed at one of his ridiculous jokes, he realized he wanted to know her better and his desire went beyond a physical need.

That same mix of emotions existed now.

He continued to regard her, watching her reactions, noting the way her light-brown brows drew together in confusion, then eased into something he hoped was resignation.

"You're right," she said after a long, weary sigh. "But only because it's the best thing for our child..."

His heart jumped out of rhythm.

"Yes, Zacky. I'll marry you."

He squeezed her hands tightly. "Soon."


"One day out kid will be able to do math and figure out how long we've been married."

"You don't give up, do you?"

"Not when something matters."

She looked at him.

"We'll make it work," he promised. Somehow. It wouldn't be a real marriage, not like his first one had started out-until Gena had tought him a few lessons in deceit and pain.

He knew up front that Tegan wasn't any more honest than his first wife had been, but at least this time, he wouldn't be a food. This wasn't about love, it was about responsibility. Simply, it was a business arrangement for his child's sake. Zack never intended to forget that, no matter how tempting his new wife could be.

When Tegan smothered a yawn, guilt his him. He was supposed to be taking care of her. "You need to rest," he said.

"I feel fine, honestly."

"I don't," he confessed. Releasing her, he strode to the window, then turned back to face her. "You scared the hell out of me."

"Yes," she whispered. "It scared me, too."

Somewhere deep inside, in the heart he'd thought couldn't be touched again, Zack felt sirring. "You'll tell me," he asked, "about the pregnancy, everything the doctor said?" He wanted to share the details, every aspect of the new life growing inside of her. Gena had denied him the right to know anything. She hadn't even wanted him in the delivery rom. Of course, now he knew why. That right had belonged to another man.

With this child, he was being given a second chance at fatherhood. Zachary Baker might have bee nmany thing, but he wasn't stupid. He'd learned not to pass up opportunities.

It had been a second chance that turned his life around, saving him from the destruction he had recklessly been charging toward. He'd been seventeen and had made the mistake of being home when his mother's latest lover had staggered from the bedroom at noon, naked and hungover, scratching his chest and demanding to know what the hell Zack wanted.

Zack's mother hadn't tried to stop him from leaving, even when she'd seen him fighting tears.

Angry at her, her latest live-in and the world, Zack had drivin around aimlessly before ended up at Brian Haner's house.

Brian's parents, true to their reputation of being caring people, had opened their home and their hearts to the unwanted teen.

They'd taken Zack in, given him a place to stay, taught him about respect, caring and friendship. They'd shown him how to create music, made him do a fair share of the word and chores, just as they had with another of Brian Haner's friends, Jimmy Sullivan. For the first time, Zack had felt as if he belonged. Most of all, though, the Haners insisted he finish high schol, even though he hadn't cared.

That May, at the small graduation ceremony, his mother hadn't sat in the bleachers. Brian's mother had, though, and she'd cheered for him.

Now he was being given another chance to be a daddy. He'd be damned if he'd blow it.

"I'll tell you, Zack. I promise not to keep anything else about our child from you."

In thanks, he bowed his head.

"So far, everything's been perfect."

He looked at her to see her smile, a feminine, serene smile that walloped him in the solar plexus. He'd never seen such uninhibited joy before.

"Our son or daughter is due around Christmas. The doctor said babies come at their own time."

Zack actually grinned. The timing couldn't be better. He'd have a wife, a baby, a Christmas tree, brightly wrapped presents for both beneath the branches...

He'd have the opportunity to be part of his child's life from the very beginning. He'd be in the delivery room, and he'd receive the greatest gift of his lifetime.

It was perfect, simply perfect.

"You heard Dr. Johnson-I don't have to go back for another visit for a couple of weeks."

"I want to go with you."

Her smile didn't fade. "I figured as much."

He scored the victory of her capitulation, realizing she truly didn't intend to shut him out, even if their marriage would be against her will.

He couldn't help himself. He smiled back. Zack realized he got further with her when he took things slowly, not insising on having his own way. It was a good lesson, one he'd be wise to heed.

Being patient didn't come easily. But for the sake of his family, he'd try.

"I bought a book of baby names," Tegan admitted.


"I was wondering if you had any favorites."

As long as the child shared his surname, Zack didn't mind. "Whatever you want is fine with me."

"What?" she asked, her mouth widening with mock shock.

He liked her this way, he decided. Her eyes had lightened several shades. Her defenses were down, taking his along with them. This was the woman he'd held, the woman who'd swayed against him. "I don't have to have everything my own way," he said, then added, "just most things."

Her smiled widened and his blood surged and skipped. It made him wonder how different things might have been if she hadn't run away from him, if she hadn't betrayed him with secrets, if she didn't despise the idea of becoming his wife.

She stifled a second yawn. "I kept you up longer than I intended," Zack said.

Tegan's glance flicked to the floor above them. "Where will I sleep?"

"Where do you want to sleep?"

She released her breath in a rush.

" you have a guest room?"
What had he expected? They'd shared a bed once, but she was obviously in no hurry to do so again.

He told himself it didn't matter. His body sent another message, though, one that was difficult to ignore as the feminine scent of her.

"Yes, I have a guest room."

While the seconds dragged by, she said nothing.

Even though he knew he'd regret it later, he gave into the demand gnawing its way through his insides. Moving across the room, he dropped to his knees hear her and took her delicate hands in his.

Their gazes met, and fr a moment he saw beyond the distance and dishonesty back to the night they'd trusted each other completely. He softened toward her. After smoothing her hair back from her face, he said, "I'll show you upstairs."

"I remember the way."

He remembered showing her...

Standing, he pulled her to her feet, until their bodies all but touched.

Her breaths came closer together. So did his. He wanted to be immune, but wasn't.

Instead of releasing her completely, he moved one hand to her spine, finding the hollow and resting his fingers there while he walked upstairs beside her.

She didn't pull away, a minor victory.

On the landing, she reached for the nearest doorknob. "This room okay?" she asked.

"No," he said covering her hand before she could open the door.

"I thought that one was yours," she said looking over her shoulder.


"Your room is next to mine."

She frowned in confusion. "What's wrong with this one?"

Instinctively he tightened his fingers on hers. "This one is private."

So private even he hadn't been inside for three years.

The door to Shanna's nursery had remained closed, and he'd forbidden anyone to enter, including the housekeeper. "There's no bed in there."


"Leave it, Tegan." He knew he was being unreasonable, but that didn't change facts. "Your bedroom's over there."

She nodded, but before she entered her room, she glanced back at him.

Their gazes locked, then without saying a word, she went inside, shutting him out.

He turned to head downstairs, not sure how he was going to dispel the energy churning inside him.

He paused at the closed nursery door, running his fingers over the metal knob. Cold, burning cold, stung his palm.

His jaw set, he strode down the stiars, his shoes echoing with a lonely, empty sound.