Bullets of Love (Merci pour le Venin)

As Snow Falls on Desert Sky.

Jesse had gotten me hooked on weed. I spent all my time and money on worthless drugs. And as if that wasn't bad enough I was drinking... Too much. Some would have called me an alcoholic, but it didn't really fit. I mean, common, an alcoholic 12 year old?

I was wasting away and would soon have been dead down some alley off of "Skid Road" if it hadn't been for two close friends I made - Derek and Cassidy. They cleaned up my reputation as the school whore and helped me get sober. Together we were the perfect trio, Derek (a 6"2 13 year-old boy with brown hair grown past his shoulders), Cassidy (a lanky red-heade girl with an immense love for classic rock), and me. I was shorter than both of my friends and considered 'emo' with my blue bangs and closet full of concert tees along with ragged, ripped jeans.

Derek and I were resource kids, meaning that we had to have constant supervision since we were a liability, and a risk to 'normal' children. Sure, it sucked, but being around an adult at all times was an added bonus to my friends who were struggling to keep me out of harms way.


"Ouch! What the hell was that for you fuck-tard?"
A snow ball hit me in the back of the head.
"Oh shit."
Oh shit is right you arse. Heh.

Christmas break was right around the bend and snow was finally falling from the dark clouds our city had been hiding under for days. I stopped running to catch my breath, and at the same time losing Derek in the endless white peril of snow.

Damn, that kid has long legs.

I lay down in the soft white powder, partially burrying myself so I couldn't be seen, and waited for the crunch of shoes against freshly fallen snow.

"Got you mother fucker!"

I jumped out from under the snow, causing Derek to fall backwards into a particularily large pile of slush. Just then, I heard a scream, but before I could turn around I was on top of Derek with my red-headed friend on top of us both.

"Hey Cassidy. What kept you so long?"
"Well unlike you two, I wear a jacket and botts when it snows."

She glanced disaprovingly at the damp hoodies and Chuck Taylors that were now clinging to our bodies.

"I ran home to get my gear."

Brr. It is cold out!
Seeing me shiver Cassidy went to the base of the hill she slid down and grabbed a small bag.

"And since I know you guys so well I brought you presents. For Cassie, my old pouffy jacket, along with gloves, and for princess Derek, Joeys* old winter parka and a touqe. Now, aren't I the best?"

Rolling my eyes I grinned with an idea.

"And you know what the best gets?" I asked with a handfull of snow.
"Yeah well, it looks like someone doesn't want to keep warm."
"Sorry! I love you more than all the other hotties! You know that right babe?"

Laughing, she tossed us the clothes, and off she pranced with Derek and I in tow, into the winter wonderland.

**Joey is Cassidy's older brother (grade 9). Her other brother is Jesse (odd coincidence, sp?) (grade 12).