Remembering to Live Like Nothing More!

Casa De Luna Part 2.

[Sitting Still]

I sat outside on the antique swing set I had growing up.

I remised on my youthful days when everything was different.

Ha, what youthful days. I never actually had something like that. It was always filled with her doing something over the top.

I screamed to myself.

“What’s she doing now?” A voice said.
“Oh, trying to get into some guy’s pants!” I said with a bit of frustration.

“Is this guy a friend of yours?” The voice said.

“Yes sir,” I said looking up at the voice.

“You know I would’ve divorced her but we didn’t sign a pre-nuptial. She’d take half of what I’m worth along side child support from you.” He said looking at me.

“I know. But like hell I’d choose her over you. But can’t you just drug her and have her sign it?” I said looking at him.

“I’ve already tried it when you were born. It didn’t work.” He said.

“Damn,” I said looking down.

My parents were quite young when they got married. Dad still has his baby face; he sometimes looks like my brother. He was kind of a cross on Johnny Depp during Edward Scissorhands and a tall version of Jack Skellington.

He was thankfully smart; I guess that’s where I got my intellect from.

“Regan,” Another voice said walking toward Dad and me.

“Oh, so this is the young man in question?” Dad said.

“Shut up!” I said looking away.

“Hey, your mother is rather weird.” He said standing beside me.

“Tell us about it,” Dad and I said looking at Alex.

“Whoa, is this your dad?” He said looking at Dad.

“Yeah, Dad this is Alex, Alex this is my Dad, Edward Luna.” I said looking at them both.

“Oh hi Mr. Luna,” He said looking completely awkward by the introduction.

“Excuse me but I better go check dinner, I set in the oven earlier but knowing your mother, she might’ve lost it.” Dad said leaving Alex and I there by the swing set.

“So this is your family?” Alex said looking at me.

“Yeah,” I said looking up at him.

“Strange, your parents are just so young. Don’t you find that kind of odd?” He asked me in a serious voice.

“No, I’m so use to it that it’s nothing now. I did have old friends who would try and hit on my mother. But that’s it really.” I said looking up at him.

I giggled at the look on his face.
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i finally updated. :D