Remembering to Live Like Nothing More!

Major Rip

[Never Dull]

She giggled, like the girl from my dream.

“Did you just giggle?” I said looking at her.

“Yeah, I did. You made the funniest face.” She said still sitting on the swing.

“Oh,” I said looking at her trying to think of something else other then that.

“So what are you planning to do after high school?” I asked her.

“College of course, I’ve already sent in some applications you know, I’m guessing you’re still sticking to your band project.” She said

“You say it like it’s a bad thing, like you’re so great, what if you don’t make it to college, is your daddy going to make a call if you get rejected! I said fuming mad.

“Oh my god, I didn’t even say it like that, why don’t you just leave.” She said getting of the swing.

“I can’t you brought me here!” I said yelling at her.

“Fine, I get my keys!” She said walking towards the house.

I followed her there and waiting by the stairs.

Before I could say anything she was back in a flash.

“Come on,” She said walking to the front door.

We got inside the car; she drove rather fast towards the school.

She stopped in front of my car; there wasn’t anyone in the parking lot.

I got out, but before I could say anything she sped off.

Shaking my head, I knew she was mad at me for saying that stuff, but she always rips my band. No one ever really slams her stuff for once she got it handed to her.

I got inside my car, and drove home slightly feeling guilty over what happened.
♠ ♠ ♠


this is for Sweet Goodbye

*hugs* lol.

sorry it's taken so long to update.