Remembering to Live Like Nothing More!

Why Are You Staring?

[Alex's POV:]

I could hear the hustle and bustle of the school during lunch. I looked around toward my friends each doing their own thing.

Jack was talking to Zack via text messages trying to figure a good time to meet up with him for band practice.

I could hear the whispers of voices inside the cafeteria. From the looks of it, the whole school knew Regan’s real name was Chanel.

I floored in the idea. It made everything pretty much better.

She passed far away from other tables to the stage area. Regan, of course had been looking at everyone in the cafeteria. I saw her looking toward my direction.

I couldn’t help but mouth “Hi Chanel” to her.

“Quite staring at the freak show, we need to discuss our show and what songs we’re going to play Friday.” Jack said trying to gather attention.

They all kept talking but I just couldn’t pay attention. I was drifting.

I looked back up toward the stage and noticed Regan’s twisted sick grin. She was looking straight at me.

Her friends shrieked and laughed menacingly which brought my temperature down a few notches.

We all saw them dart out of here to their sanctuary which is only the drama room.

Since Raven’s mom is the schools drama teacher.

They’re always hanging out there. From what’s said they have this place up top the scaffold.

Strange but I guess that’s just them.

“Dude, do I really need to slap some sense into you today? Get over that loser! Did she put some kind of spell on you? You’re acting stranger then her!” Jack said staring at me.

“Sorry, I’m just caught up in the idea that I’ve finally know something about her that I can use against her….” I said.

“Alex, the whole school knows now. It’s not much of a threat unless you find something way more interesting.” He said turning back towards the others.

I sighed, he was right.

I needed to find out more.

The question is where do I look?
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sorry, it took so long to get out. but i had major homework.
