Remembering to Live Like Nothing More!

Representing Maryland Highland.

[Regan's POV:]

It was officially Friday morning.

Everything is so wonderful.

Wait nothing was wonderful.

Everyone at school knew my real name. Now Gaskarth was coaxing in it just waiting to throw it back in my face.


I wasn’t going to succumb to him. Fuck whatever he thinks. So what if my name’s Chanel.

At least he doesn’t know anything else personal!

“You’re still in bed?” Chellie screamed.

“Yeah, I’m not really in the get up mood.” I said laying there.

“Don’t let that girl jean wearing pansy get to you.” Chellie said with her hands on her hips.

“I’m not; I just don’t want to move.” I stated firmly.

“Puh-lease, get your ass up and get dressed. Make that pansy fall at your knees. Wear that killer dress that your Mum bought you.” Chellie said dancing around my room.

I looked at her knowing she was right. But I never wore dresses to school. But hey, why not change the mold and do whatever.

I still wasn’t moving just yet. This of course made Chellie’s face a bright shade of purple.

So then on her mark she decided to pull my ass out of bed. She then dragged my ass toward the bathroom and threw my dress and stood in front.

Until I came out dressed and ready.

“Finally,” She said waiting.

I giggled and so did she.

“How on earth did you get here?” I said walking into the garage.

“Oh, Dad dropped me off before he left for work. He hates having to drive pass my school. You know my dad.” She said rolling her eyes.

“Yeah I can tell by the attitude, so what should we take today?” I said trying to cheer her up.

“We should take the BMW,” Chellie said looking at it.

“Are you sure?” I said looking at her.

“The Aston Martin, then,” She said looking a lot happier.

I giggled and grabbed the keys for the Aston Martin.

We drove up to school. I figured we’d be late and that every one was already in class.

But I was so wrong.

You could see the faces of every kid, look at the car.

I didn’t really dare to jump out just yet.

I was already in a crossed mood; I didn’t need five hundred faces up in my grill telling me how I illegally acquired this car.

Once I got out, I ran straight into the one person, who makes my blood boil.

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for the lack of updates. hurricane ike prevented me from using the internet longer then a couple of minutes.
