Remembering to Live Like Nothing More!

Standing Still Part 1.

[Alex’s POV:]

“I do like you a lot, I’m just afraid.” I said speaking to her.

“Really and why’s that?” Her voice spoke.

“I like you because your different then other girls and I’m not just saying that. But I’m shallow because I don’t want to be seen with you.” I said still trying to see who she was.

“I can understand that. You’re known for having these amazingly beautiful girls and I’m just a sight for sore eyes.” She said again.

“No you aren’t. I’m just insecure about being seen with you.” I said just listening to her.

“Well that’s pretty funny, because, I’m afraid to be seen with you too. Because we both hate each other, and it would be pretty laughable to be seen with one another.” She said giggling.

I loved that sound.

It made my heart beat faster.

I turned to look up at her, but I couldn’t see her face.

She was hidden in a bright red hoodie.

Why, couldn’t I see it?

I didn’t like this. I wanted to see her, kiss her.

I tried to reach and touch her. But something caught my attention.

She grabbed my hand.

“I better get going, it’s getting late.” She said standing up.

“Wait; don’t leave just yet, please!” I said trying to get her attention.

She moved way to fast for me, which caused me to fall over.

“Alex William Gaskarth, what am I going to do with you?” A voice said.

I woke up to my mother shaking me awake.

“Sorry, mum.” I said

“Dear, are you ill? You look affright!” She said worried.

“What? Oh I’m fine, just a bad dream you know.” I said laying there in bed.

“Well, I’m going to send a letter with you to school. Please don’t be any later then you are.” She said leaving my room.

I nodded to her and jumped out of bed and ran in for a quick shower.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry to take so long.
school's just taken so much, i decided last semester to start a double major. well balancing the two are fair but the work load is a lot more.

comments, would be :)

hopefully i'll have the next part sooner. :)