Remembering to Live Like Nothing More!

Casa De Luna.


I saw her gingerly get back up.

“What?” She said looking at me.

“Nothing,” I said sitting on the computer chair.

“Chanel,” A voice screamed.

“Shit,” Regan said softly.

“What’s going on?” I said getting tossed aside by Regan running toward her door.

Before she could respond back, her bedroom door flew wide open causing her to fall on her ass.

“Chanel,” A hot chick said walking inside.

“What the fuck, get out of my room.” Regan said looking at this girl.

“No, oh who’s this?” The chick said looking at me.

“No one,” Regan said looking at this girl still.

“Oh, so you won’t mind if I take him for myself.” She said looking at Regan.

“Ew, that’s statutory rape.” Regan said getting off the floor.

“So, I doubt he’d mind.” The girl said standing by me.

“Whatever, your both sluts anyway!” Regan said.

“Hey, I never said I was going to fuck whoever this chick is.” I said standing up for myself.

She rolled her eyes at me.

“Why the fuck, would I?” I said looking at her.

“Because you’re looking at her, like you want to rip off her clothes and have your way with her. You know what go ahead, she’s yours. I can’t believe I’m even related to that.” Regan said storming off.

I turned away knowing she was right but hey, I am a guy after all.

“Regan wait.” I yelled after her before getting stopped.

“No, don’t go after her. She’s just a waste of time. She doesn’t give into things easily, she’s pretty I’ll give her credit but unfortunately she didn’t get my seductive appeal.” That chick said.

“Who are you?” I said.

“Dakota, but I guess you can say I’m Chanel’s mom.” She said looking at me.

“What the hell? Your super young, you don’t even look that old to be a parent.” I said freaking out.

“Don’t have unprotected sex, and then you won’t have kids.” She said looking at me.

“I know that, but no offense you’re her mother and that’s just sick.” I said walking out of the door.

“You know why your aren’t doing this, it’s because your attracted to her. You don’t want to hurt her if you slept with me. But yet, you cause her problems by calling her out. Funny isn’t it.” She said leaving me there.

“You’re wrong, I don’t like her!” I yelled at her.

“You keep telling yourself that dear.” She yelled back.
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sorry, it's taken so long.

lab reports and essays are taking over my mind.