Hyper Lane

A Whole New World

Hyper Lane. A new land development with aproximately 20 acres. 10 houses were built on this vast territory. Each of these houses are painted white, are three stories high and have a front lawn and a backyard. This neighbourhood has also a small park (French), some coffee stores, some small local shops and absolutely no crime (so far).

Meet the Prays family. The first family to move into Hyper Lane. Darla, the beautiful, responsible and caring mother. James, the busy, responsible, rude but caring father, Jason, the 18 year old son of Darla who claims to be annoying, evil, good soccer player (jock), handsome and smart. And finally, the beautiful 15 year old daughter of Darla and James, that claims to be shy, sweet, innocent, intelligent and not so responsible : Heather.

September 13, 7:50 AM

"Kids! Hurry up! You're going to be late!" yelled Darla to Heather and Jason as she looked at her watch, knowing that school will start in 10 minutes. She sits in the car impatiently, her hand resting on the steering wheel and her eyes facing the house's door.

And then Heather comes out of the house and enters the car.

"Mom, Jason is trying to kill me!" said Heather, entering the car.

Suddenly Jason appears in the car, out of nowhere.

"Jason! I told you not to use your power in this neighborhood! It's bad enough that we had to move out of our hometown because our neighbors thought we were some freaks!"

"Sorry mom. It's just that it's so much fun watching Heather backstabbing me!''

"I was not backstabbing you! You were the one trying to scare me!"

"And I really did!"

"Stop it, you two! Heather, next time lock the door of your room! And Jason, stop scaring your sister! If people find out about this we will have to move out of Hyper Lane!" yelled Darla at her teenage kids, as she starts driving.

"Well good, because I hate this place anyway. It's weird being the first neighbours in here.

There's no one here! How can I be caught!" yelled Jason to his mother.

"Shut up! Don't yell at mom like that!" shouted Heather to Jason.

Darla gets tired and mad because of this fight. So she hit the breaks and stopped the car.

Heather and Jason stopped fighting but they were looking at their mother.

"If this fight will not last, i'm afraid I'll have to ask both of you to step out of the car and fight outside. And after killing each other you will walk to school."Darla looked at her kids as the kids looked at each other in a guilty way."Do you understand?!"

"Yes..."answered Heather and Jason at the same time.

Darla went back to driving, still with an angry face. This is normal for the Prays family. Normally the kids start to fight for some reason and the mother blackmails them. In fact it's quite normal for many families. But this family isn't exactly normal.

"It's 8:05. You're late. It's your first day of school and you're both late."said Darla with an agry face.

"Ok mom. Bye." said Heather, leaving the car, while Jason opened the door.

"Jason."called Darla, while Jason stopped moving and looked at his mother.

"Your ability. What you can do. You have to promise me not to tell anyone about it. And never use it. Understand?"asked Darla.

"Yeah, mom..."said Jason leaving the car and his mother drove away.

"I will not promise you that."said Jason making an evil smile, while he walked inside the school.

8:20 AM in Hyper Lane School

*Heather Knocks on classroom's door*

*A very rude and old looking teacher with glasses opens the door*

"H-hi.Is this english class?"asked Heather nicely but a bit terrified by the look of the teacher's face.

"Yes! and you're very late! Take a seat!"Yelled the teacher to Heather.

"Y-yes, I know ma'am. Sorry."Heather apologizes to the teacher as she enters.

Heather didn't even get introduced to the class. The teacher was so rude and strict. While the teacher continued with english class as Heather sat on a chair on the right side of the classroom. In the left side of the room:

"Dude who is she?"whispered Jonas,known as the prankster of the school and also known as one of the jocks in the soccer team.

"I don't know man. She's new." whispered back Ben. The best friend of Jonas. But not a jock, nor a prankster. Just a simple guy in school. Quite handsome.

"She's hot!"whispered Jonas to Ben with a smile.

"Quiet! Don't you know it's forbiden to talk in class??!"yelled the rude teach in an exagerated and crazy way. "Anyway..."the crazy teacher continues, while Ben looked at Heather.

Heather felt like she was being looked at so she looked back at Ben. He smiled at her but she was so shy that she didn't smile back. She just turned her head back to front while she blushed.

12:00 PM *school bell rings*

Heather leaves classroom while others leave too. Then a beautiful blond girl with a cheer leading outfit comes towards Heather and introduces herself :

"Hi! I'm Jenny! You must be a new student. What's your name?"


"Oohh...Heather. My grandmother's name! Cool...wanna come with me to the cafeteria? After eating lunch I'll show you around!"said Jenny with a happy and cheerful smile.

"Sure."answered Heather with a smile.

"Great! Come on!"said Jenny heading to the cafeteria with Heather.

12:32PM, After Lunch, at the school's football field

"So, how do you like Hyper Lane School so far?" asked Jenny.

"Not so much. I wasn't welcomed well. The teacher didn't even introduce me to the class."answered Heather.

"Oh you mean Miss Hardwood? The english teacher?" asked Jenny once again as she sat on the bleachers.

"Yeah. Her."said Heather, sitting beside Jenny.

"Yeah. She's the meanest of all the teachers of this school. So in her classes, never ever break a rule like...passing a note or write on your diary in class. Not only she'll read it out loud, she'll call your parents, in FRONT of the class."warned Jenny.

"Oh. Thanks for the advice."said Heather.

"You're welcome! By the way...in the last school that you've been in...were you a cheerleader?"


"Oh. Ok. Umm...well what do you like to do?"

"Well, I like..."said Heather but got interrupted by another girl with a cheerleading outfit:

"Jenny! We gotta practice now!"

"Sorry. I have to go. See you after school!"said Jenny , as she ran to the cheerleader squad and waved goodbye to Heather.

"Bye."said Heather, standing up and walking away from the bleachers. On her way to her next class she bumps into a guy with black (not too long, not too short) hair with a handsome face.

"Sorry."apologized the two of them.

"Aren't you that new girl from english class?"


"Oh. Well...nice to meet you. I'm Ben."

"I'm Heather."

"Heather? My grandmother's name, cool!"

"Uh...hey...not being rude and all but how many grandmothers in Hyper Lane that have the same name as mine?"

"Ok...I don't see your point..."

"I met this girl who said that her grandmother's name was Heather too. Her name's Jenny and..."

"Ah. My sister. You met her already?"

"Oh! Your sister. Yeah I met her. The cheerleader, right?"


"By the way, when does next class start?"


"Oh I'm late! It's 1:50!" Heather ran.

"Umm...really nice meating you!" said Ben to Heather.

"Nice meeting you too! See you after class!" yelled Heather a bit far from Ben.

"See you!"

4:00 PM, After class

Outside the school, Heather waits for her mother to pick her up from school. Meanwhile, Ben finds Heather:

"Hey, nice meeting you again."

"Yeah you too."

"So how was class?"

"Heather!" called Darla, who just arrived.

"It was ok but I have to go now. Cya tomorrow!" said Heather.

"Wait, can I have your number?"asked Ben.

"Sure."answered Heather as she grabbed Ben's hand and wrote her number with a pen."Bye."

"Oh, ok. Bye."

Heather enters the car and Jason runs inside the car. Darla starts to drive.

Ben looks at the palm of his hand, looking at her number.

"Ben! I saw you talking with that hot girl from english class! So, is she cool?" asked Jonas, scaring Ben from behind in a sneaky way.

"Dude, you scared me!"laughed Ben with Jonas."Yeah, she's ok. She's a bit shy but she's nice."

"Introduce me to her!"

"No way. Introduce yourself to her!"

"Fine. I will."

"Ok. Hey i'm gonna go now, hit the grocery store."

"Ok. See you tomorrow."said Jonas as Ben already left to the grocery store.

When Ben was inside the grocery store, looking for something to drink, he saw a man hiding items that were obviously robbed inside his pocket. Ben ignored and headed to the cashier and paid for the drink. While he was paying the man pointed his gun to the cashiers head. Everybody noticed and got shocked, also did Ben.

"Open the cashier. Open it now!!!" Shouted the man with the gun pointing at the cashier.

"Dude! What are you doing??!"yelled Ben to the man. Then, the man pointed the gun to Ben and pulled the trigger. Ben used his hand as a deffence even though knowing that it wasn't going to work and he was going to die. But when Ben used his hand as deffence, strangely made the bullet stop and fall on the ground. Ben looked at his hand and was so shocked and couldn't believe what just happened.

The cashier grabbed the gun as the robber didn't move, still shocked and angry at the same time.

"H-How....did you do that?"asked the robber still in the same postion.

"I...I don't know!" answered Ben running away from the grocery store.
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My first chapter! I don't know if you liked it....But I did my best!
If you liked it well stay tuned I'm gonna post another chapter soon, lol of course.
I want to hear your opinion though. So please comment :)