Hyper Lane

New Neighbours

September 14, 7:00 AM *phone rings*

"Hello?" Heather answered the phone with a voice of a person that just woke up.

"Heather. It's me Ben! Listen...I wanna tell you something..."

"Ben? You woke me up it's 7 in the morning. I'll talk with you at school ok?"

"Ok. Cya." Ben hangs up the phone.

Suddenly Jason appears in front of Heather with messy hair and with a sleepy face.

"So, who's Ben? New boyfriend?"Jason teased his sister with an evil smile.

"Mom said not to use your power."said Heather with an angry voice.

"Don't change the subject. Besides...what's the use of having this great ability if I don't use it?"

"Kids! Breakfast is on the table! Get dressed! You don't wanna be late!" shouted Darla from downstairs.

"Cya downstairs."said Jason as he disappeared.

Heather is mad with her brother, she hates the fact that he never listens to anyone. She hates it that he has to be so mean, so rude and worst of all, so evil. So heads downstairs to eat breakfast with her family.

"I'll be giving you kids a ride to school. Your mom is tired of hearing both of you fighting."said James, Heather and Jason's father, reading a newspaper and with an angry expression on the face.

"Sorry dad. It's just that Heather can be such a big and annoying drama queen!"explained Jason in an evil way.

"You know what. I'm not even gonna say anything!" said Heather to Jason, already very irritated.

"Fine."said Jason."Drama queen."

"That's enough, Jason."said Darla, already losing her patience.

"It's 7:30. You kids get ready for school, I'll be waiting in the car. You've got 10 minutes. No more then that."explained James to his kids in a very clear way.

When the kids went upstairs Darla noticed two moving vans outside the window. And then she noticed two men kissing outside of the house's door.

"New neighbours?"asked James in a curious way.

"Yeah."answered Darla and James stood up to see the new neighbours.

"Oh great. Just what we needed. Gays."said James in a sarcastic way.

7:50 AM, Hyper Lane School

"Bye dad."said Jason and Heather.

"Goodbye. I'll pic you up at 5. Behave, specially you Jason!"said James pointing his finger to Jason.

"Fine. I will."said Jason leaving the car with Heather. James left and Ben found Heather and wanted to tell her about what happened last night:

"Heather! I have to tell you something!"

"Ok, tell me! I'm right here."

"Yesterday, I went to the grocery store, and this guy pointed his gun to the cashier, then..."

*bell rings*

"Gotta go. Sorry. Tell me about it after class."


On the way to class...

"Hi Heather! I saw you talking with my brother!"said Jenny with a exagerated happy voice.

"Yeah. I was."

"Listen. Just a warning. Recently I think I saw him with this guy, Jonas. And I think both of them have this really big relationship..."

"Yeah I know. They're best friends."

"Y-eah...you can say that...but I think they're more than that. They might be gay."

"What?!"said Heather with a "what the fuck" expression on her face.

"Oh, and yesterday at night I saw them locked inside Ben's room and making these weird noises...Oh sorry...I wansn't supose to tell you that. Oh, well...cya Heather."

Heather was very disturbed with what Jenny just told her. Heather always has this weird hatred with gays that she doesn't even know why.

9:30 AM, recess

Ben finds Heather leaving the classroom and runs to her and starts a conversation:

"Hey! Ok. So this guy pointed a gun..."said Ben trying to finish what he was trying to say to Heather but he got interrupted.

"Are you gay?"asked Heather looking at Ben's eyes with an angry expression.

"What?! No! Of course i'm not gay! Who told you that?"asked Ben very irritated.


"That bitch!"said Ben walking away from Heather, probably looking for Jenny.

9:45 AM, at Hyper Lane School football field

"H-Y-P-E-R! H-Y-P-E-R!"chanted the cheerleading squad.

"Jenny!"Ben called his sister in an angry way.

"Just a second guys."said Jenny to the cheerleading squad smiling, but when she turned to her brother the smile turned into a serious face."What do you want, Ben?"

"Why did you tell Heather..."Ben tried to talk with Jenny but got interrupted.

"That you were gay? Oh, I was just avoiding Heather to talk to losers like you."

Ben grabs Jenny's arm and in a furious way he says:

"Don't you dare get in my way this time, you bitch. You did last time but not this time. You're gonna tell Heather the truth. Or..."

"Or what?"asked Jenny in a rude way.

"Or I'm telling our parents about the other day, when I found you and Jonas on the couch..."

"Ok. Fine. I'll tell her the truth. Let go of me. NOW!"

Ben lets go of her arm and Jenny's serious face turns into a smile and runs to Heather, who was just reading a book inside the school.

"Hi, Heather. Hey about what I told you about Ben being gay..."

"You were lying, weren't you?"

"Yeah. Because I just really hate my brother. That's all."

"Ok. Well I hate my brother too...his name is Jason..."said Heather but she got interrupted.

"Jason Prays is your brother?"

"Yeah...umm...why are you looking at me like that?"

"Hmm...Nothing. I got surprised. I didn't know. Hey I gotta go now. Cya."said Jenny walking away.


4:34 PM, at the Gays house

Meet Jerry and Erick. A happy gay couple that just moved into Hyper Lane.

"Hey. Since the stove is already in the kitchen could you make an omelette or something please?"Jerry asked nicely.

"Sure."said Erick, as he headed to the kitchen. He grabbed a clean fry pan from a box, and placed it on top of the stove. He hatched an egg and then tried to lighten the fire of the stove but it didn't work. He tried again and again and it didn't work. He was already losing his pacience so he hit the stove with the palm of his hand. Then a flame was lit by Erick's hand.

"AAAAHHH!!! My Hand's on fire!!!"screamed Erick, looking at his hand.

Jerry ran to the kitchen and saw Erick's hand in flames.

"Oh my god!"Shouted Jerry as he filled a pale with water and puts out the fire from Erick's hand. After the flames were gone they got shocked that the hand wasn't burned.

"How come your hand is not burned?" asked Jerry.

"I don't know! But the fire came from my hand!"

"Were you playing with fire?"

"No! I was trying to light the fire from the stove!"Erick explained as he pointed his hand to the stove and his hand became in flames again.

"Shit! How did you do that?!"Jerry asked with a confused face.

"I don't know! But it doesn't hurt! It's weird!"
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Second chapter is a bit longer than the 1st. I dunno if you liked it so I wanna hear your opinions. Comment please x)