Hyper Lane


September 14, 6:37 PM, At Heather's House

Heather is watching tv and notices more moving vans outside the window.

"Mom! Look! New neighbours!"Heather called her mom, as she stood up from the sofa and headed to the kitchen's window.

Heather's mother stopped peeling the skin of the potatoes that are supose to be for dinner. She headed to the kitchen's window, beside Heather and sees two mexicans. A beautiful woman with a sexy and beautiful teenage daughter.

"They look like mexicans."said Darla.

Jason appeared from behind Darla and Heather, also with curiousity to see the new neighbours.

"So who are the mexicanos?"asked Jason, pressing a mexican accent on the word mexicanos.

"They're our new neighbours."answered Darla, a bit disturbed about Jason appearing out of nowhere again, but she's getting used to it.

"Ok. I'm gonna go upstairs to take a shower."said Heather.

"Nah. I'm gonna shower first."said Jason.

"I said I was gonna take a shower first, so back off!"said Heather annoyed.

"Fine, if you want me to appear on the shower while your in it!"Jason blackmailed his sister, with an evil smile.

"Fine. Go shower first."answered Heather in a mad way.

Jason laughed in an evil way a bit and disappeared, then appeared in his bedroom. Suddenly he heard some noises coming from outside his window.. They sounded like rocks flipping and falling. He got very curious so he took a peek from his bedroom's window. He sees the teenage mexican girl, a bit sad, sitting on a flying rock, lifting rocks with her hand but not even touching them. Just waving her hand and making the rocks fly as she makes them to throw themselves in the Hyper Lane's river. Jason got amazed with the mexican's ability so he went downstairs and said to Heather:

"Ok. You go take a shower first."

"Are you serious? Or is this one of your stupid childish pranks?"asked Heather with a sarcastic smile.

"No! Go take your shower! You stink!"

"Fine! You don't have to be rude!"

"Being rude? Dude, your the one who doesn't want a shower!"

"I do want a shower! I'm going to now! But don't try to play pranks on me." said Heather clearly as she headed upstairs for the shower.

When Heather was upstairs already in the shower Jason headed outside and tapped the sholder of the teenage mexican. He scared her, because she was still distracted earth bending and she didn't want anyone to know about it. So she stopped it and turned herself to Jason and with a strong mexican accent she said:

"Oh, you scared me. You are next door neighbour, yes?"

"Yeah. I am. My name is Jason. And you are?"


"Oh. Nice name. So, how do you flip rocks without even touching them?"

"Please don't tell anyone about it!"

"O-k....I won't..."

"I'm Earth Bender. I control Earth."

"Awesome! Show me some tricks!"

"No. I can't."

"Why not?"

"I don't want you to think I'm a monster."

"No! I won't. I have this weird thing too. Watch this."

Adaluz looked at Jason as he disapeared. she got shocked, and she looked around looking for him, but suddenly he appeared behind her.

"Wow! You can be invisible??!"

"Yeah. It's cool!"

"Yes! It's a very good power too!"

"So. I showed you my power. Show me yours."

She sat down on a big rock, lifted her hands up and rock started flying on air, Jason watched her, and then she was riding the rock like a skateboard. It was amazing how she could fly so high and in such a happy way. After that, she made the rock go back to its normal place and stood up from it.

"Woah."said Jason.

"For the first time I feel like i'm not the only freak in this world!" said Adaluz, happy with the fact that she met Jason, a guy with powers too.

"Adaluz! La cena está lista!" said Adaluz' mother, calling from the house's door.

"Sorry, Jason. I have to go eat dinner. I enjoyed meeting you. See you again."Adaluz smiled and headed back to her house.

"Goodbye."said Jason, and he turned around, but when he heard the door of Adaluz' house shut, he disappeared. He appeared in his bedroom, and then he sat on his bed. He looked at the window and looked at Adaluz through her window. And he said to himself:

"I'm gonna have that ability in my hands." And then he made an evil smile.

"Jason! I finished my shower. You can shower now!"said Heather going downstairs.

"Ok!"said Jason, and he stood up and disappeared, of course going to the bathroom.

8:23 PM, *doorbell*

*Heather opens the door*

"Hi. Can I help you?"said Heather to Adaluz' mother, and she responded also with a strong mexican accent:

"Hello. My name is Leandra. You are next door neighbours so it is my family's tradition to make nachos for other neighbours." and Leandra gives Heather a basket with delicious home made nachos and smiled.

"Oh, thank you! They look delicious! Want to come in?"asked Heather politely.

"Oh, sure. Thank you."said Leandra.

"Mom, this is Leandra. Our new neighbour. She gave as nachos!"Heather introduced Leandra to Darla.

"Oh, thank you!"said Darla trying the nachos."They're delicious! Did you make them?"

While Leandra and Darla were discussing the recipe Heather heard her phone ringing. She headed upstairs to answer it.

"Hello?"Heather answered her phone.

"Hey! It's Ben! Listen, I'm not gay!"

"Yeah, I know. Your sister told me she was lying."

"Yeah, don't listen to my sister. She's a big bitch."

"Well, I barely know her so I can't say that. Besides, you two were the only friends I met at school."

"Oh. Ok. But anyway. I wanted to tell you something..."

"Oh ok. What?"

Before Ben would tell her about it, he got scared that she might think he would be lying or that she would be scared of him. So he decided not tell her about it and said:

"You know what. I forgot. But anyway. I think we barely know each other. Wanna go to the French Park after school, on monday?"


"Great, so...see you tomorrow."

"Ok, Bye."she hangs up the phone and goes downstairs to join Darla and Leandra with the Nachos.

Meanwhile Jason sits in front of his father's computer, because he had this feeling his father knew more about his invisible powers. You turned the father's computer on and it asked for the password. Jason hacked into the computer and hacked in to his father's e-mail. He opened an e-mail from a guy called David Haggard, James' lab partner.

From : David Haggard
To: James Prays

James, the erasing of your son's memory was a success. Now he will not remember about his ability to steal powers from others with powers. Although I couldn't erase his invisible power that he stole from an unknown suspect. He still has his power stealling ability, so make sure he doesn't know anything about it. If he does know about it, avoid letting him have any of these contacts : touching the forehead, kissing, eye contact or sexual relationship. If he uses any of these contacts and nothing happens it's because he doesn't really want to take it, or he doesn't have the ability anymore. Or...maybe something else. If anything happens call me.

"Jason! Come downstairs for some Nachos! They're really delicious!"Darla called his son from downstairs.

"I'm coming!"said Jason, turning off his father's computer and putting it back where it belongs. But before going downstairs he looked at Adaluz from his window and said to himself:

"Oh yeah. It's definitely going to be mine."
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3rd chapter is a bit bigger. I want to hear opinions so COMMENT! XD