Hyper Lane

Chapter 4

September 15, 10:36 AM, at the Prays house

It's a saturday morning and Heather just woke up. She sits in the dining table eating her cereal for breakfast. While doing so, Jason appears beside her all of a sudden, with a bowl of cereal and some cereal in his mouth too. Heather looked at him with an angry face and then he looked back at her and with his mouth full, he said:


"Why do you hate me so much?" said Heather.

"Nah, I don't hate you." he swallowed his cereal. "It's just that you make a funny face when I appear in front of you. Actually I think YOU hate me."

"No, Jason. I just want you to stop doing that!"

"No. I just do it because I'm bored. Dude. There's nothing to do. All I have is a computer fully loaded with virus, homework and..."he stopped as he noticed Adaluz from his window.

"And??" said Heather looking at Jason while he was looking at Adaluz.

"Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you. Since mom and dad are out at work, mom said it's your turn to do the laundry, the dishes, everything." said Jason now looking at Heather.

"Me?!"said Heather annoyed.

"Yeah. You. By the what time is it?"

"It's 10:41."

"And what time does mom and dad come from work?"

"I think...12 o'clock?"

"Ok. Bye."Jason said, standing up from the dining table.

"Wait. Where are you going?"

"I dunno. For a walk. I'll be back before twelve o'clock."

"Ok. Bye..."said Heather heading to her room to fix her bed as Jason went to the next door and rang the doorbell. Adaluz opened the door.

"Oh, hello Jason!"said Adaluz with a smile.

"Oh hey. Listen. Is your mom home?"asked Jason.

"Oh no, no. She's out. She went to find job."

"So your like, all alone at home, right?"


"And what time will she be home?"

"Umm...I do not know. She left now so maybe she'll be home in an hour."

Jason looked at his watch. It was 10:47. Who looked back at Adaluz and pulled her to his chest and kissed her.

"W-what are you doing?!"said Adaluz trying to escape from him but Jason was holding her so tight that she couldn't even move. He kissed her again than he headed to the back of her house, holding her hand. He made her stay between him and the wall, making it hard for her to escape. Her hands were stuck between her chest and his. He kissed her neck slowly while he unzipped her jeans.

"Jason! Stop! Please!"said Adaluz looking to her right as she saw a rock on the floor. She wanted to make it hit Jason's head but her hands were stuck. But luckily for her, Jason found her hands between his chest and hers disturbing. So while he was kissing her neck he held her hands and placed them around his neck. She pointed her hand to the rock trying to make it fly and hit Jason's head but it wasn't working. She got shocked and worried at the same time. She tried again and she saw the rock move a little but it stopped. Suddenly Jason pulled her jeans down and unzipped his pants. She was scared and right now all she wanted was to put her jeans back and run away. When he placed his hands on her panties, almost pulling them down she gaspped and said:

"I can't do this! I am virgin!"

"Oh great even better."said Jason pulling her panties down and kissing her lips gently. She was so scared and worried about getting pregnant, so she tried to make a quick earthquake but she couldn't. While she was wondering why wasn't her earth bending powers working, he went inside her and she suddenly felt a weird shiever. Of course. It was her first time and she didn't know how was it going to be. She felt pain and sad at the same time. She was losing her virginity with a guy she only met a day ago. She didn't even know if he was using a condom or not. While she was making deep fast breaths she was crying. Jason noticed that so he stopped.

"Wait. You're crying?"

"W-why are you doing this to me?"she looked at him a bit mad at him. Suddenly Erick saw them and Jason noticed. So he looked at Erick and Erick said:

"What are you doing, you crazy kid!"

Jason looked back at Adaluz, doing his zipper and said to her:

"I'll talk to you later." Than he disappeared and she was confused and so happy that Erick stopped him. She putted her underwear back, held her pants and ran to her house. She slammed the door and went straight to the bathroom looking for birth control pills. She knew that her mother had them because of one time in mexico.

Back at the prays house, Jason sat on his bed thinking about it. He was so guilty about it. It was actually his first time in his life that he felt guilty. But than he just wanted to forget about it and headed straight to his backyard. He looked at a rock and pointed his hand to it but strangely it didn't work. He tried again and it didn't work.

"Oh, come on!"he said, in a mad way. Then he looked at Adaluz' backyard. He saw Adaluz opening the window and making a rock fly. She looked at her hands and she was happy to know that her ability is back but she was also wondering why wasn't it working while she was with Jason. She closed her window and headed back to what she was doing. Jason didn't know why she raised the rock but at the same time he felt mad not having the earth bending ability with him. So he said to himself:

"I guess I'll have to try again."

"Jason!"said Heather from the window of the kitchen.

"Great! You're home! Can you help me with--"said Heather but she got interrupted when Jason disappeared. "AAAARGH!!!"she got mad and headed back to what she was doing.

At Jerry and Erick's house, Erick was sitting at the dining table with Jerry and said:

"Hey, do you know what I just saw?"


"Some kid raping a girl then when I asked him what was he doing he just disappeared! Right in front of my eyes!"

"Really?! That's just weird. Aren't you watching too much HBO?"

"No, no, no. This time it's real! I've seen it with my two eyes!"

Both of them sat there talking about it and Jason looked at them from his window. Not only he was very angry about them talking about it, but he was also embarassed and guilty about it. Then he looked back at Adaluz' house and saw her mother going back home. He saw Adaluz opening the door and ran to her mother's arms and hugged her, crying a lot. Then he said to himself:

♠ ♠ ♠
Ok. This was pretty hard to write and I hope you liked it. Comment please.