Hyper Lane


September 15, 8:34 PM

*Door bell*

Leandra, Adaluz' mother, opened the door with a broom on her hand. She didn't look happy. Actually her face kinda frightens.

"Oh...um...ok..."said Jason, a bit scared and also embarrassed at the same time. But he also knew this was coming. So he looked at her mother, and tried to ignore the broom just to make him less scared. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"Chico malo! ¡Quiero matarle en este momento!"(Evil Boy! I want to kill you right now!), said Leandra, with her voice raised.

"Ok...Don't you know how to speak english? 'Cause if you don't then...I don't know how to explain myself." , said Jason.

"You evil pest! Why you do that to my daughter?! She deserve it? She make bad things to you?!"said Leandra raising her broom.

"Ok. I know I was really stupid. But if you just put that broom down, I may be more comfortable to answer your questions."

Leandra looked at Jason with a very furious face, she slowly put the broom away but not letting it go. Just gripping it harder.

"Can I come in?"

"Why? You want rape my daughter again?!"

"No! I just want to talk to her too. With both of you at the same time! Please stop looking at me like that! Don't you know how hard this is for me?!"

"Don't you know how mad I am?! Why? You want me to stop being angry and smile at you after what you done to Adaluz?!"

"Look. I want to talk to both of you at the same time. I know you have english as a second language but it's really simple to understand. Can-I-talk-with-both-of-you-at-the-same-time?"

"Why you mock me?!"

"I'm not! Please I know you understood it. Can I talk with you and her at the same time, PLEASE?"

"Ok, ok. After you tell us about your stupidity I want you to leave quickly and never see, talk or touch my daughter again, ok? I have my broom here, I hit you with it if you touch my daughter!!"

"Alright, alright! I get it!" Jason and Leandra enter inside the house, and Jason find Leandra sitting on the couch, a bit scared and angry.

"Ok. Explain yourself now."said Leandra with the broom ready just in case.

"Umm...i'm very sorry Adaluz for what i've done. The reason I did it was....because...."

"I will never talk to you ever again. Leave my house. You have done enough to make me uncomfortable in this neighborhood." said Adaluz.

"Ok. Fine. I already said sorry.", affirmed Jason, not looking that worried, turning his back on them ready to leave, as Adaluz and her mother looked at him disgustedly, he looked at them in a very normal way, like nothing happened and said, "Don't worry. I won't bother you anymore."

"Good, crazy boy, I hope you.." Leandra was trying to make him feel even more ashamed but got interrupted by Jason, "I don't care", then he stormed out of the house slamming the door.

9:01 PM, Prays' house

Jason arrived home, not looking too pleased. He looked down so that Heather wouldn't notice that something was bothering him or notice his arrival home, to make things harder to notice, he ran upstairs to his room, but got interrupted by Heather, "Where have you been?", Jason stopped in the middle of the stairs, turning his head to Heather's direction, but not looking at her, "I came from the grocery store, was looking for something, but apparently it was sold out...so...yeah. Whatever. Bye."Jason continued to go up the stairs.

Heather, of course, got suspicious about it, but was used to not trusting what Jason says, actually she never knew why she still bothers asking him questions that end up being answered weirdly. Maybe trying to do small talk with him, since she feels a bit distant from him.

Back at Jason's room, the situation was still bothering him. He was viewing the scene (of what he done to Adaluz) in his head, like a record. He regrets it, but at the same time, he doesn't like the feeling of regret, he doesn't know why is he feeling all this regret, he has done worst things, and never regretted them, but this.....he regrets. Now that, he really hates it.
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*Changed the chapter a bit, I found it a bit weird so I changed it, to make it have more sense.