Hyper Lane


September 16, 5:20 PM, Hyper Lane School, football field

"H-Y-P-E-R! Woo!!"chanted the cheer leading squad.

"Ok, girls! That's enough for today! Cya tomorrow!" said Jenny, the head cheerleader, as she turned around and went to the changing room. When she was washing her dirty hands after touching the grass with those back flips, the lights switched off.

"Ha ha Jonas. Not funny. I'm gonna turn on the lights again."she said in a bitchy way and headed to the light switch, but when she tried to flip the switch it didn't work. She tried it again and again, it didn't work. She got mad so she hit the switch so hard that bolts of electricity came out from her hand and the whole school got the power back.

"Oh - my - GOD!'' said Jenny to herself, letting go of the switch and looking at her hands.

"Jenny! Come on! We gotta do the shopping for mom! She gave us the shopping list!"Ben called Jenny from the changing room with a shopping list in the hand.

"Ok! I'm coming!"said Jenny running to Ben.

"What took you so long? I was waiting for you for like...half an hour!"Ben said to Jenny, as they were walking out of the school and heading to the grocery store.

"Check this out."said Jenny to Ben with a smile and raised her hand, snapped her finger some weird electricity came out of her hand."

"Oh wow...electricity, great, just great...another reason to make me lose my MIND!"

"Why?!"said Jenny, still with electrifying hands."You have electricity too?"

"No. Rencently I can move things with my mind. Look."said Ben as he stopped walking and raised his hand and pointed it to the trash can, and this empty soda can started floating in the air."See?"he said to Jenny as she was looking at the soda can with her mouth opened.

"Why didn't you tell me this?"said Jenny with a surprised face.

"Because it would be stupid! It's like telling hey look i'm a freak, look what I can do! But I told you now because you have it too! Well it's different but...you have it!"

"Ho-k...let's do the shopping list and get back to normal."said Jenny shutting the electricity off from the hands and Ben letting go of the soda can.

"Promise me you won't tell this to our parents."said Ben, entering the grocery store along with Jenny.

"Yeah, duh! I wouldn't want mom and dad to think that I'm a freak!"

"Good. Well now we have to look for...10 potatoes and 3 boxes of butter."

"Ok. I found the potatoes."said Jenny collecting 10 potatoes. When she was on the 6th she felt an earthquake, and so did all the costumers of the store.

"Earthquake!"shouted a man who was just one of the customers, and everyone was screaming and shouting.

"No el terremoto otra vez! Ah!(Not the earthquake again!)"said Adaluz, with her hands on her head and on her knees crying, because it was her fault that Hyper Lane was having an earthquake. She still doesn't know how to control her power well.

"Para por favor! Para!"(Please stop! Stop!)said Adaluz, making her hands fall on the ground and strangely the earthquake stopped.

Everybody in the grocery store looked around in a strange way, clueless about what happen, people were talking and commenting about what happened, while doing so, Ben saw a girl crying and running out of the grocery store.

"Jenny..." said Ben in a low voice, so he won't interrupt the scandal with the other customers.


"Pay the stuff, i'm going to follow that girl."

"What? Now is the perfect time to go be pervert and follow a girl? Smart..." said Jenny in a sarcastic way.

"No! I'll tell you later why...just pay it and after that i'll call you!" said Ben, then ran outside the grocery store looking for the girl, which was Adaluz.

"Don't leave me!!"said Jenny, frightened that something weird might happen again. But Ben didn't com back and left her with the potatoes and butter. "UGH!!"

Outside, Ben finally found the girl crying behind a brick wall, sitting beside the trash can, embracing her knees with her arms, setting her head between the knees and crying. Ben sat next to her tapped her shoulder, and she slowly lifted her head facing Ben's face.

"Hey, sorry to bother you. But, by any chance, do you have anything to do with the earthquake?" asked Ben, calmly.

She stood up, shocked and scared that he might know about her power and yelled, "Leave me alone! You wouldn't understand! Nobody ever does!" and ran off.

"Wait!" called Ben, running after her. But she realized he's faster than her, so she stopped and said...

"Don't hurt me, or i'll hurt you back."

Ben stopped at the same time, at least 2 meters far from her. " I don't wanna hurt you..." stepping forward, but Adaluz made a rock fly and threw it to is face but he raised his hand and stopped the rock. Adaluz looked at the rock flying in front of Ben's face, shocked with her mouth opened and Ben said,

"Believe me...your not the only one."
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It kinda sucks but did my best.