The Porcelain Princess


Time ago, in a land you would not reach in many days by the strongest of horses, there was a prosperous kingdom, ruled by a proud king. Words to attribute to many a kingdom, in many a story. This kingdom, however, did not outshine the rest for its king – rather, for his daughter.
For she was the most beautiful princess who ever lived, her skin porcelain perfection.

The porcelain princess had lost her mother many years before to a lingering illness. As the Queen had weakened so did the King's lively spirit and many feared to see break the powerful man who ruled the wealthy lands of the kingdom. However when Death came (expected, as he not often is) the King mourned a seemly length of time and emerged with vigour anew, pouring into his sole daughter and heir the princess his favour and affection. He allowed the girl much freedom and responsibility despite her youth and doted endlessly on her, blind to her faults and praising overly much her virtues. Thus the princess grew, spoilt and callous, knowing nothing of chastisement and knowing all too well her beauty. Thus the princess grew, heartless and vain.