Jetset Sugar

The Break In

“I don’t know, man. It seems pretty risky. I mean, I don’t want to get you involve.”

I looked at Frank who was sitting opposite me at the dinning table. Ashley was sitting on the floor, playing with Sammi.

“But, I’m already involve, Gee,” Frank said, taking a drag from his cigarette. We are an amazing pair, doctors who smoke. Go figure. “Let me help. They would never know.”

I turned to look at Ashley. Sweet Ashley, giggling away at Sammi’s antics. Ashley trusted me to protect her and protect her I will. If Frank thinks this is the best solution that we could ever get, so be it. Besides, he’s right. They would never know.

“Hey Ash,” I said to her. She stopped playing with Sammi and looked up at me. She looked slightly flushed from all the laughing. “How about you crash at Frank’s for awhile?”

“Me?” she asked wide-eyed. She then looked at Frank who was grinning sheepishly.

“Yeah. It’s only for a couple of days, until we could sort you out proper.”

It didn’t take much to persuade her, and I think I know the reason why. We’ve decided to go to Ashley’s place that very night to collect her things. Ashley was certain that her mom wouldn’t be home. It’s Poker Night. So, it was settled. We just lazed around at my apartment until it was nightfall and time to follow through with the plan. But what we did not plan on was a power failure, which was strange because that usually happens when there was a storm outside.

We grabbed a couple of torchlight and headed down the narrow hall-way. Everything looked different in the dark. There was actually no need for us to be sneaking around but we did it just in case any of the other tenants came out of the apartment.

Ashley unlocked the main door for us and we went in. We relaxed a little went we were inside but we still kept our voices low.

“You guys wait here,” she whispered to us. “I’ll go grab some stuff.”

“Be quick,” I reminded her. I have no intention of bumping into Big Alfie again.

Ashley took one of the torchlight and nodded. She made her way to her room while Frank and I surveyed the place with the other. It looked like someone had swallowed the 60’s and threw it up in this tiny apartment. Huge psychedelic prints decorated the walls and Frank being Frank, couldn’t help but to fool around with whatever that he could grab his hands on. It was hard for me not to laugh. A couple of minutes passed and Ashley had still not joined us yet.

“Ash, hurry up,” I said towards her bedroom, trying to keep my voice as low as possible. But the was not respond. Something was not right.