You Don't Know A Thing About My Sins


“Gerard?” Charlie called trying to get Gerard’s attention.

“Mmm?” he answered not looking up from his page.

“Sorry to tear you away from you’re drawing babe, but I really have to pee and I can’t get up!” Charlie half giggled attempting to get up off the low couch, resulting in looking like an upturned turtle.

Gerard laughed and helped her up; she shot him a grateful look before rushing off in the direction of the bathroom.

Just after she left Billie walked in.

“Where’s the fire?” she asked pointing in the direction of the hallway.

“She’s a pregnant woman that needs to pee,” Gerard laughed.

“Eww way too much info Gee!” Billie answered pulling a grossed out face. “I still can’t believe you have kids, you never seemed like a guy who would have two children in his twenty’s.”

“I’m nearly thirty years old! Why can’t I have kids?” he laughed “Just because you’re jealous that you haven’t found anyone to settle down with yet!”

“I think I might have,” Billie admitted timidly.

“Really? The guy you were talking about?” Gerard asked.

“Yeah, I don’t know Gee, it’s just, when I’m with him, everything seems prefect you know?” she asked.

“Yeah, I do,” he smiled as Charlie re-entered the room.

“Wow,” Gerard breathed “Can, can we find out what it is?”

“Well, I can tell you,” The nurse answered “But do you both want to know?”

Gerard looked at Charlie and she nodded, a smile creeping across her face.

“Ok then, well, congratulations, you’re the parents of a healthy baby girl!” the nurse beamed.

“A girl?” Gerard asked smiling “My beautiful baby girl,” he said looking at the monitor displaying his child and blasting out the sound of a strong heart beat. “Our baby girl.”

A tear of happiness escaped his eye; he clutched Charlie’s hand a little tighter still not taking his eyes away from the screen.