Silence Is The Past


My name is Crystal, I'm 17 and something happened to me and now I can't speak. I have a friend called Miltilda and she helps me through things like asking someone something or asking for help. I'm in school still but I'm leaving this year, all I've wanted to do is sing but as I can't it gets me down when I hear people singing.
On a Monday morning I was walking to school, Miltilda would always wait for me at the front gate so she knew I got into school on time and knew where I was going. I finally got to the front gate and saw Miltilda waiting for me like usual, I walked up to her and she smiled,

"You ok Crystal?" she asked with her sweet voice,

I nodded and we walked into school, teachers walked past and said hello and I smiled at them and waved. We got to our tutor room and walked in slowly, our tutor looked at us and smiled and then we sat down,

"Miltilda" my tutor was doing the register,

"Hey Miss Willer" Miltilda answered,

"Crystal" she called out,

I tapped the table 3 times, Miss Willer told me to do that so she would mark me in. It was about 5 minutes later and the bell went for the first lesson, Miltilda stood up and showed me what room I was in,

"You've got Maths first in room 12 and then History in room 209"

I nodded and smiled at her, she then walked out of the room and went to her lesson, I took the tutor folder and walked to reception to hand it in, after I did that I walked slowly to my Maths room, people pushing past me but I didn't care I couldn't have a go at them so I just kept walking, then all of a sudden someone pushed into me so hard that I fell to the floor, I landed right next to someones feet as the girl sped past,

"Are you ok?" a mans voice said,

I looked up and saw someone I hadn't seen before, he helped me up and I looked to the floor,

"Are you ok?" he asked again,

I looked at him and nodded,

"Why won't you speak?" he asked, he didn't know I couldn't,

I looked to the floor again and wished that I could talk,

"Are you ok? you won't speak" he asked again,

"She won't speak as she can't" Miltilda's voice spoke out,

I looked up and saw Miltilda standing behind the man, the man looked behind him and looked at Miltilda,

"Oh I'm sorry" he said turning back to me, "I didn't know I'm so sorry"

I shook my head to say no, Miltilda told him I meant that no it wasn't his fault as he didn't know, he smiled at me and I smiled back and then Miltilda grabbed my arm and directed me to my Maths lesson. We got there and she looked at me while letting go of my arm,

"How can I look after you if you don't do what I say" she said a little angry.
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sorry it's really short, I've wrote it as one long story but needed to put it into chapters,
please tell me if it's good or not :)
hope you like it : )