Silence Is The Past


We walked slowly so the cold morning breeze could brush across our faces, I looked at Crystal who was already looking at me,

"Not a word about what happened yes?" I said calmly,

"No word" she said back,

we walked slowly up the road and the around the corner to face the school, at the gate was Mrs White she was the head teaher and she was with another lady, Crystal started pulling my hand back and away from the lady, I watch the ladies face as Crystal kept trying to pull me away,

"Mr Smith have to go now" Crystal cryied out loud,

I turned to her and saw her beautiful face all scared and frightened, I looked back at the woman and saw her smiling such an evil smile, I quickly turned back to Crystal and picked her up like what I did in Art yesterday, I then started running, around the corner we went and up the road, Crystal had buried her face in my neck so she couldn't see the woman, voices behind us made me run faster I hadn't even met this woman and she scared me. We got to my house and bundled in before the woman could see us,

"Crystal who was that?" I said placeing her carefully on the sofa,

Crystal huddled into a ball and hid her face in her knees, I could hear her crying so I sat next to her and wrapped my arm around her she snuggled into me and started crying into my side,

"Ok ok that tickles" I said trying not to giggle,

she looked up wipping her eyes, I smiled at her and she smiled back then we both looked at the big wet patch I had on my top, she looked up at me with a sad face,

"It's ok, I can put another one on" I smiled trying to cheer her up,

she still looked down so I took it abone myself to cheer her up, I stood up and walked to the kitchen she stayed on the sofa with a puzzled face, I grabbed out of the freezer 2 pots of icecream, chocolate and strawberry, I grabbed 2 spoons and walked back into the front room, Crystal was still on the sofa I sat down nnext to her and showed her the tubs of icecream,

"What one would you like?" I said to her smiling,

she studied them quickly and then took the chocolate one,

"It got more in" she said giggling,

I giggled with her and handed her a spoon, she smiled and then started to open the lid, I opened mine and started eatting, Crystal was still trying to open hers and it was quite funny watching her,

"You want some help with that?" I said smiling,

she handed it to me and then nicked mine and started eatting some, I gave her a shocked face and she laughed at me, I laughed back and opened her tub, I started eatting some and she gave me her way of a shocked face, I laughed at her and then handed her tub back to her,

"Swap back?" I said with a serious but funny face on,

"Um..." she said pulling a thinking face, "Yeah" she said loudly suddenly,

I jumped slightly and nearly dropped the chocolate tub, she went and saved the tub and laughed at me, I laughed back and then looked sad, she looked at me puzzled and I opened my hand and jestered I didn't have a tub of icecream, she laughed at me again and then handed me the strawberry tub,

"There you go" she said so clearly,

"Yay" I said laughing,

she laughed back and then tucked into the icecream, I did the same and we were both there eatting icecream and making faces everytime we got brain freeze.
Crystals pov

He slammed his spoon into his tub when he had finished and then looked at me, I had finished before him and smiled cheeseyly, his face went from smiliy to shocked,

"You eat icecream fast" he said smiling,

I laughed and then put the tub on the floor and twisted myself to look at him, he looked at me with a puzzled face and then did the same,

"Am I cheering you up?" he said smiling,

"Yep" I said smiling at him,

"What do you want to do now?" he said questionable,

"I don't know, I'm in your hands" I said giggling a little,

"Are you now?" he said smiling in a way that me smile even more,

"Yep what you gonna do?" I think I was flirting with him,

"Well..." he said looking away while putting a thinking face on, "Film?"

"Ok what you gonna put on?" I said smiling,

"I don't know what would you like to watch?" he said looking at me again,

"Anything you put on" I said laughing,

"Ok then I know excatly what to put on" he said poking his tongue out,

he stood up and walked over to his dvd rack, he took out a dvd box and acted like he was hiding it, he got to the dvd player and placed it in, I didn't know what it was but it would be funny what ever he picked, he then made his way back to the sofa with the remote and flung himself onto the sofa making me bounce slightly, I giggled at him and then snuggled into him, he gasped for breathe as I had got his tickle spot again and then smiled,

"Oh your top still wet" I said suddenly noticing,

"Oh yeah never mind" he said smiling,

"I run upstairs and get you new one" I said,

"Oh is it annoying?" he said suddenly,

"It's still wet doesn't it annoy you?" I said clearly,

"No but if it annoys you" he said then suddenly took it off, "Then I'll do that"

I blushed loads and then snuggled into him, he was so soft and cuddley, he swooped his arm around me and placed his hand on my stomach, he pressed the play button and on came the film, Shrek 2, I loved Shrek I didn't think I had told him before,

"How did you know I liked Shrek?" I said looking up at him,

"I didn't I just picked it" he said smiling at me,

I smiled back and then looked back at the tv and started watching the film again, Mr Smiths hand was on my side and was slightly moving, it tickled a little but I didn't make a fuss of it, my arm was round the front of his waist and slightly moving up and down his side,

"You don't mind me topless do you?" Mr Smith said quietly,

"No" I said quickly without thinking,

"Woah ok then, are you enjoying the film?" he said again quietly,

"Yep, are you? and your not cold without your top on right?" I said without any stopping or missing words,

"Yeah I'm enjoying it" he said chuckling, "And no I'm not cold, I've got my own personal bodywarmer" he giggled,

I laughed and then looked at him, I gazed at him as he watched the film,

"Your looking at me again" he said not taking his eyes off the screen,

"I know" I said still gazing at him,

he then looked down at me and smiled, I smiled back and moved so my face was next to his, he was still smiling and then I moved closer and locked our lips together, we sat there kissing, my hand was going up and down his side more and his hand was going up and down my stomach gently, we then stopped and I sat up,

"Did you read that note I gave you yesterday?" I said remembering it,

" I've still got it though, should I read it now?" he said, his eyes fixed on mine,

"Um...I just don't want you to go off on one" I said taking my eyes off his and looking at the floor,

"Why would I go off on one? is it something bad?" he said trying to make me look up,

"I think it is" I said still watching the floor,

"Well you tell me now instead of my reading it then" he said suddenly,

I looked up at him shocked and then back at the floor, the speed I did that my head went all light and fluffy so I fell off the sofa, Mr Smith quickly swooped to my side and picked me up, you put me on the sofa again and layed me down,

"I'm ok don't worry" I said trying to sit up,

"No lay down you just fell off the sofa lay down" Mr Smith said gently holding me down,

"Mr Smith I'm fine, please" I said as I stopped wriggling and looked at him,

"Ok" he said letting go, I sat up and he sat next to me, "So tell me, what was on this note?"

I went bright red and tried to hid my face in my hands but Mr Smith had grabbed them before I could, I felt like someone had picked me out of millions of people to make a fool of myself,

"I knew you would do that" he giggled,

I looked up at him and breathed in, I so wanted to tell him but I felt so stupid, I breathed out and then layed my head on his lap he tensed up and then leaned over so I was in the crook of his stomach,

"You gonna tell me?" he asked nicely,

"I think I'm in love with you" I said without thinking and then I blushed loads,

he sat up and then I did, I then stood up and started to walk to the door, Mr Smith grabbed my wrist gently but enough to stop me and then pulled me back, he then layed down and got me to lay on top of him, he had his arms round my waist and was staring into my eyes and I was staring into his,

"I told you it was stupid" I said hiding my face into the crook of his neck,

"It's not stupid cos I feel the same" he said in my ear.
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YAY its longer xP lol
hope it's ok, ive kinda left it at a cliff hanger xP lol
thanks to gemma for helping me with the beginnig bit xP lol, it will come back to the btw just later on xP lol
comments?? please I need to know what you think :D