Silence Is The Past


I looked up and saw he was looking the other way,

"Do you really mean that?" I said wishing it was true but could tell it wouldn't be,

"Yeah I do and I shouldn't really feel like it" he said still looking the other way,

I knew the last bit of that was true, he was an adult and I was only 17 people would make him go to prison for doing anything to me, it just wasn't fair,

"Well we can forget about my carer, shes not gonna get her dirty hands anywhere near you" I said laying my head down on his chest,

"Your carer?, is that the woman we ran away from yesterday?" he said, I could hear his heartbeat getting faster,

"Yeah that was the woman who I ran away from, the one woman who truely hates my guts" I said still listening,

"Aww baby, I am never going to let you out of my site" he said, his heartbeat getting faster,

he wrapped his arms around me and huddled me to him, I layed my arms down his sides so they werent in the way, we layed there just thinking of things, not a sound was made and then a bang at the door made us both jump,

"Crystal get out here now" my carers voice could be heard,

I quickly sat up and then stood up, my face turn to panic and Mr Smith knew this,

"She's here, shes gonna get me" I said quietly but panicy,

Mr Smith stood up and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly to him, at first I didn't know why he was doing this as we had to run and hid but then I felt him gently running his hand down my back to calm me down,

"Ok now we've got to run" he said after calming me,

he grabbed my hand and we ran upstairs, we got to his room and he looked out the window, I was scared of what he was thinking but then a loud bang came from downstairs,

"She's in, shes broken the door down" I said franticly panicing,

Mr Smith looked at me and then opened the window, it opened like a door, I climbed up to it and out, I was stepping on his next door neighbours roof,

"Ok come on Mr Smith" I said holding out my hand to help him,

he stepped out and then grabbed my hand, his face then turn to panic I looked behind him and saw my carer, fire in her eyes with anger that I had run away from her twice,

"Crystal Moore get back here right now and I won't put you in the celler when we get back" she said in her frightening voice,

"No I'm never going back with you, I hate you so much and I don't ever want to see you again" I shouted at her,

this was a diversion so Mr Smith could get out of the window safely, my carers face turn to shock as I had shouted at her, she hadn't heard me speak once since I've been with her,

"You can speak?" she said shocked and puzzled,

"Yes I can and it's all help to Mr Smith" I shouted again,

Mr Smith was finally out of the window save and sound and we started to run across the roof and then we jumped down onto somethings to get to the floor, we ran faster and faster away from Mr Smiths house with a puzzled carer still standing in the window.

"We've been running for hours" I said tired,

we both stopped and sat down on a bench that was close by, I looked up at Mr Smith and smiled weakly, he smiled back and then I fainted onto his lap.
Mr Smith pov

She smiled at me and I smiled back then she fainted onto my lap, I quickly grabbed her so she didn't fall onto the floor, people walked past and glared evily, what was wrong with helping a girl to not fall on the floor?, I picked her up and swung her legs around so she was laying on her back across my lap, her face was calm and gently, her breathing was steady and gentle, she started shivering slightly so I tucked her to me more, people still had their evil looks all over there faces but I didn't care really, I was still topless so a little cold but with Crystal snuggled to me I got some of her heat as well. It was about 20 minutes later and Crystal suddenly jumped, I must have fallen asleep as I jumped when she did, she looked at me with an upset face and then looked at her fingers,

"Whats the matter?" I said waking up slightly,

"This is all my fault, I shouldn't have ran away I should have stayed there and got beaten again so you could still be in your house with a top on, nice and warm" she said a tear forming on the edge of her eye,

"Crystal it's not your fault, your safe with me and that woman isn't ever going to lay a finger on you ok? and I don't mind if I can't go back to my house I've got you to look after ok?" I said snuggling her up to me,

" care about me? I've never had someone care about me before, I wish I could do something anything at all, just so you could have your house back and to be warm as your not at all" I said huddled into him,

"Of course I care about you, I...I love you and don't think that, we will together find out what to do ok?" he said shakyly at first,

"You truely love me?" I said shocked at what he had just said,

"Yes I do, ok so I've only known you for like well since yesterday but I do truely love you, ok I'm gonna stop as I'm making a total fool out of myself" he said while hiding his face in my hair,

"Your not making a total fool out of yourself, I love you too and even though we met yesterday me at your feet I do truely love you" I said leaning my head on his,

he looked up from my hair our heads still leaning on each others, I smiled at him and he smiled back, we stayed there for a while and then we heard voices shouting, we both jumped and directed our eyes on where it was coming from, there was my carer running towards us with speed and that evil look in her eyes again,

"Run" Mr Smith said getting up, grabbing my hand and starting to run,

"Yep that would be a good idea" I said running with him,

how did she find us so fast? she was running behind us still but getting closer, we both sped up and kept turning corners quickly trying to shake her off, suddenly we stopped in a doorway and stood there silently,

"Have we lost her?" I said breathless,

"I hope so, I can't run any more" Mr Smith said breathlessly too,

I turned to him and smiled a weak smile, he smiled the same smile back and I hugged him, he wrapped his arms round me and we just stood there hugging each other hiding from my carer. A couple of minutes later we heard running footsteps, we both crammed ourselves into the corner of the door way and waited to see who was running, suddenly a little girl came round into sight, she was carrying a basket which moved slightly, she could eye of us and ran to us,

"Help me theres this scary woman who just hurt my mum really bad and I had to run and take my kitty" she said and then opened the basket slightly and there was a pure white kitten, looked like it had just been born, it was so small,

"Oh darling, what did the woman look like?" Mr Smith said hoping it wasn't my carer,

"She had browny hair tied into a tight bun, and old musky clothes" she said shuddering at every detail,

that was her, my carer, we had to get away from here and fast, Mr Smith grabbed my hand and then the little girls hand and we quickly moved from the door way and started running, slower then before as we had the little girl and her kitten but we had to get away fast.
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ok so they've got a third person to help, again I've ran out of ideas can any one help me?? please
hope you like it :)
ok ive just read that and its really confusing :P lol, sorry about that