Silence Is The Past


When I woke it was day light, I lifted my head from Mr Smith's lap and watched him as he was asleep, his face was so peaceful I didn't want to wake him ever and then he spoke,

"Your looking at me again"

his eyes opened slowly and his lovely smile appeared across his face, I smiled back at him and then layed next to him, I was on my side proping myself up with one hand and laying my other hand on my side,

"You are a tease" Mr Smith said looking at me,

I stuck my tonuge out at him and he smiled even more, I smiled back and then leant on him, his faced turned to shock quickly and then it was smiling again,

"I love you Crystal" he said sweetly,

"I love you too Mr Smith" I said back,

he was still smiling at me and then I remembered the basket with the kitten in it, I quickly pecked him on the lips and then sat up and turned to the basket. The basket was moving around a little, I looked inside and saw the kitten moving around loads,

"Whats the matter hunni?" I said knowing it couldn't speak back,

"It's proberly hungry" Mr Smith said as he sat up,

I placed my hand into the basket slowly and started stroking the kitten, it stopped moving around and started to purr, I smiled at Mr Smith and he smiled back, I looked back at the basket and saw that the kitten was settling down again,

"What do you feed a kitten this size?" I said watching the kitten,

"I don't know, maybe we could find a pet shop or somewhere that will know what to do with her" Mr Smith said quietly,

"Yeah should we go now?" I said worrying about the kitten,

"Um...yeah go on then" Mr Smith said gently,

he sttod up and then held out his hand for me, I took it with my free hand and he lifted me up slowly, my other hand in the basket stroking the kitten gently to make it feel safe,

"Lets go baby" Mr Smith said when I was standing straight,

"Yep lets" I said smiling at him.

We had been walking around for about an hour and a half, Mr Smith was holding the basket now and trying to calm the kitten down,

"Why won't she calm down?" he said with a worried face as his hand was being scratched to death,

"Because you must not be stroking her gently" I said smiling at his face,

"Oh thanks, laugh at me getting my hand scratched and bitten alive" he said sarcasticly,

"I am, give her to me" I said stopping and holding out my hands,

"What without the basket? are you mad she'll run off" he said kinda puzzled,

"Nah she knows me well she won't run off" I said hopeing she wouldn't in my head,

he agreed with doing it and stopped walking, he took his hand out of the basket and let me put both my hands in, I gently found the kitten and picked her up, out she came with a blanket attached to her claws, I put her like a baby and wrapped her in the blanket, she layed staring at me and then yawned,

"Woah she must be tired from eating your hand" I said jokingly at Mr Smith,

"Oh yeah of course" he said poking his tongue out at me,

I smiled at him and then step close to him and quickly kissed him on the lips, I then stepped away as he looked at me a little shocked and then step right next to me, he placed his hand on the sides on my face and joined his lips to mine, I couldn't wrap my arms around him as I had the kitten, we just stood there lips locked with his hands stroking my face now and then,

"Um...excuse me" a voice said a while later,

we both pulled away and looked at where the voice had come from, it was 2 girls about 15 or 16 just standing,

"Your kitten is really cute" the same girl said,

"Oh thank you, we don't know what to feed her" I said not knowing them at all but wanted to be nice,

"I do I do" the other girls said excitedly,

"Oh ok what would it be?" I said,

"Come to our house and I'll show you" she said grabbing Mr Smiths arm and pulling him to follow,

"Ok then, lead the way" I said not knowing where we would be going,

a while later we got to an old house, it was big with vines growing up the side of it, we all walked to the front door and there was a lady,

"We're home mum" one of the girls said,

"Well that's good Lily and Elli I'm glad your back" she said sweetly,

"These people need food for their kitten mum" Elli said,

"Oh ok hunni, come right through" she said to us sweetly,

we followed her inside and placed Snowy on the table, the lady looked at her to see if she was healthy,

"Yes she is a healthy little cat, and I mean little" she said sweetly while examining Snowy,

"Yeah thats how we found her" Mr Smith said,

"You found her?" the lady said a little shocked,

"Yeah we found her, she was in the basket just left at the side of the road" Mr Smith said, getting deeper and deeper into the lie,

"Well she looks well treated and looked after" she said smiling,

"Thats a good thing then" Mr Smith smiled back,

"Um...I was wondering" I started,

"Yes hunni what is it?" the lady said,

"Um...I was wondering if you didn't mind and that um...Lily and Elli didn't mind that Lily and Elli could have her" I said looking at the floor when I had finished,

"Woah thats a big ask baby" Mr Smith said a little shocked,

"I know it is baby but we can't look after her while we're trying to get away" I said looking at him straight in the eyes,

"Can we mum?" Lily said suddenly,

"Yeah can we mum?" Elli then said,

"Woah wait a minute" the lady said trying to get to grips with the whole situation,

"Please mum" Elli said pleading,

"But..." the lady said,

"Please mum" Lily said with the same pleading voice,

the lady looked at me and then Mr Smith, Mr Smith was still shocked from me asking the question, he then turned to me and lifted my head so I was looking at him,

"Baby do you really want to give Snowy away? I know you love her" he said, his voice making my back tingle,

"I'm sure baby, she needs to be looked after all the time and we can't do that" I said then looked towards the floor again,

"Well baby I think your jumping to something that we can handle together, we can buy some food for her and look after her" he said wanting me to change my mind,

yes I loved Snowy she was such a lovely kitten to have but I really wanted the best for her and this place would be the best place for her to be,

"Please mum please, we can look after her" Lily said wanting Snowy so much,

"Please please please please mum please please please please" Elli said after,

the lady looked really confussed and then had a calm face, she turned to me and Mr Smith and sighed,

"If you want to leave her here then you can, you can come and visit her when ever you like and you'd be welcome to saty fro as long as want as well" she said then took a deep breath in after,

"Are you ok?" I said politly,

"I just need to calm down a little bit" she said breathing difficultly,

Mr Smith walked behind her and made her lean against the wall, he moved his hands down her back to relaz it and then she fell backwards, he caught her and Elli and Lily ran towards her,

"Mum whats the matter? mum, mum" Lily said rushed,

"Don't worry she's asleep" Mr Smith said comfortingly,

"Ok thats good" Elli said calmly,

Mr Smith took her into a bedroom, proberly hers and rested her on the bed, he threw over a cover for her so she wouldn't get cold and we all were back in the room we were in before,

"She'll wake up soon enough" he said comforting the girls,

"I'm glad she's ok" Lily said sitting down next to the table Snowy was still on,

Elli walked over to Snowy and started stroking her, Lily watched her carefully, Elli then slid one hand under Snowy's belly and her other hand to balance her back feet, she then lifted Snowy off the table and started stroking her again,

"She's purring" Elli said quietly,

"She's happy" I said smiling at her,

she smiled back and then started walking around the room still holding Snowy, all our eyes glued onto Elli and Snowy hoping nothing bad would happen, suddenly Mr Smith noticed the clock and we had been here for nearly an hour,

"Ok we've got to go now, we've been here to long"

I looked at the girls, and then at Mr Smith,

"Ok lets go, Lily, Elli it was great to meet you and look after Snowy well ok" I said in a rush,

"Yes we will" Lily said,

"Yep we deff will" Elli said,

I grabbed Mr Smiths hand and we ran out of the house, leaving both girls sitting in the room a little shocked as we had ran out, hopefully nothing bad would happen to them as we stayed there to long.
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ok ive finally got it up lol
sorry for it being late but my head isn't thinking straight with all the things happening,
I hope you still like it
and as usual I'm out of ideas, could anyone please help me, I really do need help this time
sorry if it doesn't make sense as well lol