Silence Is The Past


We had been walking for about 2 hours and I was majorly tired, I had been crying earlier about leaving Snowy at Lily's and Elli's but Mr Smith had been really nice and made me get on his back so I could fall asleep for a while,

"Baby, do you think we should try and get some clothes from my house?" I said sleeply,

"We could try, your gonna need some new clothes" he said holding onto my legs,

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed the back of his head, he stopped walking and put me down, he turned round to face me and held me up right, I looked at him sleepyly and smiled, he smiled back and then kissed me gently on the lips, I moved my hands to the sides of his face and held him there, I didn't want this moment to end and for a while it didn't and then we both pulled away for air,

"Woah that was a kiss" he said smiling,

"Yeah it was" I said smiling back,

I moved slightly so I was right next to him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and squweezed, he gasped for air and I looked up from his chest, he was already looking down smiling at me, I was smiling as well and then I let go of him and looked to the floor,

"Whats the matter?" he said worried,

I looked up at him and opened my mouth but nothing came out, his face was filled with worry and shock, my voice had gone again for some reason and I don't know why,

"Baby talk to me" Mr Smith said worrying majorly,

I looked to the floor and a tear fell from my eye, why now? why did it have to happen now? why couldn't it have been later on when we were settled in what we were going to do?,

"Baby please say something, anything" he said, his face so worried,

I kept my face looking to the floor, I suddenly felt Mr Smiths hand under my chin and my face gently lifted, he gazed into my eyes the way he always did and smiled slightly,

"Well I'm just going to have to fix you again"

I smiled slightly and he gently kissed me on the lips, I was smiling while we kissed and he was smiling too, we then stopped and held each others hand we started walking again towards my house we both just hoped my carer wasn't in.
We got there about 4 o'clock and luckyly I knew where the spare key was, I rumaged under the door step and found it, I quickly placed it into the key hole and twisted slowly, when the door swung open the musky air flushed out, we both put our hands over our mouths and nose so we didn't breathe it in, as we walked in slowly the smell faded but was still there, I slowly closed the door and placed the key in my pocket,

"Ok so wheres your room?" he asked questionably,

I started walking towards the stairs, I quickly grabbed Mr Smiths hand and then started walking up the stairs with him, we got to my room and I silently opened it, the door creeked as it moved, I searched for the light on the wall and pressed the button, on came a little light above the door,

"Is that the only light you have?" Mr Smith said behind me,

I nodded with out looking at him and slowly walked in, Mr Smith followed and then let go of my hand as we got in,

"This is all you have?" he asked,

all I had in my room was a bed and a little wardrobe, I walked over to my wardrobe and slowly opened it, Mr Smith went and sat on my bed and looked around,

"What you gonna get?" he asked,

I shrugged and then turned to him, he looked at me with puzzled eyes as I started to walk towards him, I stopped right infront of him, I then sat next to him and smiled, he smiled back and then was shocked that my hand was moving behind him,

"Wheres that going?" he said gazing at me,

I moved my hand to his side and moved so I was right next to him, he still had a puzzled look on his face and watched me, I moved my face so it was right next to his and gently kissed his lips, our lips stayed together as my hand on his side moved under the top he was wearing, he pulled away from the kiss and looked at me puzzled,

"What do you want to happen?" he said in a puzzled voice,

I started kissing him again and he fell backwards on my bed, I moved so I was on top of him still our lips joined and my hands running up and down his sides, his arms suddenly wrapped around me and held me to him, I moved my lips with his and started moving my hands up his sides under his top, I felt him shiver slightly and then his hands started going under the back of my top, he pulled away quickly and looked at me,

"Is this what you really want?" he said gazing into my eyes,

I nodded and smiled, I wanted to ask him but I couldn't but somehow I think he knew I wanted to,

"I want this too" he said before locking our lips together,

I moved slightly and we were suddenly laying next to each other, lips still locked and our hands up each others tops, then suddenly my door swung open and in stormed my carer, she pulled Mr Smith from me and my bed and grabbed me tightly on m arms,

"You little, how dare you come here again" she shouted spitting in my face,

I knew that the worse was going to happen and I closed my eyes, she shook me to make me open my eyes again but I didn't, Mr Smith had been knocked out by the fall from my bed and just layed there helplessly,

"Open your eyes you stupid little thing" my carer shouted again spitting in my face,

I kept my eyes tightly shut and then she said something that brang all the anger inside me out suddenly,

"I'll attack him then if you won't"

I opened my eyes so fast and got out of grasp, I made a fist and punched her in the face, she stubbled back and then looked at me evily,

"Right that does it" she said angryly,

she stormed over to me and grabbed my hair, she pulled me by my hair off the bed and dragged me out of the room, she dragged me inside her room a then slammed the door shut. She let go of my hair and turned to the light switch and turned on the light, I looked around and saw all sorts of things, the one thing that most scared me was a kinda table thing with straps on where someones wrists and ankles would go,

"Oh you like that do you, well have a closer look" she said angryly,

she stormed over to me and grabbed me by my hair again, she dragged me to the table like thing and lifted me onto it, she tied my wrists and ankles to it and stood back, I looked around paniced and she laughed,

"Aww you don't like it, well look at this" she said moving behind my head so I couldn't see her, she then lifted the table thing and I was suddenly upright, still tied to it but up right,

"You like it now?" she said walking back in my view,

I was so scared and she knew it big time, she stood right up to me and then punched me in the stomach, I closed my eyes tightly as she kept punching my stomach, she then grabbed my face and shook it,

"Aww why aren't you smiling?" she said scaryly,

I kept my eyes tightly closed and she started punching me again, suddenly she punched me in the face, my face moved with her fist and then dropped to look at the floor, I could feel my stomach majorly turning inside I then loked up at my carer and spat at her, blood came out of my mouth and I started getting even more worried,

"Don't you dare spit at me" she shouted,

she then undid the straps on my wrists and ankles and I fell to the floor, she then started kicking me in the side really hard, I just wanted the pain to go but I knew it wouldn't for a long time. As she kicked me she laughed evily, in my head all I could see was Mr Smith laying on the floor and suddenly it happened again, the memories of my mum and dad I grabbed my head with my hands and tears flew from my eyes,

"You liking that?" my carer said evily,

she punched me in the face and then started kicking me again, all I wanted was for Mr Smith to run in and save me but I knew he couldn't.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok so Mr Smith is laying on the floor ko'd and Crystal is getting majorly abused,
I'm sorry it's late but I've been busy with family stuff,
hope you still like it