Silence Is The Past


We got to the hospital in about 10 minutes, Crystals face was really puffy and was starting to bruise, the paramedic swung the doors open and told me to bring her out quickly, I picked her up and ran with the paramedic inside,

"Move people move" the paramedic shouted,

people moved out of the way slowly and we finally got to a room with a spare bed, I layed Crystal down on the bed and held her hand, the paramedic ran out of the room and grabbed a nurse, he pulled her in the room and made her help Crystal,

"Ok so she was attacked by her carer and this is..." he said pointing at me,

"I'm her boyfriend Mr Smith you can call me" I said holding onto Crystals hand,

she nodded and then started checking over Crystal, she shone a light in her eyes and felt to see if she had any broken bones in her face and torso,

"Ok nothings broken luckly but I'm still going to have to operate on her stomach, she's got alot of blood trapped in there and I need to get it out" she said looking at me,

I nodded and then looked at Crystal, she started moving her head around and then screamed out loud, both me and the nurse jumped in shock and then she started scratching at her face, my eyes widened and started trying to pull her hands away from her face,

"Baby stop scratching, you'll hurt yourself more" I said fighting her hands,

she suddenly stopped and looked at me scaryly,

"There...back" she said in pain,

I knew excatly what she was on about and I quickly wrapped my arms around her, the nurse started trying to pull me off but I gave her a look that made her step back. A couple of minutes later Crystal had fallen asleep and I gently let go of her, the nurse watched as I stood up again,

"I'm sorry about that, she lost her parents in a horrible way and the memories keep coming back, I have to make her go to sleep and it calms her down" I said to her gently,

"Oh the poor dear, I was just wondering as you were holding onto her quite tightly" she said,

I was looking at her face but I could see her hands fiddling with each other, I then looked down at her hands and she quickly hid then behind her back, I looked back up and she was looking at the floor,

"Are you ok?" I asked gently,

she nodded and then jumped as someone burst in, we both looked at the door and standing there was Rice,

"Where is my kitten?" she shouted,

"I don't know" I said lying,

she ran at me and jumped onto a chair that was by Crystals bed, she then jumped on my and pushed her lips onto mine, the nurse watched confused and puzzled, Rices tongue again found it's way into my mouth and started running around again, she moved in a way so I was now sitting on the chair with her on top of me pinning me to the chair once more,

"Uh..." the nurse said,

Rice stopped kissing me and glared at the nurse, I mouthed to her to take Crystal and help her and she did, Rice then turned back and locked our lips together again, she wrapped my arms around her and kissed me harder and harder, I needed to breathe but she wouldn't let our lips leave, the nurse had taken Crystal away so it was just me and Rice in the room, Rice pulled away at last and licked her lips,

"I've missed you" she said confidently,

"I haven't missed you" I said bluntly,

she gave me a shocked face and then stood up off me, she walked to the door and closed, she did something to it and locked it, now I was worried, there was a window but we were so far up I couldn't have jumped out and the other walls didn't have windows in either,

"I want you" Rice said walking towards me,

"I don't want you" I said back to her,

I started to stand up but she ran at me and pinned me to the chair again, she wrapped my arms around her waist and rest my hands on her ass and then moved her hands up my arms and down my sides,

"Why do you do this?" I said with a sigh,

"Well for starters your hot and I want you right here and now" she said sliding her hand down my side to the edge of my jeans,

"If you go any further I will push you off harder then before" I threatened her,

she started playing with my jeans with her fingers and then pressed her lips to mine, she once again stuck her tongue in my mouth and somehow got my tongue and bit it hard, her hands then went under my jeans and started stroking my legs slightly, I wanted her to get off me but she had again pinned me to the chair, she then pulled away and smiled,

"It's all cramped on this chair" she said suddenly,

she placed her feet on the floor and pulled me so I was standing up right, her hands still in my jeans, she then fell to the floor with me still attached and locked our lips again, my hands had moved from her ass and onto her waist so I could push her off when the time was right, her hands went up and down my legs and then balanced at the top of my jeans, she then undid my jean buttons and then my zip, I pulled away from the kiss and stared at her,

"Get off me now" I shouted,

she ignored me and then started tugging at my trousers to get them off, I moved my arms from her waist and held my trousers up so she couldn't pull them off,

"Aww your no fun" she said smiling at me,

"I know I'm not now get off me" I said sturnly,

she again ignored what I said and pressed her lips onto mine again, I didn't want to do this, I wanted Rice to get off me so I could go see the love of my life, Rice's hands going down my jeans woke me from my wonderous dreaming, she moved down to far my jeans and I got a tad angry,

"Get off me now" I shouted as I pulled away from her and pushed her away,

I quickly stood up and ran to the door, my jeans still undone, I got to the door and started pulling at the handle,

"Let me out" I shouted at the door,

"Why do you want to leave?" Rice said kinda scaryly,

she moved towards me and I turned around, I moved to her and pushed her to the floor, I found a sort of tube and tied Rice to one of the machines, she started kicking and screaming but I ignored her, I walked back towards the door and I could hear someone on the otherside,

"Hey hey let me out please" I said banging on the door slightly,

"Someones in here" a voice said on the other side,

I stood back and then the door quickly opened, I ran out the room and sat on a chair to catch my breath,

"You've got to get her out of the hospital" I said pointing at Rice,

the guy that had opened the door looked at Rice and then at me, I looked at him with worrying eyes and then he looked back at Rice,

"We'll have her out straight away" he said not looking at me,

I smiled to the back of his head and then stood up, I walked over to the desk for the ward and asked the lady on the otherside where Crystal was,

"Oh Crystal Moore she's in intensive care now, it's up the corridor and to the left" she said nicely,

I smiled to her and then got on my way to see Crystal. When I got there I could see Crystal laying on the bed with people doing stuff to help her, I walked up to the window and looked in closly, I watched as Crystal was poked and proded to get her better,

"Be ok baby please" I said to myself,

the nurse that had taken Crystal from the room was inside and noticed me, she came to the door and opened it slightly,

"You can come in if you like" she said sweetly,

"I can?" I asked her nicely,

"Yes, we've made her stable and she's accepting the treatment well" she said swetly,

"Oh ok, I will" I said and walked to the door,

she opened it more and let me in, I smiled at her when I went past and she smiled back, I walked over to Crystals bed and looked down at her,

"She may not speak but she can hear you" the nurse said after she closed the door,

"Oh thank you, for everything" I said looking at her,

she smiled and then looked to the floor, I grabbed a chair and sat next to Crystals bed, I moved my hand to her and held it gently, her head moved to look at me and she smiled slightly,

"Crystal your ok baby" I whispered to her,

"" she whispered to me,

"I love you too baby" I whispered to her,

I wanted to hug her but I knew I couldn't with all the wires attached to her, she moved her arms now and then for me to hug her but I knew I couldn't.
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ok it properly doesnt read write and im sorry about that, i knew what i was going to write and then stopped for either having to go to bed or talking to people lol so lost the plot hehe
hope you still like it :)
tell me what you think please :)