Silence Is The Past


I looked to the floor and then walked slowly into my class without waveing goodbye to her, she then walked off in a hump, I wanted to say goodbye to her and that I was sorry but I couldn't. I sat at the back of the class and got on with my work and then who walked in but the guy I had bumped into,

"Hello my name is Mr Smith and I'm here to help a Crystal Moore" he said in his gentle voice,

"Hello Mr Smith, my name is Miss Lio, Crystal is at the back" she said pointing at me,

I waved at him and he smiled, he walked over and sat next to me,

"Wow 2 times in about 15 minutes" he said with a chuckle,

I smiled and wrote on a piece of paper and showed him it,

"I'm sorry about before, I would have said something but I couldn't" he read my note, "Don't worry it was my fault that I didn't stop asking things" he said after reading it,

I smiled and looked at my work, I pointed out to him what we were doing in class and he helped me through all of it. The bell went for the end of the lesson and I packed up my bag and put my book in the box and then faced Mr Smith,

"What lesson do you have next?" he asked me and then looked a little down,

I smiled at him and grabbed a spare piece of paper and wrote History on it,

"Oh I'm in your next class too" he said smiling back,

I then held his hand and we started walking to the history block. On the way people gave us both dirty looks because I was holding his hand, I only held it so he didn't get lost as he was new,

"Why do you think everyone is looking at us with dirty looks?" Mr Smith asked,

I stopped and held up our hands still tightly holding each other, he looked at them and then at me,

"Oh ok then, we could always not hold hands" he said getting pushed by people,

I shook my head and we carried on, we walked up the stairs and walked into the classroom,

"Why are you late Crystal?" Miss Lone said sturnly,

I walked towards her still with Mr Smith's hand in mine and stood infront of her, I held up our hands and showed her, she looked a bit puzzled and then handed me a piece of paper and a pen, I leant on the table nearest to me and wrote 'Mr Smith is new and he needed to know where he was going and people kept pushing into us', I then handed it to Miss Lone and walked to the back of the class with Mr Smith following still hands holding,

"Oh ok then Crystal and hello Mr Smith" Miss Lone said out loud,

he turned round to her when we sat down and smiled at her, but her being her didn't smile back, he looked at me with a puzzled look and I smiled at him he smiled back and we started to listen to Miss Lone. It was about an hour later and the bell went for break,

"Where do you go for break?" Mr Smith asked me when everyone had gone,

I wrote on a piece of paper that I usually sit with Miltilda but she wasn't happy with me so I wasn't going to but I didn't know where I was going to sit, I handed it to him and he smiled at me,

"We'll go and find a spot outside and sit together, it doesn't matter what people think yeah?" he said so nicely,

I nodded and smiled at him, I then packed my bag and put away all of the books and things we had been useing and then we both walked downstairs.
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again sorry it's short
please tell me what you think : )
hope you like it : )