Silence Is The Past


"Here we go your new home" Mr Smith said to me as we got to his house,

he helped me out the taxi and paid the driver, we walked to the new door and he opened it with his key, the door swung open and he made me walk in first. As we got in the house had been painted a nice cream colour and the carpet was a nice cream colour also,

"You decorated" I said to him as he closed the door,

"Yep I did, go into the front room and make yourself comfy" he said directing me into the front room,

the room had been painted too, the same as the hall and the carpet the same, the sofa was new it was a darker cream and fluffy, I sat down and Mr Smith watched me,

"Ok I'm comfy" I said waking him up from his day dream,

"Oh yeah good good, stay there and I'll get you one of your many suprises" he said before running off into the house,

I sat there waiting I could hear banging and crashing but then after a shout saying he was ok, suddenly he jumped into the room and made me jump,

"I got the first one" he said out of breath,

he came over to me and sat next to me, he wrapped his arms round my waist and pulled me into a kiss, he then placed a little box in my hand and pulled away from the kiss,

"Open it I hope you like it" he said bouncing on the spot,

I slowly opened the little box and found a pair of beautiful ear rings inside, they had what looked like really diamonds in, they dangled slightly and sparkled in the afternoon sun that shone in from the window,

"Do you like them?, I didn't know if you would or not" he said looking down,

"Baby, I love them there beautiful" I said smiling at him from ear to ear,

he smiled back and then helped me put them in. They looked beautiful in as well, he smiled at me and then layed back into the sofa, I layed next to him and snuggled into him,

"I love you baby" he whispered to me,

"I love you too baby" I whispered back,

he then got up and walked over to the dvd rack, he picked out a dvd and placed it into then player, after he did that and grabbed the controller he came back over and let me snuggle into him again, he pressed play and on came Stardust, the first film we watched together, I smiled up at him and kissed his cheek, he snuggled me more and then kissed the top of my head, we then started watching the film.

"Baby" Mr Smith whispered half way through the film,

"Yes baby" I said looking up at him,

"If I asked you something what would you do?" he said confussing me completely,

"What would be the something you ask me?" I said puzzled,

"Just something, don't worry about it" he said sighing afterwards,

"Baby" I sat up and paused the dvd then looked at him, "What do you want to ask me?"

he moved his face to the side so he wasn't looking at me and sighed again,

"Baby your scaring me, please tell me" I said trying to get him to look at me,

he quickly turned to me and smiled, he got up and walked out the room again, he had made me stay sitting so I did, what was he going to do?, he came back in and knelt on the floor, he took out another little box and handed it to me,

"Whats this?" I asked looking at the box,

"Well, this is what I want to ask you but I don't know if you'll like it" he said then looked to the floor,

"I'm confussed" I said puzzled,

"Crystal will you marry me?" he asked suddenly,

my face went bright red, he looked up at me and then back to the floor,

"That a no then" he said upset,

"Yes" I said loudly,

"Oh oh ok then" he said looking really upset now,

"No baby yes I will marry you" I said smiling from ear to ear,

he looked up at me and smiled his wonderful smile, I jumped on him and made him fall to the floor, I starting kissing all over his face then locked our lips together, he rolled over so I was on the floor and sat up slightly,

"Where did you put the box?" he asked smiling,

I handed him the box and he opened it slowly, he took out a lovely diamond ring and placed it on my finger, he looked at it and then smiled,

"Yep looks perfect" he said before chucking the box away and hugging me again locking our lips together.

It was about an hour later and we were just laying on the floor, I was on top of Mr Smith laying my head on his chest with his arms around me,

"I love you Crystal Smith" he said giggling to what he said,

"I love you too Mr Smith" I said looking up at him,

I let my hands slide to his sides and start to gently stroke them, he wiggled a little as it must have tickled slightly and then his hands made there way to my sides, he pulled me up a little so my face was leveled with his and kissed me gently, my hands started going up his top as we kissed and his hands were going up mine, we both pulled away and gazed at each other,

"Would you want to?" he asked quietly,

I nodded and then hid my face into his neck, I started kissing it and then bit it quite hard, I wouldn't let go and he was trying everything to get me off,

"What can I do to get you off?" he said while tickling me,

I sat up slightly still biting his neck and leant against the sofa he was trying to get me off still and then I let go and kissed where I had bit him,

"That hurt baby" he said giving me and upset face,

"I'm sorry baby" I said looking upset and looked towards the floor,

he kissed my forehead and then stood up, he picked me up and then started walking me to the stairs, we walked up the stairs and into his room.
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aww there engaged :D
and whats going to happen in the room?? lol
i would like to know if people think they should get a bit more close like they did in Crystals house before her carer came in.
hope you still like it :)