Silence Is The Past


Mr Smiths pov

As I woke I looked up at Crystals sleeping face, she was still on top of me and was just laying there majorly tired, yes ok so we did 'it' but we love each other and if anyone has a problem with that they can say it to our faces,

"I'm so lucky to have you" I whispered to Crystal,

she moved slightly and then squeezed me tightly, she then relaxed and layed there again, I was the luckiest guy in the world I had the love of my life, our own place and maybe in the future we'll have a family. Crystal moved slightly then fell of me, I quickly grabbed her so she didn't go of the edge of the bed and then she yelped loudly,

"Oh baby are you ok?" I said sitting up and worrying majorly,

she then sat up covering herself up with the quilt and breathed out deeply,

"I didn't want to see that again" she said confussing me,

"See what again baby? tell me" I said wrapping my arm around her,

"Oh did I say that out loud? sorry baby I just saw something and it made me jump completely" she said closing her eyes and hugging into me,

"Baby please tell me" I said holding her close,

"Oh don't worry baby, it's something I need to forget straight away" she said opening her eyes and smiling at me,

"But baby I do worry thats what I'm suppose to do" I said holding her close,

"Don't worry about it baby honestly, it will go soon" she said, "Hopefully" she whispered under her breath,

I ignored the 'hopefully' bit and just held her even closer to me, she wrapped her arms around me and then layed down with me, I kissed her head and layed my head on top of hers.

"I love you baby" she whispered and hour later,

I woke up slowly and then smiled at her sleepy face,

"I love you too baby" I said still smiling,

she was on top of me and hugging me tight, I turned to the clock on my bed side table and saw it was nearly 10 o'clock,

"Oh baby I'm late for work" I said looking back at her,

"What the school?" she asked as her face dropped,

"Yeah, Im gonna have to go in, come with me I don't want to leave you here on your own" I said wanting her to say yes,

"Um...ok then baby, we better get dressed quickly then" she said jumping off me,

she hit me lower then needed and I curled up into a ball, she ran to a chest of drawers and grabbed clean undies, she put them on and then ran over to me,

"What did I hit?" she said panicking,

"Just something that really hurts when hit" I said in pain,

"Oh there, I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to I'm really really sorry" she said really worried,

"Don't worry baby it will stop hurting in a minute, you go and get dressed but would you be able to get some things out for me? please baby" I said still rolled into a ball,

"Yes of course baby, I'll get you out jeans, top, boxers and socks" she said calming down a little,

"Yep that would be great baby, thank you so much" I said gently unrolling myself,

she ran off and started getting dressed, she put on a white t-shirt and jeans with black converses on, then she ran off to some more cupboards and pulled out a black t-shirt and jeans for me, she had also got me boxers and socks,

"There you go baby" she said as she handed them to me,

"Thank you baby" I said taking the clothes,

I put on my boxers and jeans and then sat down on the bed again, Crystal was just standing there watching me get dressed, I grabbed hold of her and pulled her on top of me, I locked our lips together and wrapped my legs around hers, after a while she pulled away and smiled,

"You are going to be very late at this rate" she said before licking my nose,

"Maybe I want to be late" I said licking her nose back,

"You don't want to be late baby" she said smiling,

"If your the reason I'm late then yes I do" I said before I locked our lips together again,

we layed there for a couple of minutes and then both pulled away for air, Crystal then got off me and pulled me up,

"Get ready baby" she said smiling at me and then gave me a quick wink, "Or else",

"Hmm thats sounds like a good 'or else' baby maybe I should just sit here" I said smiling,

"No come on baby put your top on and lets go" she said grabbing the top and throwing it into my face,

as I pulled the top away I could see her smiling with her tonuge sticking out to the side, I smiled back and then she walked out of the room and down the stairs, I quickly put on my top and ran down the stairs. I walked into the front room and saw Crystal all curled up on the sofa, I walked over to her and sat next to her I could hear her whispering to herself,

"I want to forget I want to forget let me forget please just let me forget",

I moved my head so I could look at her face and I could see she was crying, I sat back up and wrapped my arms around her,

"Woah baby where did you come from?" she said with a shock,

"Baby what is the matter with you, you've been acting strange ever since you've got back" I said still holding onto her,

"Don't worry about it baby, it's me being me" she said wiping her eyes on my arm,

"Oh thats nice, come on you lets go to work" I said letting her go,

she wiped away her tears and then stood up, I stood up next to her and pecked her on the lips before moving her to the door, I grabbed my keys and bag and we started our way there.

We finally got to the school and everyone was ok side, we both said to each other fire drill and it was, we walked over to the bunch of teachers and they all stared at us,

"What you doing back Crystal Moore?" her maths teacher said,

she hid behind me and then I smiled at them all,

"She's back as I'm not leaving her at home, anyway what is it to you?" I said a little rude,

"Well she shouldn't be back, she's been exspelled" another teacher said,

"No she hasn't, Mrs White has said she's allowed back, so say sorry to her" I said rudely,

all the teachers hudled round Crystal and then said sorry to her, Crystal said thank you to everyone of them and then hid behind me again, suddenly a girl started running towards us, I sort of reconised but I don't know where from, as she got to us Crystal came away from me,

"Crystal Crystal, where have you been? how can I look after you if you run off?" the girl said rushed,

"I've been with Mr Smith, he's been there for me more times when you were ever there, you don't have to look after me now, aren't you happy? and I'm engaged" she said with the slip of the tongue,

"You're engaged? to who? when was this? and you don't realize how worried I've been about you, I thought something happened with you and your carer" she said and then looking at Crystal twice as she had just noticed the bruises,

"Something did happen with my carer, she beat me so much that I was in hospital for a few days, I have bruises everywhere on my face and stomach" she said gulping as she finished,

"Well I better go in now, I've got Art now, bye" the girl said and then ran off,

Crystal looked up at me and then smiled, I smiled back and then held her hand, she tightened her grip and moved closer to me, I wish I could kiss her right now but I know that I couldn't everyone would think I'm a guy that plays around with younger girls,

"I love you Mr Smith" Crystal said as she woke me out of my day dreaming,

all the teachers looked at her with shock and then at me for my reaction,

"I love you too Crytsal" I said back after looking at the teachers faces,

they all gasped and then huddled off back into school, there was me and Crystal just standing there on our own,

"Should we go inside now?" Crystal said looking up at me,

"Yeah why not? everyone else has gone in" I said and then we walked inside.

As we got inside everyone were rushing around to their lessons, me and Crystal walked to the reception desk and was greeted with a nice smile,

"Hello again Crystal, how have you been?" the lady said really nicely,

"I've been great thank you, you?" Crystal smilied back,

"I've been ok thanks Crystal, now what would you like?" she finished off with a smile,

"Um...could I have my timetable please" I said nicely,

"Yes of course you can Mr Smith" she said nicely and then started tapping on the keyboard.

A few minutes later and she had printed out my timetable, she gently handed it to me and let go,

"There you go mr Smith, it was nice seeing you again Crystal" she said nicely and then started staring back at the computer screen,

I looked towards Crystal and she was a little scared but smiling, I looked at my timetable and then at the clock and saw that it was going to be lesson 3, Music. Crystal and I walked hand in hand towards the Music room, we got shocked and evil looks thrown at us but we just walked on,

"Pedo" a student shouted out behind us,

Crystal let go of my hand and rushed over to the girl who shouted it, she stood infront of them and grinned evily at them, she then pushed the girl over and left her on the floor,

"If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" Crystal shouted and then ran back to me,

she grabbed hold of my hand and we started walking again. When we got to the Music room everyone was playing about and then when they saw Crystal they all stopped and lined up neatly,

"I should bring you round more often" I whispered to her,

she giggled and then we walked to the classroom door and let the students in, when we were in the classroom and they had got all their books and things they needed we started the lesson, Crystal sat at the back and kept smiling and winking at me all through the lesson,

-end of the lesson-

"Right everybody, theres the bell remember to write the meaning of what we learnt today and bring it back next week" I said to the class before letting them out,

they all nodded and then bundled out the room, it was just me and Crystal in the room now, I started to clear up and Crystal helped, when we finished I walked over to Crystal and wrapped my arms around her waist, she smiled and wrapped her arms round mine, we just stood there holding each other tightly, she then started walking backwards which took me backwards and we were getting closer to the classroom cupboard,

"Where we going then?" I asked chuckling,

"Somewhere where no one can walk in on us" she said pulling my closer and closer to the cupboard,

we got there and she opened the door, it was like another room but really really small, she pulled me inside and then closed the door, it was dark and I couldn't see a thing suddenly I felt her hands going up my top, I found her top and moved my hands up hers, I could hear her giggling and then she did something so I was against a wall, her hands were going up and down under my top and then she ripped it a little, I took this as an advantage and turned her so she was against the wall, I guessed where her lips were and joined mine to hers, she then made me fall on the floor so I was laying down and she was on top of me, still our lips locked she pulled at my top and then lifted it up over my head, our lips met again and I started pulling up at her top and lifted it up over her head. My eyes had got used to the dark and I could just see her smiling face,

"I love you so much" I whispered to her,

"Aww and I love you too" she whispered back,

she let me move my hands under her jeans and rest on her ass, she joined our lips again and held me there, for about 2 hours we stayed like this stopping for breath on kissing but then kissing again and then we heard the bell for the end of school.
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sorry its late I've had things on my mind and not really been able to concentrate on this lol
please tell me if you like it still :)
hope its ok :)
