Silence Is The Past


"Um...hello could you tell Crystal her next lesson please" Mr Smith said in his gently voice,

the lady on the other side of the desk smiled at us both and then stared at the computer screen she then looked up and spoke in her calm and quiet voice,

"Your in the same classes all day"

Mr Smith looked at his timetable and then smiled at her,

"Thank you"

I smiled at her and we both walked off, I quickly grabbed his hand before we went round the corner so I didn't get lost from him. We finally got to our next class, Science, I wasn't good at Science at all and Mr Smith found that out as soon as we walked into the room,

"Crystal no wonder your no good at Science when you keep being late" Mr Simons shouted across the room,

I looked really scared and then to the floor, Mr Smith tighten his grip on my hand and we walked over to the back where there were 2 spare seats. All through the lesson I got confused Mr Smith tried so hard to help me but I wasn't helping,

"You really don't like Science do you" Mr Smith said half way through the lesson,

I shook my head and then rested my head in my hands and sighed deeply, Mr Smith put his hand on my back and moved his thumb so it was stroking my back a little, I looked up at him and then smiled, he cheered me up so much and he knew it well I hope he did. Finally it got to the end of Science I packed my bag quickly and rushed out the door with Mr Smith trailing behind me, when we got out of the class I turned to him and then looked at the floor,

"Whats the matter?" Mr Smith asked gently,

I looked up and tried to smile like usual but I couldn't, he smiled at me and then took hold of my hand, it made me blush a little and he knew that and then we walked to our next and second to last lesson, Art.
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ok so thats like majorly short : ) lol
im gonna get them longer i promise : ) lol
hope you like it : )