Silence Is The Past


Mr Smith's pov

In Art she was so upset about what she had written and shown me, I felt so sorry for her losing both of her parents at the same time and watching it, I was sitting by her side on the first aid bed, she layed there so peacefully and calm, I moved a piece of her hair out of her face and she gently moved closer to me, she must be dreaming about something. I decided to lay next to her so she wouldn't get cold so I did, she snuggled up to me and I wrapped my arm round her to keep her from falling off the bed and she snuggled into me more, the main first aid lady walked in and saw us together, she looked a little shocked and then walked out the room with speed, I didn't care at the minute I just wanted Crystal to be ok, she's the one who saw those horrible
things and hadn't spoken ever since that day, she snuggled up t me more and then woke up all of a sudden, she made me jump and nearly fall off the bed, I was half on the bed and half on the floor, she leant over and tried to pull me up but instead she fell down on top of me,

"Woah sorry about that" I said blushing a little,

she was blushing loads, my legs had fallen off the bed so she was on top of me completely, she smiled and hid her face into my chest, I giggled a little and then she got up and sat back on the bed, I then got up and sat next to her and wrapped my arm around her, she then wrapped her arm around my back and we sat there, if anyone had walked in they would have thought we were together or something, we did look it,

"Are you ok now?" I asked gently,

she nodded and then looked at me, she smiled and moved her face closer to mine, what did she want to do? I went along with it and she moved her face further towards mine,

"What do you want to do?" I said nervously,

she looked at me nervous and then the door opened, we both moved our heads to see who it was and moved our arms from around each other, it was the head teacher,

"Oh Crystal are you ok?"

Crystal nodded and then looked at me sturnly, I was puzzled by this look and thought of it as just me sitting very close to Crystal,

"Mr Smith you are fired" she said all of a sudden,

me and Crystal both looked at each other with shocked faces and then the head teacher grabbed Crystals arm and pulled her away from me, she fell a little and I went to help her but instead I got slapped in the face,

"Don't go after her, you discusting man" the head teacher said out loud,

Crystals face was scared, I wanted to go over and hug her so se would feel safe but I couldn't then the most unexpected thing happen,

"Stop it" Crystal shouted,

the head teacher was taken back and so was I a little, she had shouted, I stood up and Crystal ran to my side and wrapped her arms around me, the head teacher was shocked at what she had just heard and seen,

"You spoke" she said shocked,

"Yeah she did, and this what I've helped with, you gonna get me fired?" I said,

the head shook her saying no and then ran out of the room with sped, I turned to Crystal and she smiled, I smiled back and then she sat down on the bed again, I was nervous what did she want?, I sat down next to her and she leant over to me, our faces were nearly touching then she moved just a little further and our lips were touching, we sat there just with our lips together and then we pulled away, she look away from my view and I looked towards the floor,

"We just kissed" I said still looking at the floor,

she put her hand on my knee and I looked up slowly, she was looking at me and a tear was running down her face, I layed my hand on the side of her face and wiped it away which made her blush, she looked at me with such worrying eyes, she had a twitch in her lip as I was holding her face, I let go slowly and her hand quickly rushed to mine to keep it there,

"You like my hand there?" I asked looking at her nervous face,

she nodded and tried to smile but she was so nervous she couldn't, I started stroking her cheek slightly and she blushed even more, I layed my other hand on her leg gently and her twitch got worse I took it away and she moved it back on to her leg,

"Do you like where my hands are?" I said nervously,

she nodded her head to say yes and then she stood up all of a sudden, my hands left her, she just stood there staring away from me, it looked like she had seen a ghost.
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its a little wittle bit longer :P lol
hope you like it
please tell me what you think