Silence Is The Past


I finally got to my house and slowly opened the front door, I slipped in and silently walked up the stairs across the landing and round the corner to my room, I quickly closed my door and but my back against it, I slid down it and sat on the floor, what had I done? I had just told a teacher that I think I was in love with him thats not a good thing. I sat in the same spot for about an hour until I heard something downstairs, it must have been my carer, she was nearly always drunk and abussive sometimes if you got in her way, I quickly got up from my door and sat on my bed I had my legs crossed and my arms twisted around each other tightly and watched the door, all most everytime she got back from her 'job' she would storm into my room and yell at me for no reason at all. I was sitting there for about half and hour and then my door handle started moving rapidly, she was at the door at this minute I wanted to hide but it was too late she had got through, she stormed in and stummbled over to me,

"Why aren't you making dinner you lazy girl?" she said breathing her alcoholic breath all over me,

I looked at the floor and she grabbed my face tightly and pulled it quite hard to look at her, she stared into my eyes deeply and then pushed me away while letting me go,

"Get dinner ready now" she shouted,

I was so scared I ran straight downstairs into the kitchen, I looked in the fridge and there wasn't anything 'healthy' in it, I looked out the kitchen door to see where she was and she had fallen asleep on the sofa, I had a mad thought and did it, I walked over to the kitchen window and opened it, the cold air brushing over my face more everytime it opened more, I quickly climbed through it and gently closed it after me and ran back to school.
Mr Smith's pov

She gave me that piece of paper but I still haven't read it yet and I don't know if I should or not, she did run straight out of the classroom, I was walking out of the school gates at last, my first day and I'm the one how has to lock up I wasn't happy when they told me. I started walking and then I saw a glimse of someone jumping over the wall into the school field, I quickly opened the gate again and walked slowly over to a tree that had a leg poking out the side of it,

"Um...hello this school is closed now" I said nervously,

the figure turned around and I saw Crystal, I rushed over to her and sat next to her,

"Crystal why are you here for? you should be a home" I said panicky,

she looked to the floor and a tear dropped, I put my hand on her chin and slowly lifted it to look at me, her face went bright red and another tear started making a trail down her face,

"Did you run away from home?" I said just wondering,

she nodded and moved her hand onto mine, she slid my hand to the side of her face and then let go, she blushed loads and I felt I was blushing too,

"Right your coming to my house and staying there for the night" I said all of a sudden,

her face suddenly went a deep crimson and then she smiled, I smiled back and stood up, I helped her up and took her hand, she looked to the floor and we both slowly walked out of the school grounds. I had locked the gate and we were nearly at my house, at the minute I didn't want to think of all the things people would have thought, yes I was taking a 17 year old to my house so she could stay round the night, and we were walking up the road holding hands,

"You don't mind coming round mine do you?" I wanted to make sure,

she shook her head and we kept going, we finally got to my house and I searched for my key, I patted my front pockets of my jeans and looked in my bag, then I felt something coming out of my back pocket, I turned and saw Crystal holding my keys and smiling,

"You look these" she said so clearly,

"Yeah I was" I said smiling at her for talking,

she smiled back and blushed while handing me them, I turned to the door and slide in the key and twisted it, the door made a cracking noise when I had opened it a little and then it was fine, I stepped to one side and let Crystal go in first, she smiled and then walked in slowly I followed her and then closed the door, it was a little dark in my hall and I couldn't see her properly then I felt hands going up my sides and then I could see Crystal infront of me,

"Oh hello" I said pokeing out my tongue slightly,

she giggled and then stepped away and flicked the light switch, we were both blinded for a little bit and then we could see again, she smiled a guilty grin and then ran off into the front room that was just next to the front door, I followed her and she was sitting down on the sofa watching me watch her,

"Ok I'm gonna go upstairs for a bit to get changed and get some things for your bed tonight" I said smiing at her, "You can put a film on if you like"

I then slowly walked upstairs to my room and took off my top and dropped it onto the floor I grabbed another one out of my draw and flung it on my bed, I undid my belt and slid down my jeans, I again grabbed another pair and put them on, I then grabbed my top and walked downsatirs again, I got to the front room and looked in, Crystal was sitting on the sofa eyes clued onto the tv she had picked Stardust, I smiled and then walked to my dining room I grabbed out of the cupboard a mattress type thing and a couple pillows, I dragged them upstairs to my room and sorted out her bed for the night. I kinda skipped down the stairs and bundled into the front room I made her jump and then smile, I smiled back and then sat next to her, she snuggled up to me and then moved my arm so it was around her so she could snuggle up more, we then stayed like that all through the film.
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ok now Im stuck, Crystal and Mr Smith are getting really close but I don't know if they should get even closer, can you help me?? please, I just need to know if I should get them a little closer then they should or if they should just stay like this
hope you like it :)