Silence Is The Past


It got to about 11 and we had watched a few more films after Stardust,

"Ok do you want to go to bed now?" I said to Crystal,

she smiled and then nodded, we both stood up together, she walked to the door and I quickly turned everything off and then closed the curtains, we then both walked into the kitchen andgot a glass of milk each, I hadn't had milk before bed so I didn't know if it would keep me up or not. After we got our milk we walked upstairs to my bedroom, Crystal went in first and layed on the bed I made her,

"Is it ok in there?" I asked quietly,

she smiled and nodded, her smile was so cute. I walked over to my bed and got inside after putting my milk on the end table, I looked down at Crystal and she was watching me,

"You like watching me don't you" I said smiling at her,

her face went bright red and then she huddled into her quilt, I giggled a little and then got out of my bed and sat next to hers, she looked up at me with worrying eyes,

"Sorry" she said into the quilt,

I sat on her bed next to her and wrapped my arm around her, she snuggled up to me and dropped her quilt down from her face a little,

"It's ok, you can watch me when ever you want, ok so maybe not in the shower" I said with a giggle,

she giggled back and looked at me, I looked at her and we were both just gazing at each other, we sat there for a little while and then she leaned in a little, I leaned in a little with no hesitation and then she made our lips meet, we sat there kissing and then she leant to me so I was laying down and she was laying half on me and half off me, we layed there kissing and then she stopped and sat up,

"Sorry" she said again,

I sat up and smiled,

"It's ok, you need to stop saying sorry" I said still smiling at her,

she looked away from me so I stood up, I got into my bed again and watched Crystal get into her bed and tucking herself in, her eyes didn't once meet mine,

"Crystal you know that the kiss was ok right?" I said looking at her,

she tried to hide into her bed but it just started making bundles of bed clothes everywhere,

"Crystal the kiss was ok, don't feel bad about it ok" I said still watching her trying to hide, she then stopped and looked at me, we stared at each other and then a tear fell down her face, I saw it and quickly got out of bed and rushed to her side, she layed there staring at me,

"I made you cry again I'm so stupid" I said looking to the floor,

"You no stupid" she said suddenly,

I looked up at her and smiled gently, I was stupid I have been kissing a 17 year old and have let her stay round mine, what am I going to do?,

"I go to bed now, you get sleep" she said after whipping the tear away and sorting out her quilt a little,

"Oh ok and I am really really sorry for making you cry again" I wanted to show her how sorry I was,

"It ok" she said and then snuggled up,

I stood up and got into my bed yet again and pulled the quilt over me, I looked up at the ceiling and then at Crystal,

"Good night then Crystal"

"Good night Mr Smith" she said back,

I twisted so I wasn't facing her and then fell into a deep sleep.

Crystals pov

I was just laying in my bed, the sheets and quilt smelt of Mr Smith, I looked up at his bed and saw he wasn't facing me and was asleep, I feel so stupid, I kissed him again it was me who did it and I shouldn't have, I twisted so I wasn't facing him and then fell asleep. A couple of hours later I suddenly woke up, I had a horrible dream it was my carer standing over me in my room, I was crying so much that my face was suddenly melting away with the tears and she was just stood over me yelling to stop, I sat there with my face dripping away and then she had vanished, Mr Smith was standing infront of me with his hand towards me, I took it and then he turned into my carer again and she screamed at me and then I woke up,

"Mr Smith" I whispered,

he must be in a deep sleep, I gently got up out of my bed and stood next to his,

"Mr Smith" I whispered again,

he turned but was still asleep, I wanted to talk to him about my dream but I didn't want to wake him, I saw there was a little space on his bed so I slid into his covers and layed there, yes ok I was in bed with a teacher, I turned to face him and gentled my breathing so I didn't wake him, he looked so cute asleep, his face was so still and peaceful, I moved closer to him and hoped I wouldn't wake him, I wrapped my arms round him and snuggled into him, luckly he hadn't woken up so I layed my head on his pillow and his chest and fell asleep gently.
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it's finished :P lol
hope its ok, my heads not with it at the minute lol
has anyone got any ideas for it?? im kinda lost at the minute