Old School Love

moving yet again

What’s up y’all? My name is Margaret and if you don’t like it I don’t care, because this is my story not yours, so deal with it. As I said my story so here it goes, I live with my mom which isn’t exactly peachy but I am dealing with it not so pleasantly. Life has been hard ever since my dad died. His death really affected me because he was always my favorite parent. Yes as amazing as it was I was Daddy's little princess, and my mom couldn't stand the affection my father lavished on me often. We would do everything together, when he died part of me went with him. Now all that’s left is a shell of my former self. He died and the bitch came out, I didn’t mean for it to happen but it did and I hate it. I am nothing like I used to be. My mom soon became a drug addict and an alcoholic, wait what am I saying she was always a druggie and liked her beer but she stopped hiding that she was doing it which soon led to her abusing me. Throwing random shit, especially whatever is closest to her. My life has changed so much. I miss my daddy so bad .I know deep down, that if daddy were still alive my mom wouldn’t treat me like this. He would save me from it all, but I have to let that go now because he's gone and I am truly alone.

Well now we are moving thanks to the dopey I call my mother. If you couldn't already tell, my mom can't keep jobs very well, because of either the addictions or being late, so that means every time she loses one of her jobs, we skip town. That being said you probably can guess that I haven't had very many "good" friends. So no tearful goodbyes, except one.... and that was to my daddy's grave. Which I still miss being able to visit. As of current time we are moving yet again to the town of Mooresville, a small town in Maryland. Probably a hick town as always, but I'll look on the bright side we probably won't be here long. We never are. We usually stay in one town long enough to get comfortable then boom we pack up and leave. If my mother could keep a job maybe I would be more stable. At the last town it got to the point that I actually got a job. I didn’t want to leave my dad again. You see after he died we stayed for six month then she couldn’t take the sorrow so we moved to Tennessee. A year there then we moved to Texas. Well you get the point, the last town, before we moved back home I actually liked. It was New York City, no one looked at me funny, and no one knew my problems. I actually made one friend there. Then we moved back home and I was happy I could go and have talks with my daddy again. Only now he couldn’t answer back. I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow, back to unpacking everything while my mom goes to her corner. Oh damn I forgot she doesn’t work on the corner anymore, but the door to her heart revolves so much kind of like her legs. I shouldn’t talk about my mother like that but after all the hell she’s put me through she’s lucky that’s all I'm doing.
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well this is a story thats been sitting in my laptop for awhile so enjoy