Old School Love

my new make out buddy

I didn’t think twice as I ran out the door. I was secretly hoping he was still there. I stopped running as soon as I hit the grass when I realized that I was running after someone I despised. He was leaned up against my mom’s car. I smiled a bit and walked over to him and he smirked.
“What did you want?” I asked rather bluntly. Why was he here? Especially when my mom’s home.
“Well I was thinking bout you and wanted to see you. Is that a crime?” He emphasized the word crime as if I was the dumbest person on earth.
“Yes as a matter of fact it is. My mother and family are here.”
“You’re related to that pansy?” He chuckled. “Damn girl I feel bad for you.” I smacked him lightly in the arm.
“That’s so mean, but true.” I giggled, and then stop as if I was a little kid who had said a bad word. I don’t giggle. He leaned up and wrapped my hair around his fingers.
“Are you aware how attractive you are?” I nodded like duh! You see some girls were born with no self confidence I was born with way too much. I smirked which led to his matching one. He leaned in closer.
“What are you doing?”
“Doing what those two stooges only dream about doing.” He leaned it and captured my lips with his. The kiss was electric. He pulled away and my lips tingled. He smirked once again which led to my own smile. Wait what was I doing flirting and kissing the enemy? But the enemy is hot and an amazing kisser. Eve will be upset. He leaned in close to me again and got right by my neck.
“You know I love the taste of…” All of a sudden my mother opened the front door. He backed way away from me and almost fell backwards. It was quite a sight being that he’s usually so graceful.
“Cookies. I love the taste of cookies.” I silence a giggle rising up in my throat. I glanced back at the window and seen the two stooges as Joker had called them at the window. My mother screamed my name and I immediately took off up the stairs. But before I made it in the house I heard his voice yell.
“See you later Cookies.” I smirked and walked into the house.
As soon as the door shut my mother slapped me across the face so loud I swore he heard it outside. I got knocked to the floor then felt swift and hard kicks to my ribs. I started coughing and barely able to breathe my mom stopped beating the shit out of me and went to Renee. I got up and seen the two stooges smirk and heard Jack whisper to Nathanial.
“She got what she deserved for messing with that punk.” I almost said something but thought better of it. I got upstairs and called Eve. She answered after two rings. I decided not to tell her what happened with my mom. I mean I barely know her, maybe later.
“Hey Eve its M,” I disguised my voice rather well.
“Oh hey M what’s up?”
“I fucked up Eve badly.” I feel bad about what I had done. I betrayed the only friend I had by making out with the enemy.
“Ok sugar what did you do? Is there anything I can do to help?”
“No I made out with the enemy Eve I am such a bad person.”
“Wait you made out with Ladybug?” I grimaced. EW he was so not my type.
“No not him I made out with Joker.” I scrunched my face up waiting for her to be pissed off.
“Ok so it’s Joker.” My face fell.
“But he’s the enemy.”
“No I don’t care if you make out with him or not ‘sides he’s hot and not involved with Ladybugs problems.” I smiled. She understood and didn’t care. Did this mean us making out would become a habit?
“Thanks for understanding Eve.”
“Not a problem darling, are you coming over later?”
“I got a better idea; let’s go to the park in like a half hour.”
“Ok why?” She sounded puzzled. I laughed.
“Just do it.” She muttered ok and I went to change my clothes. I checked my ribs to see if there were any bruises. There were obviously. I cleaned up my lip and put on some eyeliner and lip gloss and snuck out my window to go meet Eve. The walk to her house was rather peaceful but I seen the crazy old lady across the street finally. Eve hadn’t lied there. She looked like she owned like one hundred and fifty cats. I laughed to myself and arrived at Eve’s place shortly later. I had on a pair of blue hip huggers and my invader zim takes over the world t-shirt. Eve opened the door and I laughed the top half of her was dressed. She had her hair done earrings in and everything then you look from her hips down you would have no idea she just didn’t get up. She had on some Ren & Stimpy jammie bottoms and some froggie house shoes. I waited for her to finish getting ready even picked out her jeans. When she was finally ready I looked at my watch 2:30 I bet Joker and his boys were playing basketball. I smirked evilly, if I had a make out buddy so will my home girl that is if I can find one of his buddies suitable.
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