Old School Love

my best friend and my boyfriend

I called Eve ecstatic the next morning. I finally had a boyfriend and he was gorgeous too. I could do hoops I was so happy. She giggled along at all the right parts. This was what having a best friend was like wow. I was practically floating on air. Joker had asked me out.
“I can’t believe he finally got up enough balls to ask you.” I stopped being all giddy.
“Wait what do you mean finally?” I heard her sigh.
“Its obvious the man liked you. You are lucky chica.” I was confused. I was just happy. Did she like Joker? I couldn’t tell yet but I will figure out.
“Why am I lucky?” I was using her for information and I know that’s wrong but I don’t care at the moment.
“Because I can tell you both like each other and I can tell you guys are going to work out beautifully.” I wiped the invisible sweat off my forehead. I didn’t want to lose my first real best friend over my first boyfriend. I changed the subject rather quickly because I didn’t like thinking like that. I mean I want to trust them but I had never been in this situation before.
“Hey did I tell you what happened on mine and Ladybug’s walk?” I heard the smile in her voice. She really likes Gorilla. I can’t see why other than the man is hot. Ok I admit it he’s hot. You didn’t get to see what I seen.
“Yea sure if you want to tell me that is.” I heard the uncertainty in her voice. Did she think I would do that to her, you know give her something to think about then change the subject? Okay I totally would.
“Well we talked for a few minutes and he’s actually really nice, I think. He can be sweet.”
“He must like you then because he’s never nice to me.” Oh shit I hope not. That would hurt the two main people in my life right now. I shook my head.
“Actually he never talks about any one other than Joker. I don’t think he likes any one.”
“Oh… okay so what happened? You don’t have to tell me.” I heard the disappointment in her voice.
“Well that crazy fucker jumped into the pond. When he stepped out oh my god you would have died. He was dripping wet and in nothing but his basketball shorts. When he hugged me I thought about you. You would have died.” All I heard was silence. Had I pissed her off? “Eve you there?”
“Dayum that’s hot.” I laughed. “Hey I have a question by the way.”
“Ok what is it?” I was curious of course.
“When did you start talking ghetto? I could barely understand you in your texts last night.” I smacked my forehead. Shit I had forgotten bout that
“Well that wasn’t me.”
“What do you mean it wasn’t you?” I heard the panic in her voice. What had she said?
“It was… shit I have to go.” I heard her sigh.
“Alright I’ll text you.” I said ok then hung up. I walked downstairs and my mom was awake and drinking again. Great I wonder if I could sneak out. I went to the back door and she stumbled into the kitchen.
“Where do you think you are going?” I stumbled over my words like she did her steps.
“I was going to the park.”
“You better stay away from that boy Margaret. Renee warned me about him.” I nodded then left. Maybe when I come home she will be passed out.
I walked the short distance to the park. The neighborhood wasn’t all that bad. I mean despite gang wars, drug deals, the cops, well that doesn’t sound too good. I went immediately to my favorite swing and sat down. I sat there kicking rocks until I heard a noise that alerted me of someone’s presence. I looked up and I seen Gorilla shooting hoops. I should go fuck with him. I walked up slowly behind him and smacked the back of his head.
“Ow wat da fuck wuz dat fo?” I laughed.
“I was bored.” He rolled his eyes.
“Ya telling me ya gots nufin to do but bother me?” I thought for a second.
“Yup that’s exactly what I am telling you.” I laughed.
“Well if ya gonna stand there at least play ball wit me.” I shook my head.
“Do you remember the last time we played basketball together?” Now he laughed.
“Yea I beat yo ass. Here I gots an idea. Why don’t I help ya with ur game and in return you talk to me.”
“Do you like me or something?” Eve’s words echoed in my head. He looked like he was gonna puke.
“EW sorry not my type, sides ya datin my boy.” Does he have any idea how gay that sounded? I decided to keep my mouth shut. He showed me the correct way to shoot the ball and I even made a couple shots. I was so ecstatic.
“Aight question time, whats your name?” I laughed this jerk didn’t know my name.
“Margaret, whats yours?” He scoffed.
“Critter, duh.” I rolled my eyes.
“Your actual name.” He paused for a second.
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i need feedback on this story plz