Old School Love

do i love him?

“My names Jay.” I laughed because I thought of Jay and Silent Bob. "Iz you laffin at me?”
“No I thought about Jay and Silent Bob.” He nodded in response. He was such an unusual character. I mean he goes from being rugged and mean to a complete softie. I just don’t get it. Him and I sat back and actually had a good conversation. He gave me this smile and I got this thought about Eve in my head. Hmm good idea M, oh god I’m already using my own nickname.
“Hey Jay I have a question.” He turned to look at me again. We were sitting on the swings like some little kids.
“Aight home gurl shoot.”
“Do you like anybody right now?” H e sat there in thought for a moment.
“What business is it of yours?” I shrugged my shoulders.
“I was just curious. Why did you get so defensive?” He replied to my question by getting up and leaving.
“See ya at the bowling alley later.” That was so rude of him. I mean come on what the hell was that about? I shook my head and headed home as well. On the way home Joker stopped me.
“Hey boo,” I turned my head immediately to see my smirking boyfriend staring at me. His eyes really reflected an ocean at the moment. I didn’t know if it was the lighting or was it something deeper I was seeing but his eyes were beautiful. Hell everything about the man was beautiful. He had perfect tone and figure. He was god’s Mexican answer to all problems. I smiled as he pulled over and got out and leaned against his purple low rider. He’s been using that car a lot lately.
“Hey Joker what’s up?” He tilted his head.
“Well other than thinking bout my baby girl nothing else has held my attention.” That comment should have made me smile but it didn’t.
“Joker let me remind you something. I do not like pet names. It makes me feel like you can’t remember my name so next time you address me you better do it correct go that papi?” He smirked that famous smirk.
“I understand completely Margaret.” I smiled and we got into his low rider. Him and I just drove around and talked for like two hours. I was really starting to like him. That wasn’t what scared me though, I was afraid I was starting to love him.
I got terrified of my last thought and just closed up. I refused to say another word. I couldn’t love him I barely know him. But then again he and I have been spending a lot of time together. He dropped me off in front of my house and I noticed my mother’s car was gone once again. I walked into the house and pulled out my cell phone. Eve hadn’t tried to call or even text me since this morning. That was unusual for her. She’s usually blowing my phone up. I tried to text her, but she didn’t answer me. I was curious but didn’t say anything. I didn’t bother calling either. I just sat around waiting to be called or picked up. Luckily I heard an engine revving outside. Had I known what was going to happen I never would have went. Never would it have been my fault. It will be forever embedded in my mind.
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