Old School Love

hes gone?

I ran to the low rider. My boyfriend had opened the door already so I could jump in on the run. Gorilla hasn’t got used to riding in the back but he dealt with it. Joker smiled at me so warmly all thoughts about not trusting him faded away. He leaned in and kissed me. I heard Gorilla groan in disgust and I pulled away giggling.
“Get a room or somethin’ damn I don’t wanna see dat shit.” I laughed then smacked him upside his head.
“Be nice for once and maybe we will consider getting a room.” He shook his head. Spike laughed and Sam rolled his eyes. Yes they were all riding with us as well. The rest of his crew were riding in a separate car. Joker’s main guys were riding in our car though. I smiled and looked at Joker he had the goofiest grin on his face. I loved it when he smiled, sure his smirk was sexy but his smile was extraordinary.
“You ready to bowl M?” Obviously he decided to pick up on Eve’s nickname.
“Anything with you I’m ready to do.” Gorilla groaned in the backseat again and I laughed. I loved getting him going it was so much fun.
We got to the bowling alley and we all went and got our shoes and stuff. We had three lanes going that I knew of. The usual, Joker, Gorilla, Spike, and I were in one lane, Sam and a few guys I didn’t know were in his lane and the one next to it. Joker was up first and he nailed a strike; Gorilla too. You know I am really tired of getting beat at this stupid game. I did my best and hit a spare. I jumped up and down like a little kid; that is until Spike went next and hit a strike. I lost my enthusiasm. The game went back and forth with Spike and I battling for third place. It’s obvious who first and second belonged to. After the first game ended I decided that I should get to know Joker’s other gang members better since I was his girlfriend. I smiled at that thought. I walked over to the next lane with Joker’s eyes watching me. I finally got used to him watching me all the time I guess it’s because he cares. The first guy I decided to introduce myself to was rather quiet. He had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was shorter than the other guys and was only a couple inches taller than me. He looked like he was about 5’6”. Yay only two inches taller than me.
“Hi my names Margaret,” I said as I sat next to him. He looked away from the game and directed his attention to me.
“I know who you are everyone does.” I laughed.
“Well that still doesn’t explain your name.” He smirked.
“Its Bradley,” such an ugly name for a cute face.
He and I sat talking off and on the entire night. He was a total sweetheart. Joker wasn’t staring at me as intently, maybe he trusted him not to touch me I don’t know. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and it was from Eve.

~sry busy day wats up witchu~

I texted back that I was at the bowling alley with the guys. I started talking to Bradley again. He shifted his eyes away from me and started to play with his hands.
“Can I trust you?” I looked at him funny. What the hell he and I have been talking this whole night practically and now he was wondering if it was okay to trust me. No wonder Joker wasn’t worried about him, he’s not the brightest crayon in the crayon box.
“Well you’ve opened up to me about a lot already so why stop now.” He nodded.
“You can not say a word to any one about this, not even Joker.” I nodded and silenced a gulp. He didn’t need to know that I was worried about what he was going to tell me.
“I won’t Bradley I promise.” He sighed and paused. My cell did the charge sound so I knew I had a new text. I giggled to myself and told Bradley to hold on I’ll be right back. I walked over and tapped Gorilla on the shoulder and handed him my phone.
“Will you do me a favor and text her for me? She’s kind of upset.” He rolled his eyes.
“Explain to me why I should do anythan fo u?” He had an annoyed expression on his face. I silently laughed I loved seeing that expression.
“If you don’t I’ll tell Joker that you are being mean to me and you know he will be pissed at you. I thought you would change your mind.” He rolled his eyes and opened the text she sent me. I laughed and walked back to Bradley.
“Ok what is it you want to tell me?” He looked up from the floor.
“Please don’t freak at what I am about to tell you. You have to promise me,” I nodded. “I think I’m gay.” I shook my head. This was what he was freaking out about. This is what he had me freaking out about. I thought he was a serial killer or something.
“Honey there’s nothing wrong with being gay.” He shook his head in disbelief.
“I can’t tell Joker so please don’t say a word.” I was confused. Why couldn’t he tell him?
“Why I mean is it because you’re afraid of him?” He shook his head.
“I am but that’s not the point I’m trying to point out.” I was more confused now that ever.
“Then what is the point?” He sighed.
“I’m afraid I’ll get kicked out of the gang if I tell him.” I laughed. I didn’t mean to but that is the silliest thing I have ever heard.
“Joker is an understanding man so I’m pretty sure he will understand why don’t you just tell him?” He looked at me like I was stupid which I really didn’t like.
“Yea that’s something nice to tell the leader of your gang. ‘Hey Joker guess what I’m gay.” I rolled my eyes.
“Wait a second did ya just say u wuz gay?” I watched his eyes water up and he noticed Joker standing right in between us two. Then he nodded. He was terrified. “Aw hell naw dat shit don’t fly wit me.” I felt anger rise up in me.
“What the hell is wrong with being gay? I think it’s perfectly fine.” He rolled his eyes.
“Whateva its time ta bounce anywayz.” He orders the guys to start grabbing their shit and he left the building. I grabbed Bradley and pulled him into a hug.
“Its ok sweetie he will come to his senses.” He cried into my shoulders and I got angrier with every tear that fell. How could Joker be so ruthless? That wasn’t the guy I knew. I was so angry at him right now I could scream. Sam came up and patted Bradley’s back.
“Its ight man Joker will come around.” I raised an eyebrow. Why wasn’t he on Joker and Gorilla’s side? That was unusual. He came and gave him a hug as well.
“So why aren’t you on Joker’s side about this one?” I didn’t mean to be rude but it was bothering the hell out of me.
“I don’t have a problem with gays.” I smiled. Finally some one that had a similar opinion as mine. We all walked outside and Joker and the crew were already in their cars and one car was completely empty. That was strange. I tapped on Joker’s window and he rolled it down reluctantly.
“Wat iz is ya want?”
“We want to ride with you.” He rolled his eyes and threw his hand in Bradley’s direction.
“No fag is getting in mi car.” I was in shock. I couldn’t believe he was this worked up over Bradley being gay.
“Joker that’s just plain rude. Bradley’s life choices are his own and no one else’s.” He rolled his eyes.
“Actually my choices are his choices and if he doesn’t like it then he’s outta the gang.” I felt my eyes water up. Where was the sweet guy I knew?
“I guess I was wrong about you. We have nothing in common.” I turned around with tears in my eyes and Sam wrapped his arm around my waist.
“Let’s go babe.” I walked at a rather rapid pace. I wanted as far away from Joker as possible. I wanted away so badly that I didn’t notice that Bradley wasn’t in the car with us. Sam drove off and I looked out the window and seen Joker stomping the hell out of the poor kid. I yelled for Sam to stop but obviously he didn’t hear me over the music. I screamed causing Joker to look up and stop kicking Bradley. He put his head in his hands and walked over to the red stoned brick and punched it. A normal person’s knuckles would have broken on the spot but Joker’s big hands only started to bleed. That was all I seen before Sam pulled out of sight.

Joker’s p.ov.

I heard a scream and I looked up to see my beautiful Margaret with tears streaming down her face. I immediately stopped what I was doing and walked away from that kid. I didn’t think things through. I overreacted. I walked over to the wall and punched it as hard as I could. I didn’t feel an ounce of pain. All I felt was like I had been punched in the chest. I felt empty inside. She was leaving me. I looked down and seen the blood drip off my knuckles but I didn’t care. I felt something touch my shoulder and I looked up to see Critter standing there.
“Come one man lets go.” I shrugged him off. He walked ahead of me and for some off reason I followed him. I guess it was because he was my best friend and had yet to do anything I hadn’t asked him too. He ended up leading me to the park. I went and sat on the swings and let my feet drag against the tiny stones that lied around my feet. I felt like I was going to cry. I had lost her over something stupid like this. Why did Bradley have to be there tonight? If he wasn’t that could have prevented a lot of problems. Especially when I think I may be falling for this girl. I have only been in love one time before Margaret and that girl had my entire heart. If she asked me to put a bullet through my head I would have because I loved her that much. I am starting to get feelings like that for M. Wait I wonder if I can get a hold of Eve. Maybe she will get M to talk to me.
“Hey Critter,” he turned around and looked at me.
“Huh, wat ya need?”
“Have you talked to Eve lately? I need her for somethin’.” I watched him shuffle his feet and look around. He paused for a minute. I scratched my head. Why was he hesitating for?
“Uh naw y woul I talk ta dat ho fo?” I sighed.
“Damn I needed to talk to her about something, never mind then.” I had lost all hope.
“Ya no she luvs ya an if ya need help leave it to ya boy.” I shook my head.
“I need to get M back Critter I think I’m in love with her.” He looked at me crazy.
“Damn dawg its dat bad? Aight give me a minute and I’ll sprinkle my pink fluffy kitty stuff on her.” I shot my head up.
“Wait what stuff Critter? You better be talking about words man.” He laughed and waved me off. I watched him walk away from me and pull out his phone. He stood away for a good six or seven minutes then he came back with a smirk. Mission accomplished or did she deny his requests?

Margaret’s point of view

I hung up the phone with Critter and looked around my room. Did I really want to go to the park? I mean I was supposed to be mad at Joker. What he pulled was uncalled for. I looked across my bedroom floor at Sam who was staring at me intensely. I sighed.
“Look honey if you want to go to the park I’ll drive you.” I nodded and grabbed my hoodies and followed him out my bedroom door. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn’t notice the pet name he used. He wrapped his arms around my waist and walked me to his car. Sadly I didn’t feel as safe in his arms as I did Joker’s. Joker made my whole life seem complete. Then it hit me life a ton of bricks; I was in love with Joker. A smile filled my features then it dropped. With what he did tonight I don’t know if I can trust him with my feelings. What do I do? Do I tell him and risk him turning against me or do I keep it to myself and risk never knowing how he feels? I shook my head I am going to have to figure out soon.
The drive to the park seemed like to take forever. I don’t know if it’s because Sam kept kissing my hand or the fact that the radio wasn’t on. I kept drifting back to my thoughts and tuning him out no matter what it was he said I just kept ignoring him. We finally got there and Gorilla opened my door sending Sam a death glare in the process.
“Ah shorty follow me, jus ya no one else.” I knew that was directed at Sam but at this point I was glad to be away from him for a moment to breathe. I followed Gorilla and he kept making small talk but the difference between him and Sam was that his was comforting. He made me laugh even though I hated him. I would have never guessed how close him and I were about to become but that’s later on in the story. We got to where Joker was seated which was on my swing. You see I claimed a swing at the park because I’m always sitting on that one. As soon as I came closer Joker stood and I could tell he had been crying. He wrapped his arms around me and I melted into his hug. His arms fit perfectly around my body and his head was placed on top of mine. That’s what’s cool about dating a tall guy and being short it’s a sweet gesture that makes the whole hug better. Try doing that you tall people! I giggled in my head a bit and he pulled away.
“Come take a walk with me M, I promise Critter will be a holler away if you want to get away from me.” I nodded and looked down and put my hand into his extended one.
We started to walk around by the basketball court.
“M I’m sorry for my actions. I understand why you may be upset with me but I have a good reason I swear. What I’m about to share with you never leaves us you understand?” I simply nodded which seemed to be a good enough response for him.
“When I was growing up you know I didn’t have a lot and I had some things happen to me that I don’t want to go into at this time. Well my little cousin who was more like my nephew ya know? He and his sister had gone to the mall one day and ya know my female cousin Angelique was and still is boy crazy. Well this guy got her attention so she’s sitting there outside the toy store twirling her hair obviously flirting Oscar was there last thing on her mind. Well inside the toy store this man approached little Oscar and offered to buy him a toy if he went to the ice cream stand with him because he didn’t want to get ice cream by himself so of course Oscar was excited so he said yes. The man bought Oscar whatever toy he wanted which I don’t recall what it was and walked toward the ice cream stand but he didn’t finish his walk there he drug him into the bathroom and he…” Joker paused. I looked over at him my eyes meeting his and I seen a single tear drip down that beautiful face. I resisted the urge to wipe it off. He obviously wanted to finish the story.
“What happened Joker?” He looked at me then down at the ground.
“He raped him then left him in the bathroom as if he was a dirty rag in the bath tub. Angelique came into the hall just as Oscar was leaving and yelled at him for leaving. Oscar refused to tell his sister what had happened. So no charges were ever pressed against this sick son of a bitch. Now do you understand why I dislike gays so much? He hurt my cousin in one way no one can ever make better.” I nodded and a tear slipped from my eyes now. I felt bad about yelling at him but he did overreact. I mean not all gays are that evil creature that hurt his cousin. I stopped which caused him to stop as well and I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a huge hug. He returned it gladly and we walked hand in hand for awhile until I spoke up. I had decided about telling him.
“Joker I need to tell you something and its important.” He nodded.
“I have to tell you something as well,” I’m not going to lie I was scared about what he was going to tell me.
“You go first.” He nodded again.
“Margaret I think I’m falling in love with you. When I’m not with you I talk about you, when I’m not talking about you I’m thinking about you. That feeling when you were upset with me was enough to make me want to jump off the bridge. What I’m saying is I don’t want to loose you never and I don’t ever want to leave you. I want to know you are safe and that you are never sad. Damn that sounded so corny.” I smiled through tears. “Aw M I didn’t want to make you cry. Damn I feel like a jackass now.” I shook my head.
“Joker I’m in love with you, I have been so scared of my feelings because I have never felt this way before. I want to be with you too. The only thing that will separate us is death herself.” He chuckled. I looked at him crazy.
“What’s so funny?”
“How are you so sure death is a chick? How do you know it’s not a guy huh?” He came and started to tickle my sides and I squealed which caused Gorilla to come running.
“What’s goin on?” He seen Joker tickling me then shook his head. “Aw hell I thought da bitch was dyin or sumthin.” I looked at him and laughed.
“Well Gorilla if I die how are you going to talk to Miss Eve without doing it in person huh?” I looked at him and laughed then seen Joker’s confused expression and laughed harder. “Wait Gorilla this is even better you didn’t tell Joker who you been texting away on my phone?” I started laughing so hard I lost my breath. I watched Gorilla stumbled over his words then he got tongue tied. Joker hit Gorilla upside his head. That alone was almost enough to make me die in hysterics. Obviously Gorilla had decided to inform his best friend on who his new acquaintance was. Our good mood was beyond ruined when a voice spoke up.
“Aw look what we have here. What a pretty girl you got yourself there Joker. And to think we were going to waste our time on your retarded best friend.” I turned and saw this dude of pretty big size with a gun pointed at Joker before I could react I felt someone grab me and whirl me around. I held in a scream. I looked over and Joker and I’m not going to lie I was scared out of my wits. Jay stepped up like in a protective stance in front of Joker.
“Hmm your pretty little girlfriend’s life is in your hands. You decide whether she lives or dies. It feels different when the tides are turned. I wonder if you were thinking this way when you beat the shit out of my brother.” I watched Joker’s nose flare a little bit.
“Wait a sec how ya gonna punish him for sumthin I did?” I looked over at Jay. He was trying to take the blame I watched Joker give him this look that had I not been hanging around with them so much I never would have got. It was obvious to me now though. The look read ‘stay the fuck out if this’. The guy looked at Jay kind of funny.
“Wait you beat the hell out of my brother.” Jay nodded.
“Yeaz Joker had nufin ta do wit it so let him and his girl go ya beef is wit me.”
“Wait Bradley I thought you said it was the other fool?” I saw Bradley come out from behind the dude with a loaded gun.
“Nope it was Joker.” Jay rolled his eyes.
“What did ya take off yo homo colored glasses it was me dat kicked da shit out u not him Joker had nothing to do wit this.” I watched the guy wrinkle up his forehead and cock back the gun.
“No it was Joker he’s lying trying to protect him.” I shot Bradley the most hateful look I could muster up in between tears.
“If that’s the case then,” BOOM! Then gun went off and it was pointed right at Joker. Gorilla leaped in front of him but it was too late the bullet caught Joker in the chest. The guy laughed then they cut out dropping me in the process. I ran to Joker’s side and dropped to my knees. I grabbed his wrist and checked for a pulse when I didn’t feel one I started to cry and tried to give him mouth to mouth. Dammit Joker you can’t die on me now. I kept trying to pump air into him and it just wasn’t working. Jay came up behind me and pulled me off of him and I collapsed in his arms and cried. He held me and stroked my hair and when I looked up I saw the tears were rolling down his face as well. We heard sirens and he looked at me I nodded knowing he had to go. I walked back over and went and held Joker’s hand until the paramedics got there then I slowly walked home and the rain started. I had to get a ride to the hospital. Joker wouldn’t be up there alone.
When I got home Jay was in my room with his head in his hands. He was sobbing rather loudly and I walked over to him.
“Jay we have to get to the hospital.” He looked up.
“Why would we go there shorty?” I looked at him as if he was stupid, well stupider than usual.
“Joker needs us Jay.” I watched as a tear slid down his face.
“Joker’s not at the hospital.” I shook my head in shock he was delirious.
“Yes he is I watched the paramedics take him away.” He looked away from me and I seen drops hit my floor obviously from his eyes.
“No M he died in the ambulance. Joker is gone.” I fell to my knees and it all went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter is so sad
Jokers dead!!
comments will bring the next chapter sooner

sorry its so long