Old School Love

aggravating Jay to the point of no end

I hung up the phone with her and acted like nothing had happened. I went and lay next to Jay with the hugest smile on my face. He looked at me puzzled and it was obvious why. I mean my boyfriend had just died and I was smiling like a crack Fein. I just smiled away then shoved him off of the bed. He gave me the craziest look.
“So Jay do you have anything to ‘fess up to?” He put his finger on his chin.
“Nothing I know of why?”
“Are you sure Spike?” He rolled his eyes.
“Um last time I checked my names Jay.” I laughed.
“Yea I know but that’s not what you told Eve.” That’s when he looked away. I knew I had him. “So are you ever going to admit you like her?” He rolled his eyes.
“No cuz I don’t like her. I gotta bounce I’m goin to tha park.” I jumped up despite being hurt; my pace matching his.
“Nuh uh you aint leaving here without me.” He roller his eyes again, I swear I’m going to go all medieval on his ass and pluck those eyeballs out with a kitchen utensil. Wait if I did that Eve would be mad at me. Hmm was it worth it? Hell yea it was.
“Why not?” I scoffed. Wasn’t it obvious? I mean for one with my mother then two I mean come on who would want to leave this hot little thing all alone? Ha wait Jay would never mind. He and I were getting closer and by closer I mean that we can stand each other’s presence now. I mean sure he’s hot and all but totally not my type. Plus my best friend totally has dibs on him. I thought he was getting up but he completely surprised me. He lay back down and snuggled with me a bit then I drifted off into sleep. I was dreaming so peacefully and dreaming about Joker when something wet hit my foot. I shot up but I couldn’t move. I started to panic. I couldn’t move from my knees down. I started to freak out. My mother had finally gotten her way I couldn’t move. I started to cry quietly. I tried to sit up. I slowly rose up and I screamed. What the hell? I saw this big hairless Gorilla lying on my legs. My second scream woke him up. He shook his head and wiped the drool from his mouth. EW those were my feet. I tried to jerk away from him but he refused to let go.
“Naw don’t move these are my feet.” I screeched. Ok for one I am funny about my feet. I don’t like any one touching them even looking at them and here he was snuggling them.
“Jay let go of my feet right now!” He nodded but snuggled closer again.
“But feet are my weakness!” Then it dawned on me. EW oh my god feet turn him on. Oh my god I started to freak out.
“Jay you let go of my feet right now or I will kill you!” He looked at me and I saw a look of pain go through his eyes. I was the only thing he had left I shouldn’t have said something stupid like that. I still attempted to pull my feet away. When that failed I grabbed my book I’m supposed to read for English and hit him in the head with it.
“Girl I’m gettin tired of ya hittin me wit shit.” I laughed but my laughter stopped when I heard my bedroom door open. I was surprised at who was at the door but at the same time I was like ‘oh shit’ in my mind. Eve stood there with her mouth open. She will never believe that we weren’t doing anything.
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt.” I shook my head a sudden fear rising in me.
“No Eve we weren’t doing anything. Jay has been staying over as s protection for me since Joker has been gone.” I watched her shake her head and from here I couldn’t tell if tears were forming yet because she looked away from me.
“Oh so you’re on first name basis now? I see don’t worry about it M I understand.” She went to leave again but I called her and I was surprised she stopped.
“Eve please believe me nothing is going on between me and Gorilla.” I heard him grumble something. I have never been bothered this much over what someone thinks. I mean I know how I felt when I thought she liked Joker. I don’t want her to feel the same thing.
“Then explain that,” her hand motioned Jay snuggling my legs and feet.” I laughed, that was not exactly the best thing to do right now.
“Come here Eve.” Reluctantly she walked closer to me. When she got close enough I grabbed her leg and she hit the floor causing Jay to jump up like something was wrong. She looked at me kind of wild herself.
“What the hell was that for?” I smirked.
“Ooops I just wanted to knock you down for this,” I took off her rainbow colored toe socks. Her feet were milky white and smooth plus the deep royal purple on her toe nails really set out against her pale feet. “Jay is only snuggling with my feet because he has a secret feet fetish.” Her eyes went wide and she tried to jerk her foot from my grasp. I laughed when I looked at Jay because he was blushing on his cheeks but his eyes said an entire different story. A familiar look to the female mind was what showed there… lust. I laughed pretty loudly. Maybe I should leave. I mean if he’s going to rape my best friend, wait it’s not rape if you like it, I really don’t want to be here. I let go of her feet but Jay’s eyes remained. She jumped up and backed against the wall. He looked her up and down and I thought I had finally done it. I brought them together, I was ecstatic that is until he left the room. Damn I failed. That’s ok though I got up and followed him out of the room. Eve stayed behind probably waiting on him to leave. I sighed. These two were never going to get together. I followed Jay out of the house. He got into his car and I got in with him. He drove like a maniac. I didn’t know what was up with him. Was he hiding from something or did he want to be away from Eve?
We got to the park and he sprinted to the basketball court. He walked over to Spike and ignored me completely. Spike waved to me. Humph at least some one acknowledged me. I stood there impatiently tapping my foot. He stood there ignoring me as if I wasn’t there or something.
“You do know that our conversation from earlier is far from over.” He continued talking to Spike about the future of the gang and how he’s been. I rolled my eyes.
“Hey Spike did you know that Eve likes you?” I saw Jay tense up so I laughed evilly in my head. If he didn’t talk after this then I don’t know what else to do.
“Really? That’s cool maybe I should ask her out.” He winked at me quickly so Jay didn’t catch. I watched Jay’s expressions change and I knew we were getting to him a bit.
“So Gorilla when are you going to tell her it’s you and not Spike?” He continued as if I hadn’t said anything. “Hey you big ape I’m talking to you. You know she likes you so that’s no excuse!” He continued talking to Spike. I started screaming at him but to no avail.
“Hey M calm down you know Gorilla… I mean Critter ignores things he doesn’t want to talk about.” I backed away from Gorilla.
“Ok I’m ok I’m going to be fine. I am okay” I inhaled and held my breath for a minute and took off running at Jay again. “I’m not okay,” I screamed as I jumped on his back and started hitting him in the head as hard as I could with my fists. Spike tried to hold in a laugh.
“Why won’t you tell her? You know she likes you! Why cant you be yourself you big hairless ape? She likes you for you! When are you going to tell her you’re not Spike?”
“M get off of him and calm down.” I jumped down and walked away from Jay again and paced back and forth this time. I know this is a lot to get worked up over but I couldn’t help it. I hated liars. I paced for a good five minutes then I decided what I was going to do. I ran off again and tackled him from behind he never seen it coming, neither did Spike either though. I mean who would see a guy twice their size landing on them? I speared Jay from behind and he stumbled onto Spike. I then jumped on his back, and then I realized that I had two guys on top of each other. You have to guess that’s uncomfortable. When that dawned on me I started wiggling my butt so their how do I put this, junk rubbed against each other. I laughed and kept doing it.
“Now you have no way to avoid me. Why won’t you tell her?” He sighed.
“Because I don’t want her to think I’m soft because I’m not.” I rolled my eyes and wiggled my hips again much to the guy’s dismay.
“When do you plan on telling her that you are Spike?” Spike laughed.
“I thought I was Spike!” Just for that I kept wiggling my hips and they groaned again. Jay finally answered my question.
“I never planned on telling her. She didn’t need to know I wasn’t Spike plus it would stop me from liking her if she liked Spike.” I gasped! He admitted it. I smiled that is until I heard Eve’s voice full of confusion.
“Wait your Spike? You lied to me.” The last part was pretty much screamed though. She shook her head and then I went to interject but I realized Jay had to be the one to fix this because I wasn’t the one to fuck it up.
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ah new chapter
comment love would be welcomed
i read every ones things that takes the time to let me know they read mine
much love and oreos
