Old School Love

trouble so soon

Well we arrived in Mooresville early the next morning, and I immediately started setting up rooms. The house my mom had found for us was actually pretty nice; it had two bedrooms, one with an attached bathroom. Guess who called dibs on that one? *silent pause* Well did you guess? I did ha ha ha; wow I really need to sleep more. My mom wasn’t exactly thrilled that I stole the best room in the house, but she really didn’t find out. I started painting the room before she got a chance to claim it. I ended up painting the room blood red, and I couldn’t finish the trim until the paint dried, so I went and started on the living room. No creative freedom here though, my mom had already picked out the colors for the room. So I painted it the yellow looking color she wanted and moved the couches. You see with all my moving experience who needs movers? Unless they happen to be hot, then movers are ok. Well they are more than ok they make the day go by so nicely.

I took a break from painting and went to go check up on my mom. Her entire room was set up. It was painted a lavender color, she hadn’t noticed me standing there so I gently pressed my finger to the wall. The paint was dry, yet it still had a fresh looking coat like it was just applied in the last week or so. She started putting away her clothes in a new looking dresser I hadn’t seen before. This wasn’t making any sense.
“Hey mom your room looks nice.”
“Yea Nathan helped me set it up before I got here.”
“Who is Nathan mom?”
“Hes one of my coworkers I am going to be working with. You see I worked with his brother when we lived in Texas. So he got me a job because his brother liked me so much.” I shook my head and walked out of the room. I walked back to the living room, and she was right behind me. She said she was hungry and was going to get some food. She didn’t even bother to ask if I wanted to go. Oh well I guess that means I get to take a break until she gets back. I started looking around at the walls and I started to think, which is something I don’t do often. I kind of knew I had to take advantage of the moment. I should have known that when I started thinking something bad was going to happen, but oh no I stayed in the same spot until I heard yelling and screaming outside. My eyebrow cocked up, as did my" what the fuck" look. I went over to the window and peered out, I seen a bunch of idiots skateboarding and basically showing off, trying to outdo the other. Once again thinking got the best of me and I decided to go outside. I opened up my front door only to find that the idiot skateboarders were hot as hell, its times like this I wish I had a best friend to discuss this stuff with. Then I noticed one of them had just landed on my mom’s flowers she had just bought.
“Are you fucking stupid? My mother just bought those god damn flowers. Where the fuck you think your going? You better get your ass back here and pay for these!” Then I started mumbling,“great give her another reason to bitch.”

These motherfuckers are still standing there. Conviently enough, one of the retards left their skateboards on the porch. So I picked it up and lunged it at the first person I seen. It hit the dude in the head and knocked him face first into the pavement. Funny enough, he stood up and uttered,” Damn dawg it feels like I just got whacked in the head with a damn skateboard or something.” I tried to hide my smile, because that shit was funny. My smile soon faded because when I turned my head, and I swear to god I must have seen red. The stupid ass motherfucker that had smashed my mom’s flower pot was leaned up against the street light and was fucking smirking! Ugh I could fucking kill him right now. He was kind of hot though. He had long dark brown hair and his eye color was hidden, quite tall and had no shirt on. When he smirked again I seen something sparkle in his mouth, at that point and time I noticed the lip ring. I shook my head and went back to being pissed. The dumb one soon walked up and was still rubbing the back of his head. They whispered something and left laughing. God now I remember why I never had boyfriends, guys are such dorks.
I walked back into the house and sat back onto the couch and I heard a car pull up and screaming. Great mom’s home.
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