Old School Love

to the bat mobile lets go

I sighed looking from him to her. Wasn’t he going to say anything? I watched again. Come on you big ape this is your chance. Tell her how you feel. I tapped my foot impatiently. I was still sitting on the big ape and he wasn’t saying a word. I got up thinking maybe that would help. He looked at me then shook his head and went to walk away. I should have let him walk, but I didn’t. I followed him trying to get inside his head. Meanwhile Eve sat next to Spike with her head in hands. I was torn but I walked with him any way.
“What the hell was that Jay? That was your big chance to just,” I paused, “lay one on her or something and you run away like a chicken shit.” He sighed.
“I just couldn’t do it.” He ran his hand roughly through his hair.
“Why not Jay explain it to me because I don’t understand.” He sighed again.
“No you wouldn’t understand it’s a guy thing but I will try to explain it. I know she likes me as the hard gangster. I don’t think she will like Jay when she knows and likes Critter so much.” I nodded.
“That’s understandable but how do you know if you never gave her a chance to know Jay.” He nodded.
“I just don’t know.” I stopped him and did the impossible. I hugged him.
“I know its hard trusting people but give her a chance okay?” He nodded and we walked back to the spot where we left Eve and Spike. When we got there Eve was gone. Spike was still on the ground, his hands behind his head staring at the clouds. I looked at Jay and he scratched his head obviously confused to. I tilted my head and walked over to Spike. He was in never land in his head I’m guessing because he didn’t hear me when I walked up nor did he acknowledge my presence. But when Jay showed up the whole top half of Spike was covered in shadow. I laughed. Damn Jay was wide as hell; I will have to tease him about it when he’s not so upset anymore. Wait he will just work out more then he will be twice as wide. I muttered to myself muscle freak man. I lost it I started dying laughing causing both Jay and Spike to look at me crazy. I waved them off and recovered from my laughing incident. They probably think I’m twice as crazy as before. Now back to business.
“Ok Spike where did Eve go?” Jay rolled his eyes.
“I already azkd dat an had ya been payin atenyon ya wulda known.” Ok I had to slow that sentence down in my head. It’s hard when you are so used to him talking normal then he goes all ghetto white boy on me and it gets confusing.
“Sorry I had a funny moment. So where is she?” He rolled his eyes again.
“He aint kno.” I nodded then all of a sudden made a motion like robin from batman and robin.
“To the bat mobile let’s go.” He looked at me at first then he started laughing. I jogged to his car and he passed me up. He got in the driver’s seat and I got in the car.
“So Robin where are we going?” I looked at him and flipped my hair back then rolled my eyes.
“Bitch please I’m more like Batman only a female.” He rolled his eyes.
“Whatever where are we going?” I looked at him and smacked him upside his head.
“You should have had a V8.” He looked at me as if I had lost my mind. In his mind I probably had though. I shook my head.
“Well I didn’t have one so where are we going?” I tilted my head as if to think a minute.
“Holy moley white g homie skillet chicken in a basket man to Eve’s house we go.” He shook his head I think avoiding laughter.
“And to think my best friend fell in love with a lunatic.” I smacked his arm so hard it left a hand mark. “Ow what was that for?”
“I’m not a lunatic I’m psycho get it straight.” He laughed. Ugh the nerve of him.
We pulled up in Eve’s driveway and got out of the car. I raised my hand to knock and I heard screaming then glass break. What the hell was going on? I looked at Jay and he mirrored the same expression. One last boom then it all went quiet. What was going on?
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hey guys i tried to add more humor in this chapter because i desperatly needed a smile
so comment please
i need all the smiles i can get me and my boyfriend split up today