Old School Love

Another moment in time

All of this seems so surreal. I’m waiting to wake up and face reality. Like I am dreaming and he’s still dead. A dream couldn’t feel this real. I couldn’t feel his lips on mine and I couldn’t feel the spark from that kiss when I’m asleep. He must be back. Well I know for sure he was back. Well duh he was kind of next to me with his arms wrapped around me. I mentally smacked my forehead. I can be so slow sometimes. I think I was still in shock that he was alive. I was expecting to be pissed off or at least upset but I wasn’t. Not in the least bit. It wasn’t even close to how I was feeling. I was so happy I could burst. Joker was alive and breathing and I was in his arms. Something bad must be coming again. This time it better not be me losing Joker again. I don’t think I can handle it a second time. The first time was bad enough but a second time would kill me. Especially since I know he wanted to give up everything for me. Everything he was known for and everything he loves for me. I felt my stomach start to flutter. He was the one. I knew it. I didn’t care what every one else said about him. Besides their opinion doesn’t mean shit to me any way. I looked over at him and smiled. This was how it was supposed to be. Just him and me. Which brought me back to the present.
Joker and I were laying in my bed watching some old school Dracula movie. I don’t know why I liked them so much but I do. He pulled me closer to him and kissed the top of my head. Maybe it was better that he ‘died’. Now I wouldn’t have to worry about him getting shot during a deal gone wrong or him getting beat to a bloody pulp. Sure Joker’s a big guy but you never know what could happen. Especially around here. It wouldn’t surprise me if my aunt had put a hit out on him. I shuddered at that thought. I couldn’t keep thinking of him dying again. My mind state was already crazy. Losing Joker didn’t help that any.
“Whatcha thinkin bout M?” I shrugged.
“A lot of stuff. I mean it’s hard to explain.” He nodded and gave me that famous smirk.
“Ya kno I aint eva leavin ya again rite?” I sighed and sat up to look at him.
“What if something happens?” He rolled his eyes.
“M what worse can happen to me? Sides ya kno I can take care of myself.” I nodded.
“Sometimes that’s not enough Joker and you know that.” I sat up so I was no longer touching him. I felt the tears build up in my eyes. The voice that answered me scared me.
“Naw shawty ya aint worry. Jokerz always gots me.” I looked down and there sat Gorilla texting away on MY phone. I took my pillow and hit him in the head with it. He looked up and smirked.
“What the hell are you doing Gorilla?” He shrugged.
“Wats it look like? Iz textin shawty.” I hit him again. If I could find something harder it would be more effective.
“First off why are you in here? Secondly that’s my phone. You ask to use it!” He rolled his eyes and went to say something but I silenced him. What was that noise? I tried listening harder for whatever it was. That’s when I heard it; my mother’s loud obnoxious obviously drunk voice. I froze. What was I going to do? I had Joker in the house. Not to mention Gorilla was here too. He saw me last time. I don’t think Joker knew about what she did. Gorilla looked at me when he heard some one coming down the hall way. I bit my lip and looked at him. He nodded. It’s like he knew what I was saying without me saying it. Even if I dislike him he still was a good friend. He stood up and looked at Joker.
“Hey man lets go see the guys.” Joker shook his head.
“Naw man I said I was done with that.” Jay looked at me and I looked at the bathroom. He nodded and grabbed Joker and pulled him into the bathroom and shut the door. I heard the lock click and I exhaled my held in breath. They got in there just in time because as soon as the lock clicked on the bathroom door my bedroom door swung open. My mother stood there just glaring at me. I was scared. Joker was in the other room and was about to hear me get my ass beat. She walked over to me and grabbed me by the hair of my head. She threw me to the ground and started screaming at me because I didn’t vacuum the floor in the living room. She screamed louder and kicked me around. Her beer bottle was still in her hand but it wasn’t for long because she threw it at me. It hit me in the head. My head started immediately throbbing. I knew I would get hit twice as bad if I grabbed my head so I started picking up the glass. She laughed then shoved me down straight into the pile of glass. My arm stung and I felt the tears coming. She just stared watching me pick up the glass with my bare hands. Pieces of the bottle were every where and a lot of them were stuck in my arm. I held them all in my hand. I felt the blood start coming down my arm but I couldn’t check in out with her standing there. So I held it there no matter how much pain I was in.
“Next time you will learn to listen when I say something.” She laughed then looked down at my arm. “Hey you should thank me for doing this you little freak. I just helped you kill yourself.” She laughed then slammed my door shut. I let the tears run freely then and completely forgot about Joker being in the bathroom until the door swung open and I met the pure fire that was in Joker’s eyes.
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well I havent updated this one in a couple days so yay lol
this chapter ends on a sad note though. so im sorry about that.
dont hate me lol

btw i only had one vote on my little poll.
which stinks ya know
i have like 7 subscribers on this story
any way comment as always

</3 Bugz forma shawty