Old School Love

apologizing and the bus

“What is it you could possibly want? Haven’t you ruined my life enough for one day?”
“I didn’t come here to ruin yo life shawty. I came to apologize, for being a jackass. I’m sorry.”
Wait why was he apologizing? I am the one who blacked his eye, shouldn’t I be the one to say sorry? I am so confused right now. I looked over at him and he was looking at the ground. Was he embarrassed by being wrong? I don’t know, I decided to do something completely unexpected, I hugged him. He looked at me funny and then he smirked. I smiled back then I walked in the house. What a day already. I got back into the house and fell sleep, only to be awaken at five to, as my mother put it get ready for school. What the fuck? I haven’t been here a whole day and boom I have to go back to school. As you can see I am obviously excited about this *rolls eyes*. I walked upstairs and started going through boxes looking for my baggy black jeans. I found them and threw them on, and started digging back through the boxes again. Only this time I am looking for my 69 eyes shirt. I found it, and went to do my make-up. I did my eyeliner and my lip balm and I was ready to go.
I felt like Billy Madison waiting for the bus. I paced back and worth, bored as hell just waiting on the retarded school bus. It finally stopped in front of me, and I walked up on the bus. I thankfully found an empty seat. I went and sat down, and stared out the window. Life was going ok until she sat down next to me. I swear if I didn’t know better I would have thought her a prep. I turned around and glanced at her and it was none other than the bitch that jumped to my defenses so quickly yesterday.
“Hi my name is Eve,” she smiled, I swear she didn’t ooze this much prep yesterday. I just stared at her. This chick obviously has problems. How dare her come and sit next to me like that. You stick up for me once and you think we are friends what the hell is her problem? Obviously she has no idea that I used to beat peoples asses for shit like this.
“ Well I was wondering if you want to hang out tonight.” Does this girl not take a hint that I don’t want to talk to her. Whatever she is obviously retarded or something..
“ Sure I guess,” there maybe now she will be happy.
I got to school and the whole fucking day sucked. I was new so I had to be introduced in every fucking class. I noticed Eve was in two of my classes. Still being introduced sucked fucking balls man. I hated it, plus this snoody bitch teacher said my name like it was a disease or something. It was official I hated it here. But I had to deal until my mom got fired again. Who knows maybe things will lighten up a little bit. The guys around here are actually quite hot so that’s a start right?