Old School Love

the tour

The day keeps on getting worse, when I get home my mom’s drunk. That made my day complete. I went upstairs and sat in my room. I had yet to finish all the details. I grabbed a paint brush and started to do the trim. Black seemed to fit my mood today. So I did my trim a glossy black. So my room looked cool as hell now all I had to do was wait for all of it to dry and I will be good. I went through and started laying out my room in my head. My bed could go against the wall by the door; my desk could go against that wall and so on. I was rudely interrupted from doing so when something hit my window. I walked over and looked out and seen that crazy bitch Eve standing there. What the hell?
“You said we were gonna hang out so lets go.”
“I’m busy unpacking so I can’t.”
“Well packing can wait come on I have to show you the town, ‘sides you look like you need a break.”
I don’t know why I went with her but I did. I walked outside and since school had ended she had changed her clothes. She was in a black tank top and a pair of blue denim shorts. Her long hair flew around her shoulders and her silver hoops sparkled. I rolled my eyes and followed her despite her choice in clothing. We walked out onto the sidewalk and she put her arm out to stop me.
“The house right there,” as she pointed across the street, “a mean old lady lives there, she’s called the popo so many times on me its crazy and I am actually good so you can only imagine how many times Ladybug has been called on.”
“Ok question, who in the fuck is Ladybug?” She laughed for a moment and then decided to answer me.
“I will point him out to you ok?” I just shook my head and let her continue on with her tour. We walked down a couple more houses when she stopped again.
“This is the neighborhood crack house, so be careful rolling by this place late at night.”
Great the crack house is five doors down from my place, whoopee.
We went on through the whole neighborhood which took an hour and a half because she had to stop at every other house even if she had no clue about the place. At the end of the tour we run into Mr. Smartass and his dumb ass buddy.
“Hey shawty what’s crackalackin?”
“Joker whyz u talking 2 dis ho? She threw da skate bord at mi head.”
“That was her,” he bent over and started to laugh his ass off. So I interrupted his laughter.
“What’s so damn funny?”
“Well Critter this is the same girl that blacked my eye.” I just shook my head, and Eve spoke up for the first time during the conversation.
“Margaret you remember me telling you about this crazy cracker named Ladybug? Well this is him.” I looked over and she was nodding at critter I believe he was called. I shook my head again great the retard has so many names I am going to have fun remembering those. I seen Eve start to walk away and it hit me like a ton of bricks. She is avoiding something but I wonder what. She kept walking and I nodded my head in goodbye to the guys.
“Where are you going?”
“Uh I just um remembered I forgot I had homework so I had to go.”
“You could have just said that.” Then I heard the retard… I meant Critter yell something but I couldn’t make it out into words. I can not believe anyone can actually understand him. He talks like he has balls in his mouth or something. I glanced back over at Eve and she was walking looking at the ground. Something was defiantly up I just can’t figure out what.
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