Old School Love

the talk

I was debating in my head whether or not to ride with him. If I go I could get in huge trouble with my mother, if I don’t go I won’t get in as much trouble with my mother but I will be wondering what would have happened. I tapped my foot for a moment and put on a look of being in thought then I nodded. He opened the door of his low rider and motioned for me to get in. Ok what the hell was up with this dude? I got in anyways despite my curiosity toward his change. He shut the door for me then got in himself. This was weird. Why was he being so nice? I tried to shrug it off but I was still on edge with the whole thing at the pizza joint how could I not be? He drove off rather slowly at first then he left the tires screeching.
We drove in silence for a few moments until he spoke up.
“I’m sorry about the whole thing at the pizza joint. When I’m with my crew stuff does tend to get out of hand especially when Critter has been drinking.” I nodded because I understand what he meant I think.
“Why are you being o damn nice? You can’t make up your mind whether you’re an ass or being nice. What’s your deal?” He smirked a little bit. Ugh this is why I don’t like him.
“Actually I was being nice because you’re the first bitch with enough balls to stand up to me or my crew. It’s unusual for anybody to put enough brass behind them when it comes to us. I wanted to know what you are about which was why I asked you to go for a ride with me.” I just rolled my eyes. I couldn’t see why no one stood up to them; they’re a bunch of wimps.
“Well for one, the reason no bitch will stand up to you is because they are trying to screw you. I am not sure why guys don’t stand up to you yet but I will figure it out soon.” He chuckled, ok now he was creeping me out.
“You really are something else you know that?” I ignored his statement and looked out the window. I looked at him for a second and I seen why girls were attracted to him. He was gorgeous. He stopped the car and looked at me, interrupting our silence.
“I don’t want you in anymore trouble so I am dropping you off at your house.” I nodded and got out. For once I couldn’t think of anything to say which was unlike me.
I tried to creep into the house quietly, which for once worked to my advantage. I got up to my room and laid on my bed. For once my mother’s little problem had worked towards my well being. I smiled a tad bit at that thought. I need some sleep, if my thoughts will allow that. I laid there a minute and the next thing I knew I was out.

I woke up and felt so relaxed for once. I walked over to my bathroom and started the water for my shower. I grabbed my clothes and took a quick shower. My day is starting out good that is until I left my room and heard my aunt’s voice along with my cousin and his annoying friend. I walked down stairs and my mom was rushing around the house. I didn’t know what the hell was going on. Then I saw my Aunt sitting down in the chair. My mom would jump on command if my Aunt Renee said too. I never understand why she will though its weird, but then I found out the truth… they do dope together. Hell Aunt Renee’s entire family at least does weed even her son Jack. I don’t like them very much any of them. Jack thinks he’s irresistible but he’s not even close. I mean EW. Ok that sounded mean I know but Jack and his buddies think they are so cool because they smoke weed. I rolled my eyes as I walked past them. They ended up following me to the living room anyway. I sat down on the couch and they sat on opposite sides of me, which aggravated me to no end of course. I sat in between the two idiots until the doorbell buzzed. I got up to get it but I was almost knocked over by the two stooges. Jack opened up the door and I heard him. I tried to get around Jack but I only caught a glimpse before he slammed the door shut. I managed a peak out the window and seen Joker grinning and walking toward the car. This was it, do I chase after him to see what he wanted or do I stay here?
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