Crazy things happen with the people you despise

First down: Deimon High and Sena's first day

Mondays always bug me. Probably because I have to go to school after a nice weekend. Or because I have to wake up earlier then I want to. Either way I don't have a choice in what I want to do. Like every weekday morning, I woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning and stared out my window which was next to my bed. Each morning the birds would chirp and the crisp morning breeze would hit my face when I opened the window. I slipped out of bed, grabbed my uniform and wobbled into the bathroom. You know when you first wake up, how you can't walk straight? Well that was me at the moment. Brush my teeth, put on my shirt and skirt, brush my hair, etc. You know, the normal morning stuff.

Sena: " Shia-nee!! Hurry up!! Were going to be late for school! It's my first day of High school! "

Thats my little brother Sena. Hes kinda short for his age and hes easily picked on by others. Thats why I have to protect him!

Shia: " Give me a second! I'm just getting my cell phone! "

I grabbed my cell phone and ran down the stairs. As I jogged into the kitchen, I quickly grabbed a rice ball from my mom and hugged my dad who was sitting at the table reading the paper as usual. With the rice ball in my mouth, I put my shoes on and met up with Sena in front of the house. I sighed and looked at him.

Shia: " Remember Sena, high school is worse then middle school. So if anyone bothers you, immediately come to me ok? "

He looked at me then looked down at the ground as we walked.

Sena: " I'm always getting picked on... "

He looked up at me with a hopeful look on his face.

Sena: " But maybe this year will be different! "

Shia: " I don't know Sena.... But hey, who knows! "

I looked down at him and noticed that his tie was crooked.

Shia: " Hey, let me fix this! "

I straighten his tie while Sena stood there still a bit timid. Same little Sena.

Shia: " Sena, I want you to mix in with the right people this year. You don't want to end up someones errand boy again do you? "

Sena looked at me.

Sena: " I - I already have friends! "

Shia: " Last time I checked, those idiots who made you do errands didn't count as friends. "

Sena looked down with a defeated look on his face.

Sena: " I suppose your right... "

I looked around the school gates and saw a crowd of people. Plus some weirdo from the mountain hiking club wearing a parka.

Shia: " Hey look! A gathering! Why don't you go and join them Sena?? "

Sena looked a bit nervous.

Sena: " You don't have to tell me I'm not a kid anymore. "

Shia: " Sena, if anyone picks on you or makes you do stuff for them, let me know and I'll beat them to death with their skull OK? Good luck! "

Sena looked at me like I was insane but he knew I was serious.

Suddenly I felt like I was forgetting something important. Some major information that Sena would need to know in order to survive life at Deimon High School.

Shia: " Oh crap! I need to warn him about " him" ! "

Shit...If there was one person I couldn't stand in the entire damn was him.

Shia: " Sena!!! Wait!!! "

He turned around and walked back over.

Shia: " Listen Sena, there's someone you need to watch out for. His name is Hiruma and he's a fucking evil prick. "

As soon as I said his name, everyone around me flinched. I rolled my eyes at them then turned my attention back at Sena who was ready to piss his pants.

Shia: " Look, he has gravity defying blonde hair, pointy ears, and the look of Satan. If you see him, run and tell me. Promise?! "

Sena: " P - p - promise! "

Poor kid....with his luck he'll probably run into him today...I just hope I don't end up in the same homeroom as him like every damn school year.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well this is the first chapter. Hoped you enjoyed it!

In the the first couple of sentences, where Sena calls Shia " Shia - Nee " It's short for the Japanese word " Onee-Chan" Which means older sister.