Crazy things happen with the people you despise

Second Down: Deal with the Devil

I peeked my head through my homeroom door and there was no sign of that bastard anywhere! Thank god! Maybe Sena was right. Maybe this year will be different!

" Hey fucking princess! Move your in my way! "

Fuck. I jinxed it. I turned around and there he was, Blonde spiky hair, pointy ears, sharp teeth, and the face of a demon. Hiruma Yoichi.

Shia: " I'll move if I feel like it you bastard!

I glared at him and he glared back at me. Now Hiruma didn't know the meaning of " Personal bubble " so of course he was right in my face trying to intimidate me.

" Every year you two fight! "

I looked past Hiruma and saw his best friend Ryokan Kurita. Unlike Hiruma, Kurita was as kind as they get. He was a very big person but as lovable as a teddy bear. He ,as well as Hiruma, had an obsession with football and worked hard in his position. Kurita was the main lineman for the school's football team. Hiruma was the quarterback and the captain of the team.

Shia: " It's nice to see you Kurita! "

I walked past Hiruma and toward Kurita with a smile. He was a sight for sore eyes after seeing Hiruma.

Kurita: " It's nice to see you too Shia-Chan. How was your vacation? "

Shia: " Mine was just dandy. I could actually relax with out having to deal that son of a bitch. "

I pointed to Hiruma and he smirked.

Hiruma: " Not having to deal with your up tight ass made my vacation better.



Hiruma skipped into the class room laughing " Ke Ke Ke ". Kurita looked at me apologetically as he followed Hiruma into the room. I growled at Hiruma as he sat in the far back seat next to the window.

After my first couple of classes, It was lunch period so I decided to walk around the school for a little bit. Suddenly I felt a chill up my spine. The usual chill I get when that Bastard Hiruma is around. So I quickly looked around to see if I could sense his evil aura...yeah I've known him since middle school so It's kind of hard to not sense him. I noticed Sena sitting on a near by bench but he was surrounded by 3 school delinquents.

Shia: "Not again..."

I was about to go beat the shit out of those three but Sena ran away at his usual speed of light. As he zoomed past me, my green skirt went up but I didn't care because I always wear a pair of black shorts under neath. I looked at the 3 guy's faces and saw their confusion which was actually pretty funny. Once they realized what happened they ran after him. Again I felt that chill up my spine but this time it was worse which meant that "he" was closer. I looked around but didn't see him.

Shia: " Where is he...? "


As I followed the sound of his laugh, I looked up and saw him on the roof. There Hiruma was following Sena's every move with a pair of binoculars. Suddenly he jumped from the roof and landed on the ground with out a scratch on him. I felt my eye twitch....Probably because his very presence pisses me off.


He looked my way and simply replied with a " Tch ".

Hiruma: " None of your goddamn business fucking princess. "

He zoomed off in the direction Sena and the 3 idiot's went while carrying a machine gun. Apparently " Fucking Princess " is my name to him. With him, someone is always " fucking something "...............Wait.....Shouldn't I be going after Sena?......

Shia: " ...SHIT! DON'T WORRY SENA! I'M COMING!!!!!!!!!! "

It took me awhile but I ended up following them at the train station. I saw one of the trains leaving but where was Sena? Then I heard a moan of pain coming from the ground. When I looked, I saw the 3 guys on the ground in a pile with Hiruma sitting on one of them.

Hiruma: " YA HA! TOUCHDOWN! "

Something happened...But what? Wheres Sena? And why were the 3 guys in a jumbled mess? Looks like I had no choice but to ask Hiruma.

Shia:" What the fuck happened?!

He looked my way and smirked as usual

Hiruma: " Like I said before, None of your goddamn business fucking princess. "

Shia: " It's going to become my fucking business if you mess with Sena!! "

He looked like he was forming a plan when all of the sudden his wicked grin got wider.

Hiruma: " How's this fucking princess. Lets make a deal. "

A deal? With Hiruma?! This doesn't sound good. Not good at all. What the hell was he planning?!

Shia: " What kind of deal...? "

Hiruma smirked and snickered.

Hiruma: " The fucking pipsqueaks got the legs of a great running back. And with his speed we can make the Christmas bowl. Let him join the team and he won't be picked on by other people ever again. "

I looked at him a bit shocked. Can he really make sure that Sena won't be bullied? Then again this is Hiruma were talking about and he isn't exactly the most trust worthy person in the world. There has to be a catch.

Shia: " Whats the catch. There's always a catch. "

Hiruma: " Your a demanding little bitch aren't you? Well our team is in dying need of a manager. That will be you. "

Shia: " Manager? What would I have to do? "

Hiruma: " Help with strategies, bring water for the team, video tape the games, promote the team, get players etc. "

Manager huh? Well I guess I could do that, plus I'll be able to watch over Sena.

Shia: " ....It's like making a deal with the devil... "

Hiruma: " Kekekekeke...You got it princess. So whats your answer? "

Shia: " ...Fine. Sena can be on the team...and I'll be the fucking manager...But I swear to god if you hurt him your heads gonna be hanging from the roof of Tokyo tower!!!!! "

" Tch. Practice is after school, be there with water fucking princess " He said as he walked away.

Something tells me that this deal would change mine and Sena's life.....for better or for worse.
♠ ♠ ♠
" None of your goddamn business fucking princess. "
THAT RHYMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
