To Live Without it Means to Not Live at All

To Live Without it Means to Not Live at All part 8

I wake up to my alarm clock beeping meaning that it was 6:00 am. I lay back and stare that the ceiling thinking of ways to not go to school then I remember I have a lab to do in Chemistry that I cannot make up. I groan and get out of bed.

Once i was done taking a quick shower I walk over to my closet to pick out clothes for the day. I decided on just a white tank top, black skinny jeans and my black and white hi-tops. Still in my towel I blow dry my hair and straighten it. I do my normal make up, which consist of heavy black eyeliner, mascara and alittle red lipstick to bring my lips out. I normally don't wear coverup since I dance and end up sweating it off.

I glance at the clock and see that It was 7:05. I quickly get dressed and head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and head straight for the cereal. I grab the Frosted Flakes, my usual breakfast.

"Hey honey" my mom said walking into the kitchen.

"Goodmorning mom. I didn't know you were here. I thought you'd be at the office by now" I say pouring some milk.

"I decided to go in alittle late this morning. Amber is opening the office today" she said walking over to the fridge and grabbing some juice.

"No coffee this morning?" I ask sitting down at the island

"Not really in the mood for it. Juice is better for you. Never drink coffee love"

"You never go a morning without coffee mom"

"Are you nervous for your recital on Friday?" she asked. I thought it was kind of weird she changed the subject but I let it drop.

"Kinda. I've never done a jazz solo before"

"I'm sure you'll be great"

"Are you guys going?"

"Of course. Do we ever miss one?"

"Well no..." I say getting up and putting my bowl in the sink.

"So yes we will be there"

"Okay. Just making sure" I say putting away the cereal and milk. "I'll see you later mom."

"Have a good day."

"You too" I walk over and give her a kiss on the cheeck.

I grab my keys that were hanging on the key-ring by the door. I use to always forget to hang them there but now it's just a habbit now. I learned after I lost the like 20 times. I slip on my black jacket, red beanie and black scarf. It was like below freezing outside. It's crazy how fast the weather changes here. One day it will be like 100 outside then the next will be like 30. I walk outside and feel the cold weather sting my face. I quickly shut the door and head over to my car. There was dew all over the grass so my shoes ended up getting wet as I cut across it.

"Do you want a ride?"

I turn to see who asked. "I do have a car"

Shay was standing by his car with his keys in his hand. "I know."

I think for a moment. The heater in my car did suck and took about 10 minutes to work and i would be at school by then.

"Um.... sure?"

He seemed alittle shocked that I agreed. "Hop in" He said turning around and getting into his car.

I quickly walk over and slip into his truck. "Why'd you ask if i wanted a ride?"

"I remember your mom saying that she needed to fix your heater soon and I didn't want you to freeze before you go to school" he said starting the truck and turning on the heater.


He nodded and put a cd in. Soon the sound of The Used starting playing. I like this band as well so I was happy with his choice.

The ride to school was quiet. We both were caught up in the music and there was nothing to say. I see the school building come into view and looked over at Shay.

"How am I suppose to get home if I don't have my car?"

"Me of course. I wouldn't make you walk"

"What about your image? Wouldn't I ruin it?"

He looks over at me and smiles. "I don't care. If I did I wouldn't of asked you if you wanted a ride."

"True" I smile and look back out the window. "I'll just meet you by it after school. Sound good?"

"Or I can just meet you at your locker and we can walk out together...?" he said pulling into a parking place.

"Okay then."

We get out of the car and start walking towards the school.

"Hey we have a lab in Chemistry. Do you want to work together?" he asks me

"Um sure?" I'm starting to feel weird with him always asking to do something with me. I mean he hasn't in years.


We walking into the buliding together and I notice that alot of people were staring at us. I look over at Shay, he seems to notice it too and looks over at me. He gives me one of his beautiful smiles. "Ready?"

I look around and look back at him. "I guess" I say with a small smile.

I can already feel that today is gone to be one long day....