Shotgun Sinner!

Chapter 1: You Wouldn't Want to Wake Him

Chapter 1: You Wouldn't Want To Wake Him

My feet padded softly across the threadbare floor.. Beer cans and cigarette butts littered the floor in the small apartment. It smelled of sex, weed, cigarette smoke, and alcohol..
Thankfully I wore no shoes, so as not to wake my supposed lover..

I took care not to accidentally kick one of the cans, I didn't want to wake him up, from his after sex slumber. His faux love caressed me by day with gentle love and kisses; in public.
Then as we were alone he abused me, sexually, verbally, and physically..
I was torn apart from the inside. No one could see.. I covered it up with make-up in the mirror, and told myself that if he did it again is would be over..

'It was never over though.. I didn't have the courage to end it. Who knows what would happen? He would probably beat me again.. He did when he was happy. What would he do when he was angry?' I shuddered at the thought.

I crept into the kitchen. I had just left the bedroom. We had sex. Against my will once again. Sex was nothing without love, and I'm almost certain he didn't love me.. ' Did he?
Why do I let him do this to me? Why the fuck was I so weak?'